米歇尔的作者你的创伤后的生活:强大的实践来收回你的身份。与她联系Google +,LinkedIn,脸谱网,推特和她的网站,HealMyPTSD.com。
我施虐者也是我丈夫正在学习弹吉他。我有一个男室友我也刚刚发现弹吉他。我拿出我的吉他,他开始玩,我真的很享受听音乐我的室友是一个比我更好的吉他手。突然间,我走神了,闪回stbx丈夫弹吉他,它引发了疼痛,我开始哭了起来。我的室友去了他的房间,去睡眠,我哭了,直到焦虑药物带来幸福的睡眠。第二天,我还是哭了。好像不是吉他与虐待。它必须刚刚提醒所有20年来,他对我所做的,然后放弃了我一年半以前。他做我一个忙,让我没有办法在地狱会带他回来,但自1997年以来我们已经结婚,我还是悲伤的事实,我爱的人我的整个的心和灵魂永远爱我。它是如此令人困惑,我讨厌哭没有任何意义的东西。 He has a girlfriend now and I'm truly glad because now he'll start working on ruining her life and I'll never live in hell again because of him. I know I don't want to be married to him anymore for obvious reasons but why am I triggered by the memory of him playing guitar? I feel like my heart and soul has gone through a wood chipper. I'm a mess and I'm tired of hurting all my life from being abused by people I should have been loved by.
大家好!我很理解你的关心。我是服用抗焦虑药物,感觉我必须阻止他们。我经历了一个很粗略的几周,因为它也是玩的腺体的药物引发压力!但这是最好的决定。我现在感觉好多了。就好像过了一会儿,药物是创造更多的焦虑攻击,对我个人而言。你必须找到一些提斯将帮助您通过撤军。我选择医疗大麻和它救了我的命。你也必须记住,采出量的症状不是你,不是你的焦虑; they don't belong to you. I found that remebering this on a daily basis was a bit helping. I understand where you're at with therapy also, for me it just triggers panick more and more to talk about it... Good luck, much love
二战期间英国和德国的闪电战。我变得瘫痪,不能说话。我开始摇晃,我的脸防护。我握住别人的手,帮助我。我告诉自己我负责,我将管理的时刻。工作很累,我的身体通常从强烈的震动的伤害。我不是什么重温。我可以看到人们,我的环境。我不能说话。我不能开始深呼吸,直到这一事件开始缓慢。 It's annoying not to be able to learn some kind of technique to stop the experience before it takes off. I reassure myself that I am fortunate that this what I have to deal with. There are so many much more difficult things in life. My husband is so supportive. We laugh when the episode finally lets me breath deeply and then talk. It won't kill me. It's just annoying. I've learned alot from the traumatic events that lead to PTSD. It has made me stronger and more compassionate. I live in the Hot Springs, AR area. I have a therapist that I visit every so often when the PTSD symptoms get bothersome. However, she is not a specialist in PTSD.
我在寻找帮助克服严重衰弱的PTSD恐慌症。花了我年面对恐慌症,慢性失眠、抑郁,等等都是来自许多创伤我遭受早在3,直到35。最严重的创伤3-15yrs。,when i left home to escape my tormentor. Years of running, self medicating made my life productive..until i became pregnant with 1st child & could not drink anymore. I was more than happy to be pregnant, to provide a safe and happy life to my own child. Then came the panic,etc.when he reached 8months old. I finally sought help through a psychiatrist. His therapy and meds made my life manageable and productive again. I had another son 3 yrs.later (2007),no major episodes. Then a surprise late life pregnancy ( my 3rd baby born in April 2016)...& my long time psychiatrist closed in Feb.2016. With no meds.,i told my OBGYN,he shrugged me off. Mind you, I'm now on Medicaid and live in a town that discriminates the poor. There are no PCP Dr.s within 40miles that accept Medicaid. Then, i found out, no psychiatrists do. There were some,but all that i called said "no longer accepting Medicaid"...i found one ,42 miles away..was on a 6month waiting list& when i showed him the meds I've taken for several years that worked for me,,he got irate and told me "Be quiet, you are not the Dr.!"..(see, my 1st psychiatrist went through several meds with me for the 1st 3yrs.& SSRIs make me feel worse)..&then this new Dr. seemed to enjoy treating me horribly and never even read the 12+yrs. Of my medical records? So, i just never went back. I've been through enough abuse in my life, i wasn't willing to be emotionally abused by a Dr. Now, still unmedicated, I've become more reclusive, agoraphopic, in fear of having a panic attack while driving or just doing ordinary things. It's affecting my life horribly, each day is a struggle. Yes ,i provide for my children and their every need, but i feel and know the quality of all of our lives has deteriorated greatly. We used to go out to parks,etc.,every weekend, but now i barely leave our house. Only to get groceries, take kids to Dr., or school, pay bills. Just surviving. I want my life back. Why is it so hard to get help ?? What am i doing wrong? Is there anyone who can give info. On support groups, on info. For someone like me just to get into a proper psychiatrist that takes Medicaid, or even a self pay that would work with me on payments. Yes, i know joga helps tremendously, but i have become so crippled with fear, i can't even get to YMCA. I live in GA..45 mins. South of ATL ( aka. OTP SOUTH)..even just a support group where i can talk to others without fear of judgement would help me now. Thanks to anyone who reads this and can offer some helpful advice. I'm a mostly single mother of 3, with not much time to write, read long books,etc. And also low income, as my disorder has caused me so much fear& i have no family around, my mom still protects the one who tormented and traumatized my entire childhood. She's called me a liar, she's made excuses for my much older half brother who lives with her still. He killed my father in 1999. Yet, she still protects that abusive, sick, violent nonhuman who would be in prison if not for her protecting him all the time. I don't know if this is the right place to discuss all this, but i googled "help for PTSD panic attacks"& I'm desperate to get through this& back to a properly functioning normal life. Thank you.
