- 做一个访问你的医生来检查抑郁或焦虑
- 冥想(或使用冥想的替代品)
- 培养自己各方面的滥用
- 分离从你的施虐者
- 调用一个家庭暴力热线发泄
- 填写家庭暴力安全计划
- 建立一个网络支持的朋友(在线),家庭成员,和当地家庭暴力的节目,包括支持团体
- 安全与稳定
- 记忆和哀悼
- 重新连接和集成
- 学会接受和一个情感危机期间自我缓和随着你的情绪可能对你起初暴突。
- 注意什么触发你的情绪不稳定,这样你就可以避免或解除触发器在未来。
- 你可能会发现很难谈论创伤,所以工作在不同的方式像冥想、瑜伽,绘画,写作,跑步。什么,没有了文字,让你的情绪来来去去。
- 说,进入谈话疗法专业如果可能的话。有很多的地面可以直接覆盖没有说话的创伤。
- 恢复工作有价值的连接与朋友和家人。别烦与关系,以任何方式减少或阻止你。
- 维护安全稳定的感觉。
- 我们谈谈说话。
- 日志记录,绘画,绘画、工艺美术、写作或任何创造性活动。
- 包括自我保健更喜欢吃,锻炼越来越关注的想法在你的脑海中。不要让你的消极思想控制你尽可能多的(这是一个正在进行的工作)。
- 每个人都说志愿者,我讨厌它。我也是从萧条中恢复,所以志愿者并没有答案。如果做志愿者的地方不适合你,找到一个方法教你所学会了从整个混乱。这就是成长。
- 使自己更可以结识新朋友。不是恋人,而是朋友。你可以找到一个爱人,但是如果你发现自己感觉情绪不稳定或想与那个人很快,那么也许还为时过早。
- 决定你想要什么在你的新生活,做一个计划,就去做吧。
你好,我是一个幸存者的多个家庭暴力的关系。在每一个我不知道我做错了什么。他们为什么打我。我做了什么让他这么生气。每一个我离开了,问自己同样的问题。最后是最严重的,几乎把我的生活。再一次开始一无所有,没有去哪里我发现自己苦苦挣扎的超过。控制不住地哭了,有空的时候。失眠焦虑等等。我只追求有助于找到避难所和警察,只有想收取个人而不是指导我帮助我需要情感上的和心理上的。 So I plugged into fitness, it was the only thing that made me feel better inside and where I felt safe. My gym! Always someone there so I wasn’t alone. I would run for 3-4 hrs and lose complete track of time and Lost but, after I felt better. At times I would start crying and not understand why? I would pretend it was sweat and no one seemed to notice or care. That’s when I realized I needed more help something wasn’t right. Although I felt better I still wasn’t right. So I found a therapist And started counsling. I’m not one to talk about my issues but I was desperate. At that point I was diagnosed with PTSD. What? Post traumatic stress disorder. Made sense the more I thought about it. At first it was horrible!!! absolutely awful. So awful after the first few sessions I questioned my sanity and being. I Thought I was getting worse but, after each time it slowly got easier and I felt better. Took 8 months but, my last session wasn’t about me it was about leaving and how I was ok. sad to say goodbye to my trusted friend that helped me work threw my pain and anger.
