单身近10年的我谈了9个月的恋爱。我终于接纳了一个人,把我的全部都给了这个男人。虚假的指控几乎立刻就开始了。认识3周后,他在工作,我们在深夜打电话。在几周内,我曾两次被指控在电话中与另一名男子发生性关系。他指责我和他在一起的那个人恰好是我最好的朋友的丈夫。我无法理解这事。我知道我绝对不会做那样的事,他也肯定相信我不是那种会做出如此可怕和恶心事情的人。在接下来的9个月里,我试图说服这个男人,我不是那个人,与此同时,只要他有机会,他就会口头攻击我,说他不信任我,每次我们在公共场合,我的眼神都会游离。一次又一次,我发现自己因为他错误地指责我的事情而受到言语攻击。 It got as bad as being accused of wanting his brother. I did everything to try and reassure him that I was a good person that had no intention on hurting or playing games. I began feeling emotionally battered. No matter positive I did he would praise me and act grateful but I knew the verbal assault would soon follow. I find myself putting an end to a relationship I thought I would manage to hold together but failed. My feelings are scrambled and confusing but I’m pretty sure my only option is to leave the relationship. In a sense I feel a little sadness for him. I don’t know how else to feel.
我有个精神虐待狂一直用煤气灯照射我。他是残疾人,我支持我们帮助他得到他的残疾。然而,他是一个谨慎的赌徒,拒绝放弃或说他正在放弃他的方式,这是通过放慢速度。他的名下不能有以前欠下的债,也不能有两个前妻生的女儿。生孩子一直是我人生的一个目标,这是我最接近的目标。但我想逃避精神和情感上的虐待。它控制着我。如果我离开,他的世界就会天翻地覆我爱的孩子们也会如此。他威胁说要把他买的车弄坏,但那车是以我的名义买的,而且是我付的钱。这是我觉得他欠我的一笔财产,我为之工作的钱,他搞砸了。 I feel trapped by empathy and it's suffocating the life out of me. He says everything is my fault and in my mind. I question everything no matter how much I try to stay strong. I'm crumbling.
John L. Schreiber
我的前任是躁郁症,有精神病发作。主要是由于持续吸毒。你最好把你的电话号码换了,如果他这么做了,记录下他发的任何信息。我理解我为他感到难过,但我知道我需要开始把我的感受和自我照顾放在首位,还有我的女儿们。在这段关系中,我花了很多时间担心他,而不是我和我的女儿。他长大了,必须照顾自己,这不是你的责任。注意力策略是施虐者试图把你拉回来或对你、你的思想和你的感情施加某种形式的控制的手段。你做得对选择你自己和你的孩子。你在这里寻求帮助和支持是对的。继续前进,继续为自己努力。 ♡
我发现自己一直在发抖。我被他全家人欺负,现在是时候自救了。我想我一直待到儿子上大学。他还剩一年。他回到家过感恩节,却发现自己身处地狱。我40岁的继子打电话来祝大家感恩节快乐,除了我。我知道这听起来并不多,但它增加了每个人都能接受的行为清单。没有人会说,这是粗鲁的,或者为什么一个自称是基督徒的人会在这个节日被人憎恨?我丈夫不能跟我说话,只能用责备的语气。恐吓是他唯一的办法。 I feel like a whipping post. I am disabled from numerous spinal fusions so it makes the escape harder. How can I get 2 suitcases out the door to a cab? My son is my only family as everyone else has died. ZERO support but I know I have to get out before I literally end up in a padded room. Stay away from narcissists. The whole family has this gene. Marrying into another culture cannot always work. Jamaican family has never been kind to me ever. 26 years of hell. No more~
这就是我现在的样子……不停地发抖。我的压力太大了,我经常偏头痛和感冒。我不知道为什么会因为打算离开而感到内疚。他贬低我,我永远不能给出我的意见,因为他很生气。如果我说话,他会很生气,如果我不说话,我就不“友好或友好”。我赢不了。不久前,他把我的手机从我手里摔了出去,还把我的箱子摔坏了。他说我毁了圣诞节因为我想和家人一起过圣诞节。他说他需要"证据"证明我是他的家人。他开始为难我,因为我想花时间和朋友在一起。 I’m emotionally exhausted!
