

我真的不知道从哪里开始这里是……大家好,我的名字是Ruby惠兰。我19岁了,住在英国。我不能记得我的问题开始或原因。控制我的情绪,我有一个问题我很容易变得很沮丧。我知道抑郁症的最近的攻击是由我的长期合作伙伴和未婚夫被欺骗我。现在我想工作,但是我需要听到真理,他说这只是一个玩笑,他没有任何意义。但是我所有的朋友给我看了他发送的短信。我的朋友。他甚至有勇气发送一个我最好的朋友。 I am not mad though, well, not at him. I am mad at myself for not leaving him sooner. He then discovered I had found a new partner. Now I was happy. But he kept sending horrible messages and threatening to mess up my new partners car and make his life hell. I got very wound up. So I said to my partner and my friends that I am going to the Algarve for 10 days, to visit my father and to get away. Now this has brought on more depression from being away from the people I love and because my fathers new girlfriend hates me. I have tried to get on with her. She gives me evils or the cold shoulder. So I just tend to ignore her but it does hurt. I want my father to be happy, I mean why not, he was unhappy married to my mother. My mother is happy, he is happy so there is no problem, right? Wrong. It has now been discovered my father had affairs before he asked my mother for a divorce, claiming she had affairs... My family is a little messed up. Understatement... Back on the subject of my ex. He sent a text to one of my friends saying "I have just slept with another guy and loved it" Now I am not against gays or lesbians or Bi-Sexuals. I am Bi - sexual. But he went on to say "I am doing this to make Ruby upset. I am waiting for her relationship with Mike to fail and for her to run back to me" What? For one I would never run back to him in the first place and secondly I have my friends to support me. This text just made me even more repulsed. Another problem. I have a friend who has had a crush on me for about 4 years now... He will not stop telling me this. I think he is a great person. I get on really well with him. But I am in a relationship that I love. My partner and I are soul mates and best friends. I keep trying to tell my friend that, he says aww and then changes the subject very quickly, but it always comes back to him telling me he is interested. If there is someone out there who can help me sort out this mess in my head, I would be very grateful.



