

我不确定从哪里开始。我想说,我很好,我没有伤害自己,只要我让人相信。我昨天会见了我的顾问。她很兴奋听到这个消息我告诉我的朋友,我在思考我自己,但没有受伤。她吓坏了,真的。我终于得到它和学习积极的方式来释放我的感情和情绪。我的内心感觉他们皱巴巴的,因为我知道我的情况的真实性。当我搬到我目前的生活状况,规定之一是,我不能在房子里。我很好。我知道这将是一场斗争,但我绝对认为这是可行的。 Unfortunately, my sobriety didn't last for too long. Every visit I made back to my home town brought back memories from my past. I did my best to not be there mentally, but in reality there was no escaping it. One day about a month ago the homeowner had a confrontation/intervention moment with me. She thought it had been since Easter weekend that I had resorted to self-harm, but it had been more recent than that. She reiterated that this kind of behavior was not acceptable in her house. Here's where I'm struggling...the addict inside of me bends these rules as much as possible. I know that the behaviors that I continue in are the same kind of issues that are not acceptable in the house. But because it's not cutting I have convinced myself that it is acceptable. So here I am. I'm broken, full of shame, needing someone to talk to about these thoughts that won't stop running through my head. I hide my addiction and have started finding alternative methods of self-injurious behavior. Every day seems to be a struggle to continue living like this. Will I ever be free from this addiction? Can I ever be honest with those that care for me?



