我读了多数的这些评论,因为我打字哭因为我觉得你写的每一件事。我一直在处理抑郁和焦虑多年来,尤其是焦虑从一个非常年轻的年龄。我21岁,没有什么对我来说是容易的。每天我发现自己不想做什么,只是独自一人因为这就是感觉比处理外部世界和周围的人反思自己,人们判断我。我穿上这个假的印象,一切都好,实际上它不是,我沮丧、悲伤和愤怒在我自己有这种感觉,不知道为什么,我怎么能阻止这些感觉。就像其中的一个女士说的,就像一个恶性循环,接管你,每天早上我醒来,希望事情会好的,幸福自然会来。但事实上,我得想想,迫使它需要收费,因为现在我扮演的角色是不真实的一天几个小时长。这样的事情让你只是想独处和隐藏,因为这是你感到安全的地方只是你和削减行动。我和人的关系减少,我与人的沟通几乎没有现在,我想很多在我说话之前,不想说话。我很害怕,我和我现在的男朋友的关系会崩溃,因为我生气接管我的人格。 I’m always randomly depressed and he asks what’s wrong and just to not sound crazy ( so I feel ) I have to make up little stories to explain why I seem unhappy. But I try! I try to make him laugh, I try to bring good vybz even though I know I don’t at times without noticing, and I try to bring love even though I feel lifeless and dead... I still know I love him for certain. I just want to live a normal life like a lot of the people I see, I always find myself studying people and their behaviors and compare it to myself which is terrible because I’m practically beating myself up. The simplest daily life activities feel like weights and somehow never get done with me, starting with just getting out of bed smh, with all these things I overthink everything I’m doing. I haven’t had a job in months and haven’t gone back to college which is killing me and I know I need that and more distractions to get the ball rolling and keep me away from depression and anxiety but I can’t even start it up, I try the process and don’t have with energy for it and to even think of interacting with people at these places makes it worse. Happiness one day I hope will come to me and all of you lovely people ? because this is the hardest thing to go through and a lot of people don’t understand. Seeking help is the first step and I sure will go counseling. Peace love and happiness guys!
现在流行2022年12月后我仍然经常瘫痪,不喜欢社交活动了,在酒吧我之前。但是现在,所以很难。仍然觉得很多抑郁,焦虑和空虚....把我从床上现在,特别是在12月短乌云密布的天,11月真的很恐怖,所以不想起床,没有精力去做任何事情。更糟糕的是,像杂货以外,牙医,把你在街道的拐角处,垃圾的垃圾箱,我不能做下去.....我推迟一切,一切.....焦虑抑郁和肯定远仍在估计的人,这一种疾病,我讨厌. .
去年,我是家庭暴力的受害者。我离开了。我很生气,焦虑和沮丧。我的计划我的生活(包括婚姻、孩子和稳定性)分崩离析。给我提供了清晰。我检查了我的心。我有很多理由快乐的外部(高收入,美好的财富,良好的旅游,等等),但我不开心。我对生活的热情消失了,没有这种激情使我更容易受到心理和生理健康问题。我现在愈合,因为我改变的东西。在我转变的开始,我就像一个机器人——无效的任何附件当天的活动。 I lost my taste for food. I slept all the time. I cried daily. I couldn't find the energy to perform activities I loved. I knew what I needed to do to change, but I was paralyzed by fear. I learned to stop listening to the negative self-talk in my head, and take ownership of my own happiness. Anything that doesn't serve me, I release it.
我很高兴我找到了这个博客,不开心,很多人也在苦苦挣扎。几周前我在住院MDD和焦虑问题。老实说我没有获得太多的停留5天。我药物只是稍微改变,需要时间了解实际工作。我想我感觉比当我走了进去。我的日子——功能在这一点上仍然较低。我醒来感觉瞬间波焦虑当我每天早上的睡眠。我有情绪干扰的梦想几乎每个晚上。它使一天开始错误的处理时,需要几个小时感觉更好。我试图避免服用苯并,我不想要一个从属问题上我已经处理。我采取Vistaryl一天几次,这不是一个地中海上瘾,但不,当然,把苯并给尽可能多的缓解焦虑。这是什么……我不做的时候,我总是觉得我是让我的家人失望,甚至当他们说我不是。只是有些内疚,因为我想感觉更好。I will go for long stretches of time doing well and then because of stress and dwelling on passed issues,i just get overwhelmed...I start thinking obsessively about things that have happened in the past.I can be my own worst enemy!I know it would help to see a therapist,but I don't have the money for it right now. I am a 54 yr old wife,mom and grandma.I thought I would be over this struggle by now..guess not.Its a bitch, it is...But it helps ( in a weird way) knowing I am not alone and need to stop being so hard on myself for having mental illness. But I empathize with others who wish they didn't have this God - awful condition. Everyone hang in there, you aren't alone..there are many others dealing with the same stuff. You aren't a bad person, and people who don't understand or TRY to understand mental illness need to educate themselves and be a support to those who do..It would help alot....
