









我告诉我的妈妈和姐姐,我是同性恋我16岁的时候。我来自一个小城市在宾夕法尼亚州,偏执,真的很可怕。我不知道别人是同性恋,他们听到这个消息后,我的妈妈和姐姐拒绝跟我说话在接下来的6个月左右。他们会叫我的名字,取笑我,试图说服我,我不是同性恋。直到我18岁的时候,告诉我的大多数其他的朋友和亲戚,我意识到爱,来自总验收。但是,我从来没有后悔做回真的自我。我所有的生活中其他成功来自最困难的决定在我生命的旅程。这是我最自豪的时刻。我在世界各地旅行:中国、日本、玻利维亚、墨西哥。我做了精彩的朋友,有很好的人际关系,和有一个非常富裕的生活(我现在21岁,住在中国北京)。 I know I would not be where I am today if I didn't take that courageous first step and start to fully love myself. I know the pain that comes from having to lie to those you love, the stress that comes from having to pretend to be someone you aren't. Those memories seem so so distant today, but seemed so insurmountable when I was a teenager. I am a great listener and would love to talk to you if you are dealing with gay related problems, if you're feeling sad, need advice, or want to hear how I've gotten to where I am today. I really want to give back to the gay community, to all of us who just want to be who we are, love, and be loved. I look forward to talking with you soon on MSN or through电子邮件。我希望你和平和爱,来自无视黑暗,拥抱真理。真相会让我们获得自由。


我的名字叫Kacie我15岁。这一切都始于我是12岁。我开始意识到我吸引女孩,而不是男孩像我是“假设”,我疯狂地爱上了我最好的朋友特蕾西。一段时间后,我去了我阿姨谁是同性恋,问她要做什么。她告诉我不要告诉特蕾西,我可以把她吓跑。嗯,我听她大约一年但在夏天我就再也忍不住了。我不能看着她的眼睛,防止隐藏这她。所以我叫她在我的房子和我坏了,告诉她。起初,她感到震惊,但告诉我我们之间会发生什么。但是她看起来很酷。但是之后,我们就一直漂流相距越来越远。 Finally, on my 13th birthday, she called me and told me she couldn't be my friend anymore. (that was my wonderful bday present from her) After that day, she stopped returning my phone calls and emails. It absolutely killed me to lose her like that and I turned to my best friend at the time to pick up the pieces. After about 2 months of becoming real close, we crossed the line from friendship to lovers. She became my first girlfriend. We dated for 3 months. She was my first for just about everything, but after 3 months of being together she called me and told me that she cheated on me with a guy. The guy was freaking 22 yrs old. He later went to jail and she also called to tell me that she was pregnant. She then had the nerve to ask me to stick around for the kid. I lost it. I was 13 years old and she was only 15. There was no way I was taking care of her kid and I told her to take a hike and wished her a good life but it tore me apart to do that. It took everything I had to let go of her. I was still in the closet to all of my family except my aunt and all of my friends so no one knew what I was going through and how much I was really hurting inside and I refused to let them see that. I just couldn't take the pain that I was feeling at the time, so I started to cut myself - but never enough to bleed and then one night I decided that this was it I was done with life. I had nothing to live for. I lost all of my friends when I lost my girlfriend. People were saying things behind my back, rumors were flying around the school about me because of my old friend Tracy and my ex-girlfriend. So I decided August 23, 2003 would be my last day here on this earth. I had it all planned out. I had the note written and everything, but that night I ended up seeing my hero, Terri Clark, in concert instead and that night she made me change my mind about killing myself. She showed me that night that it was okay to be me and that it didn't matter what other people said and she gave me the strength to carry on. Still, to this day, when I have a bad day, I turn to her music to pull me through. I am now completely out to my school and to my family. Some of my family doesn't like it, but I don't really care. I lost most of my friends that I did have but I have made new ones that have stood by me since the day we became friends. I am now in the process of fighting for a Gay Students Association all because one teacher reached out and showed me I wasn't alone and she gave me the strength to fight for what I believed in and she showed me that I could grow up and lead a happy life as a lesbian and she is one of my biggest role models. My gay friends in my school have been helping me to start the GSA but we are sure the fight has just begun and we know this will not be an easy fight to win. We live in a extremely homophobic town as I had to learn the hard way. I am now banned from seeing my best friend because I am gay and I am looked down upon by most parents in my town when I use to be the most loved kid by all parents -- all because I have become the spokesperson for the GSA. But I am happier than I have ever been even though I am picked on, looked down upon, and banned from seeing some of my friends. In my mind, I am at least being myself but being yourself always has some consequences.


评论,你好,我叫安德鲁,我16岁和一个homoseuxal。我在去年5月初。我鼓励所有的人仍在壁橱里,虽然它可能会困难一些。还真没有什么可恐惧的,除了拒绝你的家人或朋友。虽然有时会发生许多情况下,它并不总是故事。我的家人和朋友对我依然爱我和接受它。这是我是谁。出来后我感到很放松,我可以做我自己。这种感觉是惊人的。我也交了很多新朋友的经验。 Just remember that you're still their child and they'll love you no matter what. And they might not even be that surprised, being that mine weren't since they have always known...it was a little obvious. So be gay and proud! Don't let what people say or think about you effect how you feel about yourself. There is nothing wrong with it, it is who you are. Love knows no gender.


评论——这对我来说并不难公开我的双性恋,因为我幸运有开明的父母,和惊人的朋友。但有时我不得不怀疑,他们是认真对待我吗?我注意到很多人以为当一个女孩说,她是双性恋,他们似乎认为她只是指性,或不认真“同性恋”。我发现难以置信的错误。双性恋是一种同性恋,双性恋是通过相同的嘲笑。但是似乎没有越过!我不是一个直接的女孩感兴趣和女人睡觉……我不是一个同性恋感兴趣与男人睡觉……我一个人,就像任何其他,我是双性恋,这对我来说,意味着我看不出性别的关系,我看到一个心。双性恋不是一个色情的术语,它是一个全人类的爱。 It took me long enough to come to my conclusion, and all I want is for others to hear it.


员工,h .(2007年8月10日)。出来——同性恋青少年,HealthyPlace。检索2022年11月23日,从//www.5wetown.com/gender/gay-is-ok/coming-out-for-gay-teenagers


