






性,你是一个保时捷:男性体内的睾丸素可以从零到角质在6秒。你的女朋友更像是劳斯莱斯。“雌激素是慢,越挑剔女性觉醒缓慢得多黛博拉·布卢姆说:“作者对大脑的性。“那是因为,一年,一个男性可以数以百计的女人怀孕,而女人只能成功怀孕一次,所以她选择了故意。”This lends itself to foreplay, which for her isn't what happens 10 minutes before the Main Event. "It's the whole tone of the relationship," says Dr. Aline Zoldbrod, a Boston-based sex therapist and author of Sex Smart. "It's whether you remembered to call her yesterday or whether you rubbed her shoulders this morning while she made coffee." This is part of why the search for a "female Viagra" is so elusive. For men, foreplay is simple mechanics. For women, it's about an entire relationship.


男性的觉醒是视力和视觉图像密切相关(因此,数十亿美元的色情业),而女性则更习惯于联系。女人的触觉进化为照顾婴儿。你,另一方面,有手设计粗糙的工作——比如用石块打水牛的头,随后迅速取出内脏。性接触时,忘记黄金法则:别对她就像你期望做给你。人公司引起的,直接触摸生殖器在任何时间:在性爱之前,在性交过程中,在凯马特。“女人喜欢一种更轻的触摸,很少或根本没有生殖器接触,直到我们真的真的,“Zoldbrod说。“而不是只盯着阴道,认为她的觉醒是一个电流贯穿她整个身体。”Or, as MF sex columnist Sarah Hedley puts it, "Men should train themselves to be less peno-centric."


两个性别通常开始在同一性页面但最终阅读两个完全不同的书。“在一段关系的哦,哇!阶段,男性和女性看到性一样,“Zoldbrod说。“他们不能得到足够的。但之后,男性比女性优先性更高,从而导致冲突”。Women view sex as something that requires surplus energy. A man wants to boff even if he has only one calorie left in his body. "It makes sense," says Zoldbrod. "Women are much more distractible, and they have to work harder and focus more to have an orgasm. For women, sex is like cross-country skiing, while for men, it's an easy downhill run." The trick: Help ease her burdens outside the bedroom and thus help save her energy for, you know, later. Maybe that means you're picking up the dry cleaning or doing the dishes.


女性更精明的读者的面部表情,并有充分的理由。“早在我们的历史上,男人不仅是危险的其他男人,但女人,也“布卢姆说:“与女性需要能够识别微妙的危险信号。此外,女性总是需要阅读婴儿的面孔。”Not surprisingly, males often miss subtle expressions that indicate changes in mood--especially when distracted by, say, Game 7 of the Series. For modern men, this may result in chronic "Honey, I didn't know you were upset" syndrome. In other words, your lady can signal to you that she's pissed without throwing a cartoonish tantrum or acting like the angry protagonist of an Alanis Morissette song. Watch her face for subtle signs--she's watching yours.


最近采样的花束冗长的洗衣袋吗?注意武器级金枪鱼沙拉的味道在你的冰箱渗透厨房吗?没有?嗯,她做的。女性比男性有更强的嗅觉。“他们从气味获得关键的合作伙伴的信息,尤其是男人的汗水,“布卢姆说。“他们比男人更情感适应的气味选择伴侣时。”What to do? Aside from being hygienic and healthy, you can't do much about your personal chemistry. And don't ever try to change that fact by bathing in a bottle of Turbo cologne. "This is one of the biggest mistakes men make," says Blum. "Let the female choose the cologne--she'll have an attachment to it, and to you." One more thing: Never try to cover the stench of eau de Pabst and an evening at a strip club with an Altoid. She'll know. Trust us.


你上次是什么时候走到吧台在当地的酒吧和要求一个“苹果Flirtini”吗?我们没有。“女人是更多适应甜味的作者之一艾伦·皮斯说,“为什么男人不知道,女人总是需要更多的鞋子。“这是一个重要的能力,回到他们收集浆果和决定哪些是好的,哪些是毒药。”Indeed, the key to a woman's heart--and attendant girly parts--may well be her stomach. If, that is, you have enough Godiva truffles. "The chemicals in good chocolate can put women into a kind of trance," says Zoldbrod. "It may well also be cultural, as men love chocolate, too. But some women even prefer chocolate to sex if their partner isn't up for the job. I suspect that's not so true of men."


只是我们,还是看起来像女性眼睛在头上?“与大多数男人,大多数女人可以看到在45度角从每一方而根本不需要把他们的头,”皮斯说。“在拥挤的社交场合,你的女朋友知道不仅是谁看着你,但他们所说的关于你的事。她还知道你溜了一眼,金发女郎在角落里。”So, while female peripheral vision is more acute--the better to patrol territory and see who's sneaking up on the brood--men have the vision of survivalist killing machines. "Men are target-hitters," says Pease. "They have extraordinary tunnel vision to target and kill distant prey." Got a girl? Buy her some blinders.


这是很重要的,男人:“女性通常有更好的听觉,”布卢姆说。“从历史上看,他们总是倾听孩子。另一方面,男性更有可能是性冲动的声音。”But take heart: The sound of your voice is absolutely essential for putting her in the mood. "Women like to hear more verbalizing before sex and are more attuned to language," says Zoldbrod. "For men, the fact that a woman wants to make love with them is enough. Women take it for granted you want to sleep with them. They want to know that you appreciate them. They want to hear that they're beautiful, that they're fun, and that you're willing to deal with a relationship, not just a sexual partner."



员工,h .(2021年12月27日)。性:这是不同的女孩,HealthyPlace。检索2022年12月20日,从//www.5wetown.com/sex/men/sex-its-different-for-girls