对我来说,这是恶性循环……焦虑笼罩我的喉咙,我的胸口,我的整个身体。我在夜里醒来,我发誓我需要承认的地方。其他天抑郁让我粘在沙发上,用电视地面我试着分散。我担心我不能做什么,焦虑的构建,我瘫痪了……我把一些东西,然后构建结果。我知道我需要帮助,治疗。我有一个,她不会采取金融援助或我的保险;我们有一个伟大的8年的关系。我去年在复苏和半是我一生最糟糕的。 My husband drank and was abusive and I would run. I relapsed. Our oldest was killed in Feb. I've ended contact with my narcissistic father, I'm about to turn 50 and other family members, who he treats like gold, are shocked as they never saw the brutal, vicious side of him reserved for me.
我到达的页面和你们大多数人一样,通过网络搜索抑郁瘫痪。妮可,你的文章是非常近的,我希望你找到一个住的地方。我无法想象如果我需要马上行动起来。我是一个老师在暑假和我花了日复一日在床上,只到楼下吃。我得到了一些事情我是有义务去——一个亲近的人的葬礼和几个重要的家庭功能。我的体重增加了不少,我不能去锻炼或吃任何东西除了处理垃圾食品——需要我起身去洗手间。我只是淋浴每3天左右或当我必须绝对出去。部分我的房子(卧室)看起来像一个收藏者,我没有清洁能源或动机。打电话把我完全麻痹。我需要找到一个杂工来做几个项目在我的房子,但是一想到跟某人似乎是不可能的。 I barely even respond to texts. I can lie in my for 48-72 hours getting up just to get food and go to bathroom. I stay on the laptop all day, mindlessly surfing the internet. I have family visiting from out of state in 2 weeks, and I must clean the house - it is so daunting. And, I am so frustrated and dwelling on all the time I've already wasted where I could have accomplished a lot already by just doing a little a day. Honestly, it has taken a lot out of me just to type this- I feel physically exhausted from doing so. I hope everyone gets to feeling better or somewhat feeling better. Depression is absolutely debilitating.
我累坏了我3月以来经历了从极端萧条。不是我的第一次战斗与抑郁症但这次已经衰弱。我几乎破坏了我的生意的全部只是因为我不能应付照顾学生“个人护理和关注”我总是给那么自由。失去我的家然后一个意外怀孕。必须在2天内移动。仍然没有一个地方去,因为我有我的狗。但她是唯一让我活着没有她所以我哪儿也不去。我所有的钱从这最近会话走进迎头赶上,拯救我的生意。更糟糕的是我有一个室友因为经济原因和我随时瘫痪他们回家了。焦虑躲在我的房间,因为我只是想尝试自己每天生产50 x。 Broke down in tears a bit ago and started googling my problem so I can Try to fix it and found this. Thanks to all of you and the author for sharing and thank you for witnessing me. Not all days are bad but all days have at least a bad moment wholly teething to get courage to participate in life. Even worse everyone looks up to me. I'm tired of my self limiting illness.
我只是用google搜索“制定计划麻痹我。”This page came up. It was strange thinking that there were people just like me, laying in bed Googling to find ways to stop being paralyzed.
这就是我。我不能移动,除非它是别人的。它的疯狂。我觉得自己困在自己的身体/被困。懦弱,害怕我的责任。我知道我必须喜欢——这样做。吸起来,但即使工作——那一刻我休息我发疯,重新开始。我20,现在在大学。杀死我的生产力。我不能为我的任何测试研究自己还是我自己提交。 Often- if I have nobody to study with me- I end up walking into tests completely unprepared although I sit paralysed infront of my books for days before my tests. I DONT KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. there has to be some secret to functioning like a normal person that I do not know. its by god's good grace that I have made it this far - but I cannot keep this up for much longer.