在我自己的个人经验与PTSD闪回,我提醒自己这不是癌症。我不会通过化疗。现在发生了什么没有发生。这是令人讨厌的。但它不会杀了我。倒叙需要一段时间然后复苏阶段,这一事件已经结束。这不是有趣有意想不到的引发闪回:一声巨响,有人从后面碰我,爆炸现场,烟花等等。我送你我的同情心和知道倒叙并不有趣。希望你能找到一线希望……我有。我更富有同情心和更少的评判。 Have a blessed day. Hugs
我患有复杂的分和暴露疗法每周两次。当混乱和倒叙太多我开始分离,在短期记忆丧失。在我的国家我有一个公共函数和大多数人都看着我是succesfull和幸运。有人羡慕。我被称赞我的善良,helpfullness那些受到影响,需要帮助,并使时间的人只是想要一个签名,然后开始告诉我有生活的故事,甚至在年轻人住在大街上,不要让任何其他的帮助。坦率地说,我认为这是世界上最正常的事情,我认为人们应该互相帮助,但是没有人知道我有多痛苦。我有时渴望有人帮我,只是让我知道他们理解和我可以依靠他们,相反,每个人都靠我。他们不知道多久我的夜晚,我是多么害怕噩梦接管。我mindfullness练习和冥想,它使我祈神保佑和更加平衡。没有它我会迷失在混乱和反思过去的。 Overwhelmed and lonely.
我们每个人经历的闪回我们自己的独特的方式。我真的听到你当你说你渴望有人帮助你,只是让我知道他们明白……我可以联系。我一直在处理复杂PTSD自80年代。我开始真正的治疗在几年之内。我很幸运找到一个很好的治疗师理解分解。它集成了很多治疗。我知道这就像在公共场合,必须维护一个公众形象,同时管理内部创伤后应激障碍斗争。我不再尴尬当我在公共场合被触发。它给我带来更多的机会认识与创伤后应激障碍的挑战生活。 I'm sending empathy and understanding and hugs. It does get easier. It's like getting a cold and getting to the other side. Annoying but won't kill us. Whatever happened is in the past and is not happening now. That helped me. Hugs again
我可以在某些情况下压力。像访问医生,但出来思考. .嘿. .我处理好。想好了!我确定好了. .但实际上我不但是不能承认。我想是可以的。虽然我下面洪水和自己开玩笑。
其他一些小事发生一个小时左右后,我完全失去它。创伤后应激障碍打. .和我再去一次。
是的与创伤后应激障碍,情绪失控,情绪的循环和倒叙是压倒性的。绝对的受害者心态——我想说我有斯德哥尔摩症候群——我的侵略者陷入或相关证明。我是一个漫长缓慢的过程的心理治疗。但真正打破了周期对我来说是我强颜欢笑,面对十年后。我恢复是最重要的,我把他们的否认。这对我来说是一个明显的时刻。在一瞬间,我知道我已经越过了阈值——我打破了自由。我仍然需要时间来修复我爆发的周期。这是我的书,一个监狱的谎言——疯狂之旅,。写这本书也给了我一种赋权。 I had documented the abuse I had endured and made it a permanent record that could not be denied. The book itself was the final step to my recovery.
我的折磨死了,,,至少他们中的大多数。开始我认为出生后不久。我妈妈告诉我她怎么虐待我。当我两有小儿麻痹症。年的手术治疗,试图重新调整。很多手术的恐惧和没有安慰来自我的母亲。+在处理我仍然有一个脊髓灰质炎滥用,冷,卑鄙的母亲一方面推我,憎恨我需要注意。另一方面拒绝让我最后离开鸟巢(20)在我的生活的生活。我没有任何快乐或幸福的记忆在她脸上除了当她演出的“明星”。然后在以后的生活中,你猜怎么着! I married the male version of my mother...a man who found new ways to be abusive both physically and mentally. He even threatened my life when I left him. He even hired someone to stalk and kill me! Though I always thought of myself as a good person I have terrible relationships with people. They all eventually abuse or take advantage of me. Flashbacks come more frequently now and I'm in my 70's. Some of them I didn't even realize were stored in my memory. The flashbacks on some days are almost constant Depression and anxiety, once I thought I had overcome, are more constant "companions". Therapy is not an option right now. The only reason I don't kill myself is because I tried it years ago and found that as I was drifting into the Universe,, I was still in pain. Just to let anyone who reads this know, the death of abusers doesn't make you feel any better.