

正如我在之前的博客中提到的,“回归自然”这句话很好地适用于塞普·霍尔泽在他的实验农场所做的一切。让我们以蜗牛为例。他是怎么对付蔬菜上的蜗牛的?嗯,这是一个项目。他种植了大量所谓的“鸟樱桃树”。长在这种树上的樱桃很小,鸟类可以吃到。霍尔泽采了一些樱桃制作果酱,但剩下的留在那里被鸟儿吃掉。那些鸟也喜欢吃蜗牛。因此,没有必要用人造化学物质毒害蜗牛。蜗牛的数量因为吃了甜樱桃而增加了鸟类的数量而减少。 If we study nature, we will find answers to our problems there. This is only one example of how Holzer is trying to »work with the nature and not against it «, like he often says. Let us take a look at mental illness. What useful techniques can we learn from nature? Sleeping hours are surely one point at which nature has got it all figured out. One thing is for sure. The night is meant for sleeping. And the calming evening energies are there for us to shift our mind to »lower frequencies « before going to bed. Let us use that, before we ask our psychiatrist to give us sleeping pills. Evening parties, loud music, watching exciting movies or the news before going to bed are not going to help people with insomnia to fall asleep. Watching the sunset and listening to the wind will. It is also very important that one has regular bed time hours. That way one uses the power of night to rest. If the brain gets enough rest at night, one will be active in the day time and get enough sun light, which is also very important for the brain to function properly. You can read more about modern lifestyle affecting our sleep at: http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2010/09/01/2999748.htm Another point, where nature and a sensitive brain can meet is food. A lot of mental patients try sugar avoidance, because large quantities of sugar somehow put us out of balance. First sugar calms you down, but very soon afterwards you get nervous because the body wants more sugar. There is no need to stop eating sugar, unless you have diabetes of course. However, one can try eating less sugar. Nature has a perfect solution to that: fruits instead of junk food. Fruits contain lower quantities of sugar that do not disrupt the brain. And last but not least a stroll through a forest or around a lake is one of the most effective relaxation techniques after a rough day. Nature is always there for us. Seize the day. Holzer says human beings are made to own at least some amount of land and grow food on it. That is not always possible, however nature walks are. Take advantage of what nature offers.



