我想公开出来。我想出来很多!此时此刻,我穿绿色的t恤,说,“我是一个幸存者,”我有另一个说“记住错话。”I want to design a shirt with changeable Velcro mood patches. It's time for me to面对耻辱让世界知道我到底是谁,或者帮助别人。我不想行为不当或被讨厌的;只是代理正常变得适得其反。
每一次我告诉别人,我有双相情感障碍他们说,“我不知道,”或“我的表弟(朋友,亲戚)双相,“或者,在一个案例中,“嗯,那只是让我更爱你。”Most people seem to forget about it unless I bring it up again. All of this has encouraged me to tell people about my illness.
唯一的负面经历是当我在Facebook上发布了一些关于双相,和我姐姐看到它。她打电话给我的母亲有工作,然后叫我的丈夫因为他们”而言,尤其是,我会让我的孩子们。”Clearly, my sister is the one who was embarrassed, and I was really upset that several members of my family were talking about me, not to me. I called my sister and asked that, in the future, she contact me directly with any questions or concerns. Her response: She didn't speak to me for the entire Thanksgiving weekend. So, don't assume that family members will be supportive. They get concerned about how my illness and accompanying stigma might affect them. In other words, I embarrass them.
是否上市是一个个人的决定,和我花了八年。我现在感觉明显更好的关于我自己,我“出柜”。I would encourage others to do so if they feel comfortable—my only suggestion is to take plenty of time and bloom slowly.
员工,h .(2015年1月30日)。我有双相情感障碍:慢慢盛开,HealthyPlace。检索2023年8月23日,从//www.5wetown.com/stigma/stories/blooming-slowly