

我昨天去看了医生。我本来只是去跟社工谈谈然后去拿药的。我住的地方有心理健康中心,如果你付不起每小时150美元的费用,你可以去那里。医生。你每月去看一次社工,有一段时间我得到了免费药物,但他们发现我有医疗保险,有药物保险,所以没有免费药物了。然后我大约每三个月去看一次医生,看看我的药吃得怎么样。我告诉社工,我已经抑郁一个多月了,我想让医生给我开抗抑郁药。按照那边的办事方式,当他带我去看医生的时候,我很惊讶。所以,我的医生决定用Lexepro因为我还在服用其他药物。我还患有多动症、焦虑症和一种红斑狼疮。 So I take about 15 different meds. everyday. And some of them , like prednisone can make you depressed. So it seems like I have to take a drug to counteract this drug and so on. Still trying to find a therapist that takes medicare, I'm disabled and my wife is in nursing school and working part time. So we can just barely pay they bills. Thank God our cars are paid off. I just hope this Lexapro works fast and lifts me out of this depression. If anyone who reads this blog and is familiar with Lexapro, please message me and let me know what your experience with it is. Well I guess that's all for now.

(2010年7月14日)。让我们试一下......., HealthyPlace。检索于2023年1月11日,从//www.5wetown.com/support-blogs/myblog/Let%27s-give-this-a-try.......

