

BBC纪录片躯体变形障碍BDD患者可能变得异常最关心身体的任何部分虽然一些比其他的更典型的问题。他们的头的形状,他们的乳房,生殖器,皮肤、牙齿、鼻子,头发有一些例子可能的问题。进一步想象或夸张的生理缺陷的例子包括,一个人的身体变形,身体有疤痕或标志,他们的身体是老龄化非常快,身体的部分太大或太小,或者身体部位是不对称的。患有BDD也从事强迫行为,为了减少执行引起的不适的信念在外表的感知缺陷。诊断出患有BDD的人们可能重复寻求别人的安慰对外表,有多个手术来改变外表,或参加许多医生的预约来解决他们的外表。不幸的是,这些行为通常只会暂时减少不适。事实上,BDD可能成为钢筋和恶化,因为这个暂时缓解创建了一个恶性循环。随着时间的推移,BDD患者遇到许多困难由于他们强烈的信念在外表的缺陷和相关症状来完成减少不适的困扰。他们会避免与人互动由于他们相信身体缺陷引发的负面情绪。不仅这些个体倾向于避免社交,强迫他们的症状可能会消耗大量的时间,因此,限制他们的能力甚至进行日常活动,比如照顾他们的家庭和工作。 Young people with BDD often cannot function effectively in school or participate in extracurricular activities. It is no surprise that BDDers often are frustrated and anxious as well as depressed. Treatment for BDD is focused upon reducing body-focused obsessions and compulsions, re-structuring erroneous and self-defeating thought patterns, and improving the ability to function in life despite appearance concerns. Addressing the emotional distress of these individuals is also essential. Both psychotherapy and medications may be used in the treatment of BDD. Teaching family members and friends to understand and cope with someone who has BDD is often very helpful, as is attending support groups. However, it needs to be recognized that when BDD is very severe intensive treatment may be the only realistic option. Despite the difficulties presented by BDD there are many who can make improvements in treatment. Sometimes the most important steps are the first- willingness to accept that BDD is the problem and keeping an open mind about therapeutic interventions.