我意识到如果我发现和平和幸福把健身也许我可以帮助别人。我不想只是帮助人们减肥,我想开发一个程序使家庭暴力的幸存者。不是受害者,而是战士。我们没有要求还是值得的。我们不能控制别人的情绪或者他们的身体反应。他们做出这样的选择,他们必须住在一起自。唯一重要的是你。因为你不能对任何人都有如果你没有先给你。我母亲一个美丽强大的聪明和她14岁的女儿和我的火车每周3 - 5天。我们把工作的压力和生活压力把健身。 (Bonding time)
我和施虐者已经17年(结婚15),和我”母亲3。前7年,主要是情感或辱骂。我觉得我不够好,我永远不会做任何事对的。这使我努力成为像他一样好。偶尔,有身体虐待的事件。我们会争论,他冲我一次的肩膀,或向我扔东西。我会保持沉默,畏缩,或离开去酒店过夜。但我总是会回来,因为我自己没有钱,没有其他地方可去。大约在7年马克是当我开始反击,情感上和身体上。我被撤销,在一个物理攻击的场合,我会打他,或者扔回到他的东西。 This would inevitably end in him overpowering me, and holding me down until I submitted. I knew I was becoming just like him, and it made me hate myself even more, and drove me deeper into depression. Over the years, I have taken my 3 kids to a hotel numerous times, but again...I always end up having to come back. Every time I tell myself "THAT was the final straw", but it seems that it never is. He's done the anger management, and counseling, and we've done counseling together. But, he maintains his view is that he isn't "beating me", and I'm not a "battered housewife", and that "I'm well taken care of". When he apologizes the next day, he minimizes his own fault, and downplays his actions. And, although I don't have black eyes or broken bones as a result, there is severe emotional damage that is only escalated by the continuation of our "cycle". I haven't said "I love you" to him in years, and every day when he says it to me, I just feel angry. We had a physical altercation last night, where he slapped me, and that escalated into a physical brawl between us that ended with a mark on his neck, and him throwing me onto the floor, sobbing. Like I said, we have 3 children, and I have no money and no place to escape. I've considered going to a woman's shelter with my children, but I don't know as if that would improve my situation. The way I see it, I am in a no-win situation. My resume has a 15 year gap, so I'd be lucky to get a minimum wage job, which would put my children and I in poverty, no doubt. I keep telling myself that if I can just make it until the youngest is in high school, then I could get out. For the past few years, I've focused on developing coping skills to manage, but I would guess that there is a lot of truth to the statement that "If you're still in an abusive relationship, you're recovery is kind of screwed." The only positive takeaway is that in the past couple years, I do feel stronger and more confident. I know that I am better than his insults and accusations, and I don't believe them anymore. There's just nothing I can do to stop them from coming my way. I don't exactly know why I decided to comment, perhaps I just wanted to vent and/or reach out to others who have gone through, or are going through the same thing. On day-afters like today, it's easy to feel helpless and hopeless.
我经历/经历了几乎完全就是你。唯一的区别是中途我发现自己的照顾我的宝贝女孩,他是我几年的啃老。我终于把他的屁股又第二次最近但这一次我不是哀悼他的方式我和创伤不流通了但我一直猛烈抨击愤怒的大喊大叫,摔门,发现有毒的行为我成了习惯已经对我产生了影响。我开始害怕成为最喜欢我的施虐者,但我压抑的愤怒只是痛苦。即使承认/搜索/试图自我治愈。我发现它仍然是一个非常孤独的道路。如果我想想tho。和平从毒性需要练习和意志力。我也耐心的等待一个机会抓住自由虽然基本上完全监护权和我自己的地方。我只能建议,如果你等待很聪明。 Plan your exit route. Set yourself up in the shadows, because this person will underestimate you and there lies your opportunity/chance to plot your freedom. Do online courses. Apply to subsidy housing. Provide evidence of the abuse. Make this loser pay for underestimating you. It doesn’t mean you have to come at him. Just use his incorrect beliefs about you to your advantage. Peace be with you.
慢慢走出,计划得很好。获得银行卡。计划如何尽可能多的现金。得到了在你的名字吗?如果没有,把你的名字刻在了奇异的房子。和一个律师谈谈。通常,第一个咨询不是很贵。计划改变锁。一旦他攻击你,去报警。如果你害怕,不收他,只是报告。 Build up a bank of reports. Start seeing a free DV counsellir. Tell your doctor. Get it all on the record. Then when it’s all there on paper you can leave. Prepare all the divorce paperwork and change the locks get the VRO and go. Yes, you will need to upskill and work. That’s a definite. But you will save yourself.