我的前任在我怀孕的时候开始虐待我,并在2015年2月发现他给一个女孩发短信,当时我们恋爱才6个月。阿努阿·阿拉提说他爱我想留下这个孩子。我在他手机里发现了另一个他一直在不适当地联系的女孩,我来是为了发现他之前和她有过一腿,所以我跟他对质了。他弄丢了,摔坏了我的手机,在厨房桌子上勒死了我。当时我怀孕12周。我打电话给警察,这成为了近2年的感情的开始和身体虐待,常数心理游戏,追踪我的位置在我的电话,隔离我从朋友,贬低我,说谎,偷窃和赌博,把钱藏在独立账户所以他没有付房租,天结束,他将消失喝和年轻女孩与他的失败者和吸毒的朋友,不断闯入我的手机和电脑监控我在做什么。我怀孕了,很害怕,我不知道该怎么办。当时我刚从纽约搬到荷兰阿姆斯特丹,为了自己和怀孕,我努力去相信他告诉我的所有谎言。他一直在玩弄我,利用我。我买了一辆滑板车,这样我们就可以到处走走,他也可以去他的新工作。 It was under his name because I am not from the NL and he told his friend that he would steal it for insurance money if we didn't work out. He would hide my much-needed prescription medication on me, and then say he didn't take it. He was so intimidated by me, that he worked to systematically destroy me. The woman he claimed he loved and the future mother of his child. I couldn't understand or wrap my head around it. Why would this man who promised me the world, steal, lie, cheat, and make me think I was being crazy or paranoid?! I supported him financially a bit, and he was so ungrateful and mean, and always hid money and lied to me about it. He promised to help and pay me back when he got a job. We got asked to leave apartments because of the abuse and complaints from the neighbors and I lost at least 5,000 in security deposits. He would call the police and play the victim. It was absolute insanity.
他是终极骗子,有典型的自恋型人格障碍。不久之后,我第二次怀孕失败了,他责怪我,说我应该克服它。一月份我们休息了几周,他回到了我们家,住在一起,接受治疗,改善我们的关系。阿诺尔答应了我,并哭着对我说,一切都会不同的。他本应该有一天和我一起去健身房,但我却在糖厂(夜总会)的队伍里找到了他和他的朋友,他们正在吃摇头丸。他说他很抱歉,让我和他们一起回家。那天晚上晚些时候,当我们回到家时,我在他的手机里发现了一个女孩,他整晚都在给她打电话,让她带着汗水的表情符号来见他。她18岁,是一个爱男孩的街头女孩。他又一次把责任推给他的朋友。他甚至在手机里改了她的名字,这样他就可以假装不知道她是谁。 She sent me the text messages and I was devastated. He promised it was a huge mistake and he was messed up on drugs and it would never happen again.
谢谢大家的支持!我愚蠢地给了这个反社会自恋者第二次机会。我刚发现了他所有的秘密脸书,Instagram和电子邮件账户里面都是他花钱买春的账户,还在追过去的女人。我还发现他想要和一个女人性交。这些都是不正常的!我皈依了伊斯兰教,他向我保证,我们可以一起过上更好的生活。当我发现时,他失去了理智,打了我,勒死了我,并再次告诉我他会杀了我。在我们经历了那么多之后,我试着相信他。他承认他说谎是病态的,而我对一个刚刚生病的人坚持了那么久,我开始觉得自己疯了。我们需要提醒自己远离Anouar Allati, Anouar Mota, Anouar el Allati这种类型的世界。 They will suck you dry and leave your life in shambles if you let them. I came from NYC with my law degree to the Netherlands, and thought I'd settle down with a nice Amsterdam guy and build a life together. He played that part, but it all wore off until I could seee the monster behind the mask. I am putting my life back together, but it is hard to wrap my head around the abuse and psychotic things I endured for two years. My whole life as I know it with this man I loved and adored, was a complete lie. I wish I had listened to the people around him who warned me he was no good. I will be more cautious in the future, and I forgive and feel badly for someone who is so mentally ill. I know I can get better, but that type of narcissist never will. Please take care of yourselves, my fellow survivors.
我在一段情感虐待关系中已经呆了4年了。前5年的生活超出了我的要求,我是世界上最幸福的女人。我丈夫认为我出轨,同时开始吸毒。那是我噩梦的开始。他经常指责我没有做过的事,跟我说话就像我是垃圾一样,说他会打我,尽管他从来没有打过我,但事情变得越来越糟。我的孩子一直坐着看着我大喊大叫,好像这很正常。我完全筋疲力尽了。我感到孤独和害怕。为什么我如此害怕离开?我知道我必须这么做。 I have always hung on to hope that he would change back into the man he used to be but I now realize that is not going to happen. I feel like I lost the wonderful man I had plans of spending the rest of my life with. I now have he opportunity to leave after feeling stuck and alone with no help for so long but why do I feel so guilty? Why am I so scared? I know I have to get out of my situation now but why I am struggling with making that first step when I know how toxic my relationship is and how it's damaging my son. I just feel completely drained and sick. I'm not looking forward to the long road of struggling to get myself back on my feet yet I can't stand to live this nightmare one more second.
