

在新泽西有吨的雪!昨晚学校被取消了。我认为唱诗班练习会被取消,但我真的很高兴,不是因为它是绝对值得去。alto的不是秀热现在因为他们没有学习的部分歌曲像他们应该。哦,不是我的问题。Sop 2的拿着自己的,这就是我可以要求!

因为它是雪的一天,每个人都是回家。现在,我需要我的独处时间,这虫子死我。现在是中午时间,我通过两个小时的人home-lol。我的哥哥并不是那麽糟,我可以处理他。妈妈想睡觉在沙发上这真的令我感到,因为是下午,你为什么睡觉? ? !每当我睡在中间的一天,她总是冲我大吼,说这是大萧条时期得到最好的我,我不应该如何避免的东西,等等。练习你所说的母亲!但是,她不喜欢。我的治疗师也知道。 Actually, she has seen it. That, however, is another blog entry. Once I'm home alone and can think and can trust that people aren't watching what I'm typing (bc our computer is in the living room/main area of the house), then I'll do like an intro entry and go more indepth about myself. Last but not least, there's my father, who I really don't favor. He tries to talk to me like I care, comments like I want to know, and complains like nothing is his fault. I can't take it. Take responsibility for your own damn actions. Hell, just go back to work and STAY there! He gets under my skin but I'm trying my best not to let that get to me, at least not today.

我周四下午3点评估普林斯顿的房子。我们将会看到他们所说的,如果我有资格获得项目。这将是有趣的,看看他们说因为大多数人看不到过去的我的高功能水平。他们不理解我可以早上起床去工作和学校做得很好,而我可以切割和抑郁,甚至自杀,和分离。然而,这就是我做的。我高度的函数。为什么?- - - - - -because that's what I've always done. If I wasn't high functioning then people would suspect something was wrong and I don't want that; I want to hide it. SO, I do what's acceptable to society--I put myself into work and school 100% that way, nobody thinks anything of it. The people who know me know that this is what I do and are aware of it. I have gotten better though. The only problem is what to say when people ask me, "How are you?" This too is for another blog entry but long story short, I never know how to answer them. Are people asking to be polite or asking because they really want to know? In my opinion, I'd rather people not ask if they don't really want the truth.