我54岁,小时候被虐待。赶出家里一周16岁。从那里我住在自己的然后搬到一个新的国家。我遇见,在21日订婚。他虐待我,和他的前女友。我在22日设法离开。我进入了另一个关系在24和非常虐待。我是由他控制。他把我的工资密切关注我和我公里驱动的。他挂我的狗。 Kicked and threw my cat and me. Every day I am reminded of it as one of the beatings envolved a kick to the calf muscle where it internally bleed 20cm. Every day it gives be grief along with the sore hips and dislocated fingers. He kept me from visiting my father in hospital and he died 2 days later. I never got to say goodbye. I managed to get away the bext month keaving everything but me and my child. I was on own for a while and my sister thiught she had found me a good man. She was wrong. He abused me my boys and took everything we owned. My you gest son got hooked on heavy drugs and walked out of uni. His abuse verbally and physically caused my eldest son to leave abd I have not heard from him in 4 years. I rode the train with my son abd he is now clean. For me I have attended a womans refuge course on domestic violence and recommend it to all people who are victims of abuse. I have had goes at counselling while in the abusive relationships but yiu end up back where you started. Now I am free from all the abuse I gave returned to counseling. 2 sessions in. But what the course taught me was it wasn't my fault. I was an easy target as I have very little self esteem thanks to my mithers abuse from 0 to 16. Never give up. Let the tears fall. The hurt is squashed inside so tight tgat each hard out cry from nowhere nake me a little lighter and a littke more free
我只是想知道什么时候我可以停止哭泣……我2010年离开,哭自从....我哭了,因为伤害的辱骂,我发现我想想很多. .它仍然感觉那样新鲜有时2010年. .是参与口头施虐者被监禁。从1993年到2010年....刚刚足够的自尊做出决定离开…只是想知道什么时候会停止哭泣
迷迭香,谢谢阅读和感谢接触!好了,这将对每个人来说都有所不同。你收到任何咨询或治疗吗?也,你想继续在试图建立新的关系,良好的人际关系在你的生活中?有时很难摆脱痛苦但开始新东西,快乐的记忆,和生命中充满积极的接触和相互关爱的感觉,哪怕只是坚实的友谊如果不是恋爱关系是非常充实,能帮助你继续前进。我想经历的创伤和悲痛的关系和一段关系结束可以类似于亲人去世的悲痛——你从未真正克服本身而是你开始发现接受和随着时间的推移,它变得不那么痛苦。它将永远在那里,永远,但它在某一时刻你就变成了一块拼图,而不是控制你的幸福。我希望帮助。请随时联系我们。谢谢! -Emily
谢谢你的回应…为了更好地阐明……我不依赖于施虐者,他也没有和我住. .我从他没有孩子也没有我们共享任何财政…意思完全没有必要为我留在情况……我们没有结婚。我们从小认识,首先,描述,事情似乎都进行的很顺利,但在施虐者开始滥用显示所有的标志和确实有他的童年(爸爸是施虐者),我终于能够打破。不是通过创伤后我必须说。我想我伤心的是我花了的时间这家伙……花时间我可以真正满足我自己的目标,梦想和想法……我58岁. .大学教育. . masters level. presently a new retiree.. what i believe i grieve is the time spent with this abuser could have been spent doing other more beneficial things for myself and i do believe my life would have taken a different direction.. im independent and somewhat financially secure.. there are many things i could have done or explored and i feel as though i have missed out on a life that i could have created instead of assisting someone create theirs at my expense.. i cried because i feel so used and all because i was a loyal dedicated woman and to have those qualities be abused is sometimes incredulous.. so i believe i cry for the lost time and what could have been for me..... i;m in a better place today and much aware of verbal abuse and stronger for it.. still sometimes the thought of what could have been or what i could have been or did haunts me... but i rather be out and cry, then in and still cryiing... i know one day the crying will stop.. its just a matter of me accepting that which i could not change....
迷迭香,听起来你有很多怨恨和遗憾对自己有“浪费时间”的关系。你是正确的,当你说,“这只是接受那些我无法改变”。让这句话,自己的报价,是你的口头禅。不恨自己犯了这个错误。你做了你认为是准确的时间在你的生活中。祝福是你已经学会了很多关于自己和类型的关系。学习不是很好,但你也学会了如何做出更好的选择关系。相反,专注于你所做的。你从这种关系早已过去,不能再伤害你了。不要让记忆这样的伤害你。 It really is a conscious choice. Anytime you find yourself back in those memories, and you feel yourself beginning to cry, say to yourself "stop, stop it right now!". You're not avoiding the trauma and emotions by doing this, rather, you are taking control of it so that I doesn't control you. And I agree with another person's comments, definitely seek professional help, if you haven't already. I just came out of an abusive relationship. I had already been going to therapy for months prior, but now that it's finally over, I've continued. I need therapy. It helps keep me sane. It helps process the severe incident that ended our relationship so that I don't go crazy. Yes, friends, family, or any other loved one can listen to our story and pain. But, they can't offer the unbiased advice, tools, and knowledge that therapists can offer to help appropriately deal with these situations. Try it, if you haven't yet. But remember... Be open, honest primarily with yourself. It's only then, that you can begin healing for real. The bad memories will always be there, but by taking control over them you won't fell so pained as you do now. Good luck!