从哪里开始?这个心理问题渗透在我的脑海里似乎人饱受焦虑引起的瘫痪。每一天都是另一个没有堆东西或做家务我希望可以开始吗?我到达条件后一些早期的情绪压力打到一个严重事故导致现在第二个十年的慢性疼痛。我无法容忍大多数任何类型的药物(痛苦的经历发现。)多长时间我告诉自己我会恢复至少我旧的自我的一部分如果我足够努力,足够倔强……如果不是明天,下周,下个月,明年。事实上,我是我自己最严厉的批评。看似攀爬的这么多年的许多陡峭,岩石悬崖跌回底部时间和一次又一次都焦头烂额的努力。也许是时候让自己舒适的悬崖的底部,可以得出结论,我将留在原地不动。每天我觉得有权不包括我呼吸的空气,我无法实现的标准从我面目全非的自己。 I feel for the most part, completely invisible as I've come to never leave my home outside of an absolutely necessary medical appointment. This is partly because my chronic pain becomes more intolerable with sitting upright or standing for 10-15 minutes or more. Quite some years ago, anxiety became so heightened that the smallest of daily tasks became insurmountable. Years ago I began giving my doctors my own opinion of how I saw my condition as a whole...That I'd be a happier and more productive person if I were able to switch bodies and places with a healthy prisoner who was perhaps serving a life sentence than living as what I feel to be "living dead." My strength to move through another day by God only. I certainly realize that I'm not first nor the only suffering soul as many suffer and some far greater than I. Neither will I be the last while humans tread. However, the battles of anxiety's daily mental noises suffocating productivity so that it becomes as a museum worthy episode...Makes each day a marked challenge. So each day and each moment of that day is heavily branded upon seemingly each of my brain cells with the thought of yet one more yesterday of missed opportunities...Where do I begin?
这就是我,苏珊。每一个仔细考虑词是完美的。我们如何得到帮助当我们知道但不能前进运动的方式。假装过任何不提供舒适的键盘缓冲区匿名喜欢我让我感觉触电与恐慌。如果不是一个键盘,我就不能组成句子。至少我写什么,在网上发布我可以读取一千倍,最终删除证明如果我无法让自己让它‘只是’。我想要的生活。我配不上任何一种生活。我想要帮助吗?我只是一个被宠坏的乳臭未干的小孩吗? What about people with real life threatening problems? And I’m over here complaining about how I’m too scared to end it all. Would my kids rather a bedridden mental health nightmare for a Mother over being free from me forever? I’m not suicidal. I know the stats for children with a parent who has committed suicide. I don’t drink, or use any illegal drugs to cope. I can CDT/DBT like a Mother $&cker and do the steps to small victories and I feel absolutely nothing. No relief. Just more of the same. If I lay really still and busy my mind with news articles and be given the gift of some sleep in the day I am thrilled. Then the guilt sets in. What an haven’t done. What I can’t seem to do. Why can I not stay fixed. More anxiety. Fortune telling. All or nothing. You name the distortion, I’ll provide you with examples. When there is a way to fix a broken brain with a broken brain, I would like the opportunity to try please.
嘿苏珊,中东欧,可能,我想和你分享一个小故事,我希望能提供的光在你绝望的时刻。我护理兼职了一个女人刚满78和绑定到椅子上了六年自从她中风。最近,她表示她想建立强度与正念,学会更好地管理她的痛苦。我为她整理一系列简短的练习(非常简单的事情她可以做在椅子上),以及一些瑜伽呼吸工作。她的主要照顾者一直在与她的日常生活。上周她告诉我,她现在可以举起她的手,胳膊6年来首次。她展示了她的丈夫和我,我们很吃惊。我问她怎么知道她能做到,她回答说:“我不知道。我只是尝试一天,问我的胳膊和它合作。她说她的痛苦也被削弱。 I'm not sharing this to suggest that people can will their way out of agony, anxiety, or depression. I'm also not suggesting that yoga is a magical cure. However, I wanted to ask you guys if you've tried any kind of mindfulness or somatic (body) work. I've been astounded at some of the healing I've watched over the years--people being able to love their bodies and heal painful trauma. These are some of the small things that can give us meaning in life.
