

今天早上我完成了835英里。这是一个奇妙的感觉和一个美妙的旅程。硅谷正在改变颜色,和愚昧湖从未看起来更漂亮。在秋天的一切都晶莹剔透,非常充满活力。我无法身体是周四在华盛顿集会,庆祝。然而,我发送一个简短的演讲,我希望会读我缺席。我随信附上了下面这个。同时,我要感谢所有鼓励我这样做的人。你不知道多少它帮助激励我继续伐木英里和不放弃。谢谢你,谢谢你,谢谢你。 Love, Mieke Jeanne I am very proud to be a "Virtual Walker" for The Walk to D.C. for Depression Awareness. Although I was unable to join the walkers from St. Louis to D.C., I committed to walk/bike/and hike the 835 miles over the past 6 months. This has been a wonderful opportunity and I am grateful and proud to have traveled this journey. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life, however it has only been in the past 2 years that I have truly begun to seek help and receive treatment. Prior to this, I believed this this illness was a sign of personal weakness and that I was a failure for not being able to "get it together". I was terrified to acknowledge what I was going through, and scared to tell family and friends that I was suffering. I have now begun the slow process of accepting my depression and anxiety and learning how to manage and live with it without feeling ashamed. The Walk to D.C. for Depression Awareness has been a major part of this. This walk has given me the opportunity to be proactive about my condition. When I walked I felt as though I was taking control of this illness, and when I needed motivation, I reminded myself of the times when it was too hard to even get off the couch. It has also helped me to be honest with family and friends by asking for their support and sharing my story. The support has been tremendous and encouraged me to continue the journey. This morning I finished the 835 miles. However, my journey is far from over. Depression needs to be discussed, not hidden. By promoting awareness and keeping an open dialogue about mental illness we help to can reduce the stigma. Congratulations to everyone who has taken part in this walk.