被我爸爸,被我的兄弟,被一个小男孩在学校,被男人虐待和强奸16岁以来,每年…被男性治疗师我saught恢复以前的虐待…我什么也不能做。我陷入沉默,从我的治疗师言论禁止令…和I wake up everyday with the horror and injustice and trauma--there's no way out, there's no hope. This really is a Patriarchy...but women in Mental Health act like everything's fine...or there's some way to get help...but in reality, there's not...
嗨,艾米丽,你所描述的是可怕的滥用个人和系统性。我被迫回应因为真的有希望——一个新的创伤恢复的方法,改变了复苏的意义。请不要失去希望,查找TRTP -理查兹创伤的过程。朱迪思•理查兹是创造者,我也是一个医生,这不是一个传统的谈话治疗,它将真正给你回你的力量。它可以通过Skype或变焦,通常4 - 5会议。听起来好得令人难以置信,我知道,但我鼓励你去了解更多。它改变了我的生活,很多人这样做。给你最大的鼓励我可以——你神奇的活了下来,你应得的生活和成长。
“但你的。”Thank you for the compassion and hope. Sheesh. I'm struggling, and that wasn't helpful. Not that anyone owes me anything...just FYI. I pray you or your editors delete this article.
“我不想说你完蛋了但是你”——这篇文章是为家庭暴力受害者/幸存者吗? !极其不负责任和不敏感的方式来解决人们已经开始质疑他们的自我价值和他们是否会变得更好。你不应该写为healthyplace.com。
我已经从20 +年虐待关系4年了。他仍然给自己注射通过我们的孩子在我的生命中。我小心翼翼地允许这种在某种程度上,因为我担心如果我不会发生什么“喂野兽。”I still have not been able to feel emotion for the trauma. I cut it effortlessly. I do not understand what healthy lines drawn look like in terms of abusive behavior. So I question everything and take it all personal. I'm hypervigilant 24/7, even when I should be sleeping. I'm constantly engaged in battle to keep my power when no one is really trying to take it. I instantly turn on my offensive stance and immediately cut emotion, and I'm completely aware of it when I'm doing all of the above. I find myself lost in formulating a sentence to respond to important questions or conversation with my boyfriend because any response I come up with is a defense and cannot find anything else beyond defense to respond. So I don't respond at all. Well no response that is also not too vulnerable. So I literally can't speak. It makes me feel ill. I avoid approaching conflict at all cost, including people I know. I'm utterly lost in this new world of mine. It's at times unbearable and feels hopeless. I do not trust anyone and the monster still lurks. I never feel safe and do not believe anyone cam or will protect me. I don't know how much longer I can last in this. I do not and never will want him back. I have no love for him, he repulses me. I know exactly what he's thinking when he looks at me and I know what his words truly mean. He refers to me as ex-wife. Not my name. He compares all current women to me, out loud and directly to them. Makes it blatantly obvious he's still very much obsessed with me. It makes my skin crawl. He makes my skin crawl. So I hold no loving feelings for him. I don't want him anywhere near me, let alone back intimately. I just don't know anything else other than what I had to be to survive in the relationship. I'm still living every day as if I'm still there. And searching for a new way of life when you didn't know another one even existed is like walking in pitch darkness. What am I supposed to even be looking for?
我发现伟大的和平不是与我的罪犯又名前夫沟通,不沟通。找到另一种方式交流的孩子。收回你的力量形成一个边界,不允许任何与您联系。如果你认为它不是一个使它成为可能。操纵我的前任工作只有当他知道我有沟通,因为孩子。我把车停下,他失去了所有的控制。一旦他意识到他不能操纵你的权力掌握在你自己的手中。你的新的生活方式的自由。自由的走在鸡蛋壳和隔离。我曾跟自己约会之夜,我去晚餐和电影,我告诉自己我是免费的。 I can eat where I want and watch a movie I want. It's all about me. Your free and you may be unhappy at times alone but you aren't. There are people like me that lived in abuse everyday for 23 years and I am free. I can do as I please now and my children are free also. The darkness is temporary. Everyday is a new day and it brings you further to a lightness where you are the light. You have the power within you. Remember how you made it through every abuse he inflicted, you got up everyday and did it all over again. Why, because you possess an inner strength probably more powerful than the normal person. Remember that strength, it is not a weakness, it is power you don't even realize you possess. Your resiliant. Don't forget that. Tell yourself "I am strong and I am free because I was strong!" I set myself free.
