我是法国的护士,我能说英语但是我有时犯错误当我写所以原谅我事先mispelled或者不好的句子。我已经在精神科病房在医院工作了3年。三年以来,我一直工作在另一个非精神医疗病房需要更多的体育保健。最近,我假定为一份工作作为一个精神健康护士在社区里,我得到了最后的一次采访中,他们给了我这份工作,因为我想我的能力的工作。在同一时期,我处理一个加剧阶段的焦虑因为我已经停止药物治疗6个月前怀孕的。我写的东西在我的facebook个人主页我的焦虑,给了我一个很难的工作,有人打印我的facebook个人主页的内容并把它拿给我的新老板。她不希望我工作了,她给了另一位候选人的工作。我非常沮丧和难过,因为我知道即使我患有一种焦虑疾病,我还有能力和品质来做这项工作。我的病情恶化,因为我几乎每天都在哭,我变得沮丧,因为不公平,我觉得很不公平。我不敢相信有人在精神卫生工作的专业可以拒绝给一名护士这份工作仅仅因为她患有焦虑! I thought that these persons would be able to better understand health problems with their employers but I was wrong! Even though I have been already tired at work for a couple of months before that incident happened, I only took two weeks of sick absence and I started to take back my pills for anxiety (an antidepressant) and insomnia. I returned back to work even though I didn't feel I was ready because I just wanted to satisfy my current employer and I was afraid to have a bad assiduity evaluation (in that hospital, the assiduity is very important). So, I got the motivation from the money I would make while working and I worked for another three months even though I was becoming very tired and I was sleeping very more often, which is not in my habits since I've always been a very busy person because I have been studying part-time in a master program since September 2008 while working part-time also. I was becoming another person at my job. I used to be a really patient nurse, polite and respectful and I became someone easily irritable, frustrated and impolite. The overload of work, the refusal of the employer to have more staff juste to save money, the stress of having to care for an elevated number of patients that are instable, the incapacity of taking my breaks and lunch time, the intimidation of some other colleagues at work plus having to do overtime almost every day and having to fight with the nurses union almost everytime to get paid took all of my energy. I felt that I've always been giving more than 100% at each shift while working and I never had anything in return, not even some gratitude from my boss even though I knew for sure that my job was perfectly done because I've always been perfectionnist and I'd be willing to do anything to help my patients. I only got bad consequences: I lost a job because of my anxiety, I had complaints from my boss that my clinic notes were too long (she thought that was the reason for my overtime) ans some colleagues began to do some intimidation on me. Two months ago, I learned that I was one month pregnant while at the same time I got the job I had applied for in the medical ward. I got out of control one day at work because the load of patients I had was very heavy, one patient needed one-on-one care and I couldn't take care of the other patients as much as they needed, I thought it was dangerous and I got into the office of my boss and exploded. I've been on sick absence since then and I will not return to work until my maternity leave will be over. I have suffered from insomnia in the first months of my pregnancy and I still have some episodes of insomnia right now, I don't have energy, I feel tired most of the time, I still have a lot of frustration towards my job, I suffer from nightmares about all kinds of situations happening at work almost every night and most of all, I lost the motivation and the pride for my profession. I think I suffer from a burn-out but my psychiatrist didn't tell me any diagnosis, he just suggested me to do some counselling with a psychologue but I doubt that a psychologue can really help me change my feelings toward my job. I guess that if I'm doing a burn-out and that my employer learns that information, that will have even more consequences on my job. I learned my lesson once and for all, I will never tell any future employer for sure about my anxiety problems neither about my burn-out!
这是一个很好的文章,人们挣扎的一个非常好的问题。不是一个简单的答案。法律都不同,但据我所知,没有人有义务披露任何雇主不得问“你有残疾吗?”Disclosure, and to what degree, is a personal choice, but it is only fair to let an employer know if something will interfere with your work. In most cases, an employer should be made to accommodate you unless they can prove undue hardship. I'd recommend checking out "Accommodations" and/or the "Human Rights Code" for exact details in your area. But regardless, disclosing is still a challenge and personal decision. I personally am one for honesty, but you have to prepare yourself for any consequences, and choose your words wisely.