所以我并不孤独。智穷才尽时刻我用谷歌搜索了“我是瘫痪的恐惧。”I've recognized this fear before from childhood..only there was something to fear back then. My dangerously abusive brother who beat me savagely up until I was pulled from the home after I attempted suicide. That fear was recently rebooted when I was faced with this man at my older brothers funeral. I wasn't aware that HE would be present as he is in prison. But he was there, and made threats as well. This has seemingly put me back to being a little kid, paralyzed hidding under the porch steps again while he stalked me so he could beat me. But there isn't anything stalking me. I lost my job, I look up jobs think I could do that, but am panick struck when I need to act on it. This isn't fun, feelings of being a failure or weak are like cement in my chest and a weight over my body. What is wrong with you!!?? I say to myself. Reading the post and comments I think has helped me pin point this. I've repeated a mantra in my head saying no to fear but it isn't working. I don't want meds, I just want to control my own shit. But powerless to do so. I'm going deeper into depth, deeper into dispair. I don't see away out. I talk to no one about this for fear of ridicule or judgements because I thought no one would get it. I think this helped but really clueless as to what to do. If I can't depend on myself I think that's a game over situation. Which leads me to understand now, why some people do what they gotta do. I don't have that option though. So the long hard road out of hell is what I seek. Anyone got directions?
这是我每天甚至应该令人兴奋的东西。包装我应该为我的假期,但是我在做什么? ?瘫痪躺在这里,试图通过墙我已经建立了我的头,我筋疲力尽,我刚起床不久以前。我知道的唯一方式战斗起来,想做就做....但它与阿普唑仑甚至是相当困难的。我讨厌这样的生活每天都是很累的。我的治疗师和我都工作,但我希望有一个快捷方式。我不希望是这样,我相信没有人做。
谢谢你写这篇文章。我53和荷尔蒙过山车中称为“围绝经期”。It's kicking my you-know-what! Last week I was as focused, competent and productive as I was at 30. For the last three days, I have been inert, depressed, indecisive and today, paralyzed. I try to flog myself mentally - to no avail. I eat sugar, drink caffeine, take "mental energy" herbs...all to no avail. I know that this will simmer down in a few days and I'll just be at my "normal" level of depression, but I'm in the abyss right now. Thank you, too, to all of you who have so bravely shared your comments. It means a lot to know I'm not alone.
哇!梅勒妮!什么了不起的想法——每小时做一个任务!我将立即应用在我的情况下。那真的很有用,非常感谢!和PS -我来自一个出言不逊,我知道这很难让它滚得远远。我的小时候的秘密武器是每天计划(从11岁起,当我第一次认识到堕落)计划如何我要远离她。它工作!我能逃到大学才16岁!我建议你可以考虑偷偷地制定计划,搬到别的地方?
这可能听起来像一个可怕的事,但感觉欣慰,也有人正在经历我经历什么。听起来陈词滥调,但是的你通过这激烈的隔离使人觉得你是世界上唯一一个经历。和自私让我宽慰的是,我不是唯一一个这样的痛苦,也给了我希望,我可以处理它。我已经处理了很多年。但这一波异常。让我说,我认为的解决方案之一是不要孤立自己。我感觉更好,当我在别人面前不是很多人会激怒我像陌生人一样,但一个或一个并不完全讨论或激怒你。被生产在某种程度上是有益的。与提升,我把一个骑了10块钱啊哈10整箱smdh但事实上,我在我的车,开车让我感觉像少一个完整的失败者。46岁,尽管我撒谎,告诉每个人36岁,我感觉最晚的时候像一个完整的浪费空间。我知道我不但是有这个小唠叨的声音说,是的,你是你完成了什么? You do nothing but be sad complain and be depressed all day you lay on the sofa now that you have one because I was homeless last year you get yourself together and then you put yourself back in a situation to lose it all again. It's a vicious cycle. And I am fighting this demon call depression tooth-and-nail with my full spirit. If there is anyone in the West Georgia area Douglasville who would like to form a small support group with me where we meet for coffee please let me know
我也在家里瘫痪在床上。我没有带我的衣服从昨天和我不能强迫自己去洗澡即使它是中期的下午。我几乎失去了一切,但我仍然不能移动。我需要交付文件到附近的一个小镇为了看到一个自由的治疗师。我有一个科学和工程硕士学位但它不帮助我移动或函数。我失去了我的孩子,青少年,因为极端的抑郁和环境。现在我的话已经扭曲,尽管他们非常爱和关心我,我们只能花几个小时在一起,必须由母亲监督是“冰球自己自力更生”的心态关于抑郁症。我的车是回购名单并隐藏。我家我租金逾期租金的拆迁通知,日期只有两天,但我无可救药了。我没有收入,没有支持系统,在几个月内已经失去了超过40磅。 I've tried every antidepressant combo and even self admitted myself a few months ago but nothing, absolutely nothing works. I'm not suicidal because I don't want to leave my children, but I am numb. All I can do is read posts hoping someone had it worse and recovered ...even just a bit. This disease is horrific. Please don't ever judge anyone as we all have different struggles, different coping mechanisms and different pasts that affect all of our being. My greatest hope is my children will never experience this, no one should.