就我而言我是极度的身体和心理上的虐待2年来几乎每月几乎每天身体和开关. .我是男性不寻常但我生长在一个普通中产阶级家庭nad从来没有把我的手放在一个女人在我的生命中或在任何战斗. .13年这个人虐待我是令人困惑的男人. .在这种情况下有很少或没有资源支持其通常在DV情况下男性对女性. .通常人会叫警察给我. .我确实有一个酗酒的问题,增加了毒性的情况,但我想经过长时间没有或非常适度饮酒。其现在困惑我早上我又让我们分离,常数barrading和情感虐待更具破坏性比当我回顾我们有一个看似正常和快乐爱回家. .我两极躁郁症参与一些施虐者的行为虽然她抑郁药没有精神病发作. .会发生我们会快乐的爱,云上九十一天,然后第二天早上会黑暗,充满了焦虑和愤怒通常针对我. .怪责我指责我喝(即使清醒),它开始变得太多. . All I can say is I had no idea.. that I was being emotionally abused as well as physically abused is obvious.. hit with car, baseball bat,frying pans bit in the face.. police called on me almost evicted constantly shamed in public in front of neighbors verbally abused at every effort .. to try to mend the situation. my buisness suffered and came to ahalt my quality of life was dimished in to that of the stay at home dad babysitter .. maid.. as this person did not maintain much around the house we both contributed financially. This happens to men more than people think and most men are ashamed to admint that there being dominated by and aggressive Abusive personality type... it wasnt until I started educating my self on Abuse in all forms and factors that I realized the physical abuse is painful but just the tip of the iceberg... I stayed only because we have children which I had to watch all the time taking a segway to her personal endevours.. Im a good person.. a strong person but no one is strong enough to endure this type of treatment.. I have left im on my way to recovery I get to see my kids thankfully that is going well.. but starting from the ground up again is the biggest challenge being alone and hurt.. with nothing.. is so difficult - I meditate do yoga swim .. bike paint draw read and work allot.. but I have lost my .. inspiration and im looking to go to some group.. but as I said the resources for men are almost nill ... if any other men have expierenced this get counseling unfortunetely I was trying but she would not go or make any effort.. no I will be in therapy for sometime im sure trying to rehash what just happend if I will ever be able to figure that out.. I think moving on and giving some time to make new friends and love again .. hopefully.. its benn a terrible journey of suffering I wish I would have gotten out sooner.. that is all I can say dont stay for anything.. your only hurting yourself more if you do Domestic Violence abuse needs more awareness is all I can say.. one love
我已经脱离我的施虐者几个月了。我已经在和反应他的房子由于照顾孩子。问题是他们如此甜美但它来到一个地方,我抬了抬回过去的记忆,以为我需要找到oyher人们和他的时间空洞填满我的时间。反正我最后移动回到过去我没有容量从最迟报创伤中恢复过来。我在想也许他能给我关闭但iy适得其反,滥用再次开始。他在邻居面前羞辱我。我如此感激我没有住在那里,房东是他淫乱besy griend家庭。羞辱是他因为我不会回到那里,我对自己发誓。我不需要他痊愈,我承认我需要远离和医治自己。今天,我才被滥用,甚至我不会和他生活在一起。 I am safe now and recovering.
