

我出生在阿兹州钱德勒。我母亲在怀孕期间吸食海洛因和其他毒品,还酗酒。让我补充一下,她知道自己怀孕了,但还是做了那些事。我生下来就是个瘾君子。告诉那些不知道FAS是胎儿酒精中毒综合症的人,我去扔可卡因。我妈设法没进监狱,还得到了我的抚养权。那就是让我几天没人照顾,没有我的小机器,如果我有哮喘发作,没有药物治疗。幸好警察找到了我。我妈妈病倒了,把监护权给了我奶奶,她的妈妈。我的祖父母很好,除了偶尔挨打。我叔叔的儿子也和我们住在一起。 He was a basterd who always picked on me and called me nigger. Opps did i forget to telly you my mom is white and my dad..... well i dont know some other color besides white.My uncle molested me from age 3 (my earlyiest memory) to 17. Hes admited to molesting me scince i had gotten to the house. I would of been a little under 1. To much for me to fathom right now. Funny how he wanted to be a nazie but he was screwing his neice who was not white. Aint that a no no in there rule book. I started cutting when i was 7. Started smoking when i was 8. Became a type 1 diabetic at 11. Man life sometimes throw a curve ball at you and sometimes 2 or 3 or.......A hell of a lot of them.I have nightmares,Flashbacks. I see things, and i talk to trees. (look at my other blog post). I got myself one hell of a mind just dont know what to do with it or how to control it. I would of been a great actor in One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest. Hell if you would taped my whole life it could of been called that. Well thats all for now folks.. as buster bunny would of said.

(2009年8月10日)。我个人过去。一个搞砸了的人生。, HealthyPlace。2022年10月1日从//www.5wetown.com/support-blogs/myblog/My-Personal-Past.-One-screwed-up-life检索到。