我知道你已经很久了,我真的希望你是好的。你打我很努力,因为我已经经历了几乎一样的。我是一年前在同一个地方。我的情况也是一个从过去几年的事件。发生了很多事情,我瘫痪了。我上了一些药物帮助我开始把一只脚放在另一只脚的前面。这是一个艰难的道路将自己每一天都做一些让我生活在一起。对我来说最好的事是找到一份工作。我需要如此糟糕,我知道我必须起床,每天去。早上仍然困难,有时我不知道我这样做,但我。 Being busy and being around other people saves me. I’m forced to act like I’m ok, to smile and talk to people. At some point almost every day I realize that I’m no longer forcing myself and I have a reprieve from the darkness. Missing my children is crushing, but I am getting better and taking steps to get them back in my life. Weekends are tough, especially being alone on my days off. I’m having a relapse of that paralyzed feeling today and I looked up “being paralyzed by depression” and found your post. I’m so glad you posted because I thought I was the only one who has gone through this much. “This too shall pass” and “fake it till you make it” sound cheesy but it helps to remember sayings like that because I’ve found that they’re true and so important to remember. Things do get better. Don’t give up on yourself, things can get a lot better. I haven’t had a bad day in a while and maybe today served as a reminder of how far I’ve come.
凡是,我们真的很抱歉晚回应这个评论。我新HealthyPlace,看到你的评论。我希望你通过你的考试成功。消极的自我对话可以很衰弱,有时觉得具有挑战性的转身。一个建议对你我有这些想法出现时是创建一个短语,“即使我现在感到焦虑,我完全接受自己。”的名字whatever feeling your experience in the phrase and practice self-acceptance. At the same time, use two or three fingers to gently tap just under your collarbone while repeating the phrase. It might seem like an odd technique, but it helps me to reframe my experience and redirect my focus to something else. Of course, if anxiety is affecting your life in a big way, please look into getting professional help.
首先,我想说我完全理解你通过,我爱每一个你。我焦虑/抑郁困扰/压缩障碍通过帝国大厦的屋顶! !我有这个从大萧条以来8岁和建筑在整个余生。从出生时母亲拒绝了我,让我从一个家庭成员将到另一个,直到我是4,然后回到她的身边。让她离开照顾自己,直到我妹妹从学校回家,直到我爸爸下班回家。从婚姻我认为是Heaven-made;走出一个噩梦到另一个相同的。但与所有我的爱这个男人,和保持。有一个孩子,女孩,她就像他和他的可怜的家庭。使我的生活地狱。 Loved and cared for her as I did him. Had a still-born son. Was always very sick after that with one major illness after another, usually requiring hospitalization, 11 surgeries thru the years. Were'nt always poor, but did struggle several several times, had to file bankruptcy once. Now, I am 60yrs old, disabled but do not qualify for disability, my husband (who came to finally love me and was my prince) died suddenly 6 months ago. The company he worked 41 yrs for gave me HALF of his pension to live on(because he died at 59, not 60). And left me without medical coverage, including for my meds. One med alone is $753.00 PER MONTH, that's the one that stops my severe and crippling anxiety attacks. Help? I have ABSOLUTELY NO ONE and NO KIND. The ONLY way I was able to get thru getting my Husband buried was because I was 'walking' thru it in such a state of SHOCK that I didn't realize what I was actually doing until 3 months later. NOW.... while I own our home and cars .... I am a quivering ball of human terrified broken-hearted crippled and devastated confused and totally lost mass of flesh that hides under my blankets in my huge Ortho health chair in my living room. I do not know what is going to happen to me.