我仍然害怕,怕他出现在我的新房子我阻止了他所有的数字改变了我但他永远不会停止在监狱一年多了,警察把一个2年禁令n after20人响了后目睹他现在抨击我我只是害怕他会缸1天他宰杀我的生活我不想要任何人o穿过他的身体和精神虐待我做了我一个不同的人希望这样的强大
谢谢你凯莉鼓励和安慰的这篇文章。我刚刚开始集成/重新连接阶段和很高兴认识到这一阶段我也经历过。祝贺你取得的进步以及如何更好的你让你的生活:)我觉得超级自豪的所有人,我们在任何阶段。尤其是人still-figuring-out滥用的阶段,这是一个巨大的混乱。去我们! !凯利Y:)
我不是一个专家,但我一直在自我分析自己离开一段时间。我相信当女性留在他们的施虐者,一直选择男性,低的口径只选择他们,因为他们从来没有学会真正爱他们的自我,实现自己的价值。恢复的关键是永不放弃,无论什么!它花了我50岁的高龄终于开始实现我的自我价值。爱自己爱的程度给我们施虐者似乎比给自己更容易。请意识到你应得的爱,这爱是在你自己。它的存在,你所要做的是意识到。每一天都在我的脑海里我仍然觉得在某种意义上,我不值得高兴,在我的脑海里不断地嘲笑自己。但通过这些消极的想法我同样会告诉自己我是一个很棒的人。你可以听到,听到大家但直到我们可以开始意识到自我我继续,我将会这样做,只要能实现我的自我价值。 I pictured in my mind being being confident and some days aren't so good but other days are! Just never give up on you! Every one is different coping. I try to do things just for myself to give me energy and clear my head. I ride my bike .. walk.. any kind of physical activity I believe is the best medicine. Start focusing on you and every single day tell your self how awesome you are and picture your happiness in your mind and what you truly want in your life and that positive thought will pay off I promise you. Don't depend on a pill.. pills only distract the pain they don't cure it. Only you have the power to do that!
哇。一些关于你的评论很打动我。更不用说,这是张贴在我的生日。谢谢你分享你的言语。当我读到“不要放弃你。”I begin to cry. Because truth is, I want to fight for me, but I'm so tired. I've realized I've dated certain men because I didn't know my self worth and I accepted emotional abuse from them. Until I got tired. But the last most traumatic one was a few years ago. And it was physical assault. My body is still tense from the surprise attack. And I find myself still trying to recover emotionally. I'm gonna try my best though, even though I don't feel strong at all right now.
仍然和我的丈夫在45年由于经济原因(我身体残疾),但我在复苏的道路上找到一些伟大的治疗师。第一个来帮助我理解的自恋者,第二通过此种疗法治疗治愈。最帮助我吗?意识到施虐者发现我,因为我是甜的,善良,体贴,关怀,给。他是接受者。他选择了我。一旦我明白,而不是辱骂我和我的感情或思想了,我把我周围强大的屏障,成为情感从他未婚。作为一个相互依存,我也消除了单向街的人在我的生命中。他改变了他如何对待我。如果我还没结婚他这么长时间,我就会离开他。 So remember, the abuser found you because you are such a wonderful person. There are many books to help you understand the abuser, find a good therapist (I went through 4 before I found the right ones), watch or listen to YouTube videos on how to free yourself from the abuser and heal. Big hugs to all.
或不报告....为什么人们成为审判的受害者。我的情况吗?第二次是8月20日。我被我的头发退出他的卡车,落在我的肩膀....滥用断断续续持续了30分钟,我有一个黑色的眼睛和黑色和蓝色的下巴肿胀。受伤的头拉我的头发如此困难,实际上,我的扩展…我终于自由....离开了。开车2个小时在疼痛。第二天我们没有医疗保险,痛苦....我去私人诊所紧急护理设施,却发现我的右肩叶片坏了。 Single Mom. Loss of wages and the world crashing down on me....why do I feel as if its my fault or shane in reporting it. I just rang it to go away altogether....
请寻求专业帮助。相信神职人员成员。和别人说话。这样做的好处是,你不必自己,这不是你的错。没有人,绝对没有人有权对待另一个人你一直在治疗。没有借口。保持躺在黑暗中(告诉别人一个虚假的故事它如何发生在隐藏你的羞愧)会给更多的权力。光,你将看到它是如何对你减少。小心,只有去专业人员已经处理这种类型的情况。他们会引导你,保护你。 God bless.
这不是你的错。在所有。不幸的是,警察需要更好的培训。受害者滥用它的责任。这是错误的。非常。拍照的虐待。做一个视频讲的一束光照耀你的故事。寄给你我的爱。如果我能给你更多的我。 Lies will end up killing u inside fester like a wound. Get it out. Shine that light.
我刚刚离开一个金融、身体、情感虐待关系十年(昨天)。支付我自己的家,有一个伟大的工作,但由于滥用我面临止赎收回我的车。觉得我现在经历的是情感的范围。它是如此有用的阅读这些文章,看看那些经历或正在经历同样的事情。我的自尊需要重建。我发现我是谁。似乎我的家人或朋友没有真正理解但我不应该出现。我希望我会变得更强。我选择了离开就不会再去了。这是一个日常的噩梦! I wish the best for all of you! We are in this together. Every morning when you open your eyes you have survived!