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我了解自己更多,我是一个受害者。我在我的第三个虐待关系。我从不去counsling第一DV在感恩节之后2天他差点杀了我前面的两个孩子(女孩)。他是我最小的孩子的父亲。我在一个手臂骨折,受伤。他被称为法律在我身上。我从来没叫过法律的8.5年玩的房子。我真的是在这样的否认。我希望他回来因为我真的真的相信我需要他。把状态自动激活禁令完全没有联系。 Put I still saw him. After a year pasted I got use to him not living with me. I became to find my own way. I was Very Lucky not to dye by now. The court only gave me a number if I wanted counsling. It wasn't mandatory to learn about abuse. I thought I call the domestic help line (Not for me, it was for my kids to keep me around) I was in soon much denial. And never followed through. I called as I sat in my car in front of this big building with several different offices of all kinds. I was hoping I be able to see someone right away. No I Needed to Wait for the counselor to Call me Back to make an appointment. I told the lady I'm in front of the office building and "they(police) say I'm a victim of abuse so I'm tryin bbq to do this counsling for my kids... and I Needed to see someone for some understanding. She said I will have to wait for someone to call me back to make an appointment. I never got the counsling. I lived my life single for almost just about years. No my family wants much help like my sis who like to tell me about my self and in front of all her so called friends when I drop my kids to work night shift and she don't work. I will pay her and bring food for my and get kids anytime my kids stay there. It was a struggle and lots of mind control. She would call me names her self curse and tell everyone how I get beat up by men and I'm so dumb etc. I then got together with a felon of 9years and 8months in prison. He was (31yrs) and my sister best friend Brother. and we went to school together. I was picking up my kids from my night shift. And he was in my sis apt looking built clean and had a Mercedes picking up his sister. We chatted and connected where he helped me with my messed up engine getting me into a better car. Also he played on the fact I was a perfect target to mind control as I let him easily into my personal life as far as openin ? Up saying I'm in a struggle and kids father not around and I only see my sis to drop and pick up my kids. (I'm a loner) he played on it and he went back to prison soon after for violating parole hittin me. He did 18months. He out already. I was told I should of Never called the police because he was doing so good helping is father run his business etc. I found my self apologizing for this. Not One person ask If I was Alright. I was Bruised and scared he was drunk and yes scary! I still didn't seek help and told my self I will stay single. Then in 2016 I find myself helping a guy 7yrs Younger them Me. Which he became attached to me. I got use to him. My daughter didn't like the fact a guy was around. Then my sis who never comes over my place was upset I have a guy around tellin me I shouldn't be dating etc. He obviously started to see I had no-one. And it pushed me easily where we then became couple. And my kids went to live with there dad. I choose a man over my kids(in nutshell) I only isolated myself more. Went to prison, struggle of real homeless, and Thank you I didn't turn to heavy drugs like Crack cocaine etc. However, all through teen age I smoked herd. tho I wasn't smokin herb everyday prison, money low etc. Basically I still was in denial and all because I never got help to understand why I keep walking into this black whole. Why can't I walk around it! So he too beat me up the Most. I now need to Help Myself by speaking to the Right people But Who is the Right People???. So I'm here writing online to You. All you I'm Not alone I see and Neither are YOU.! I definitely found peace in God with never givin up on MY Life!
我之前和我的行为,我是盲目的。我只是攻击仍治疗他。是的我做了一个警察报告,我知道人们看着我叫我愚蠢的喑哑,这是我的错我自己的血。是的这很伤我的心,使我看到更多的现在不这不是我的错!这是我的错,如果我不要什么都不做不是我的错我也没有人应该打击操纵谈下来,个人物品破碎等。我选择生活我不能他和他的愤怒。他的愤怒是杀害我。我不能连续思考也不能使自己的决策或代表自己或他会生气和嫉妒。他与我和与他人不同的一种方式。我不是让不再滥用!我最努力工作为我的恰当的汽车和我的孩子们我是一个很棒的母亲的孩子都是好拍nursin学生照顾我! So yes I'm smart in books But Now Getting right Now and not stopping I'm educating Myself through internet and counsling I know people are and will stay I should of known better better I saw my own mother get abused Lot! And I'm suppose to be stronger. But those people don't Understand that this is a cycle that can be broken Only if One seeks help and Not in denial. LOVE YOUR SELF IF YOU DON'T NO ONE WILL.
这是一个很好的观点。我决心离开我的虐待关系之前,我真的不想相信任何人多糟糕。我害怕在内心深处,一直有人证实了我知道....这是真正的虐待....发生和then I'd have to leave, which I was just not ready to do. I loved hearing stories of other husbands who seemed to be "just as bad" as mine so I could convince myself that our problems were normal. And I also thought that I was "working the problem" in my own way, and trying to get him the right help for his issues, though he was resisting every step of the way.
很明显,一旦没有发生变化,我提出离婚,我的新斗争是在感觉我需要捍卫自己* *某些朋友最后告诉我。一些不知道我已经经历,并暗示我给他一次机会,”“试试夫妻咨询”等。如果我没有试过,,离婚是最糟糕的事情我可以做对我们所有人。疼,b / c它证实了我施虐者的言语,我非常努力地想让分离。我知道我并不是听命于任何人,除了我自己和上帝,我的良心是清楚的,但像这样被误解是一个非常孤独的地方。
我听到你这么大声和清楚。我很孤单,因为我的一个朋友指责我当我告诉她。她不停地问我,“但是你做了些什么?”As if anyone would knowingly do something to bring on such cruelty from their mate? No, I am not to blame for any of his behavior.