“我们现在祖父母,这太奇妙了!”– your anecdotes are well out-of-date. You never see my sister. You show up with a couple toys and then leave. The last time you spent any amount of time with my sister was when you screamed a bunch of racist bullshit at her. In front of her kids. She doesn't want to speak to you now.
“我们可以坐着,说话,笑!”Yeah, you sit in your little hovel and wait for people to come to you. Maybe once something like this has happened, but not recently. You loathe everyone. Everyone loathes you. Your kids talk to each other and know what the others really think – that you're assholes and they can't stand being around you for more than 5 minutes because you're so ignorant and abusive.
“是的,这就是为什么我有这么多朋友!”If your friends are anything like your other "friends" that I've met, they roll their eyes at you as soon as you turn away. I've met some. They look at me with pity and say, "Yeah, your dad is... out there."
“我研究这个领域!我读过书!这是科学事实!”And so are the other thousands of contrary scientific facts. GOD. Pull your head out of your rear end and stop pretending like you wield the utimate truth. You don't. You're a horrible racist and fanatical, sadistic Darwinist. You're not in it for the science, or the truth – you're in it for whatever convenient "facts" you can dig up that suit your hypothesis.