我和我已经成年的孩子们遭受了不断的虐待,他们通过愤怒、有辱人格的评论、威胁来改变我们的生活。我感到很内疚,因为我的孩子们都被那个他们称之为父亲的男人所伤害。他对错误很慷慨,我们过着富足的生活,但当他的愤怒和愤怒的丑陋突然爆发时,这一切都毫无意义。我最近受了伤,脑部受了伤。和他在一辆车里,他辱骂我,威胁我。我求他考虑一下,但他说"去你的伤"这句话出自一个我护理过多次受伤和手术的男人。我们自驾游去了一个度假小镇。在去那里的路上,他像个疯子一样开车来吓我。一路上他又骂又叫。 When we arrived there I was so depleted I had to go to bed at 5 in the afternnon. The trip was miserable. once home i felt distanced from him. I had finally admitted if I stay this is my life to the end. Fear, verbal bause, and anxiety. What drives me to finally end it is him now abusing my oldest son over a business deal. I have had enough! Sentiment and nothing but bad memories are the realit. I cannot ride out my last days on earth with this monster. QI now admit my entire life with himhas never been happy pr safefor me. My heart breaks o er theain my children have gone through. ALadies, know that I am finally totally walking away! QIm free!
任何人都没有权利以任何方式故意伤害你。他们对虐待妇女有心理上的态度。这不是你的错。你可以逃到任何地方……情况只会变得更糟as they will "punish" you more.you can't fix them and make treat you nice...ever!
我从施虐者手中逃脱已经5天了,有一次我把它延长到了11天。我肯定我会回去的,我总是这样。我的上一段感情也是这样。他进了监狱,我就把他赶出了我的生活。一年后,我遇到了现在的施虐者,他马上就忙起来了。他把我闷死了,把我呛晕了,好几次把我的眼睛弄黑了,不管情况如何,他总是责怪我,这都是我的错。他在前几段感情中并不溺爱我。最后一个人也这么说过,但他真的是……我有时认为是我自己把它带到了自己身上。我有毒瘾,我的生活方式和选择是我被虐待的部分原因,但说实话,在我有记忆之前,我就被身体虐待了。我妈妈是个虐待狂。 It's been years since I have even spoke to her and I slowly began cutting of contact with all my family and it seems like the more I cut family of the more abused I was. I wish I could change my past but I know that's not possible, I'm almost certain things i wont do much better for my future. I do love the Lord with all my heart and I'm thankful that I have him to be with me and comfort me especially when I feel like I'm in the war zone and I'm going to die at the hands of a man that claims he loves me. Sometimes I welcome death..that's where victory is for me. If I am able to stay away from him this time, I am going to help women like me. If I go back, well there's no doubt that he will be the death of me and hopefully someone reading this will relate to my story and save themselves.
我正处在一段糟糕的感情中。我经常读书,让自己知道我不是唯一一个这样的人。我男朋友是阿拉伯人…穆斯林。我和他在一起仅仅3个月就怀上了我的儿子。我怀孕的时候他就开始打我。他因虐待我而进了好几次监狱。有一次他把我打昏了,还把我送进了医院,因为我躲在我母亲的房子里。我后悔没有起诉你。我儿子现在1岁了,我被虐待的次数比每晚我给他做晚饭,我坐在桌子旁做作业,因为他邀请别人过来,我就发脾气了,最近我们一直在争论他总是和他的朋友在一起。 He came and struck me and threw all of the food that I made all over me and all over the kitchen, yesterday he punched me in my lips so I had a fat lip all day today. I stay with him because I'm scared, I'm scared my plans of leaving him will fail and then I will really get it. I don't know what to do... he tells me I'm ugly, he can't stand me... so why won't h just let me go? He tells me to leave my son with him and I can go. I'm really so desperate but I am so scared. He knows where my mom lives he knows where I go to school... I am so skinny from how depressed I am, I don't even eat because it makes me sick to my stomach. I dont know what I did to deserve this, I don't know why he hates me so much when I do everything for him a woman should do. Getting the police involved I feel like they won't do much. I just feel like I'm going to end up dead. I don't want to do this anymore and I wish I can just get out. If you are in an wbusive relationship I would just recommend to leave when you have the chance because these kind of people will never change. I feel so grossed out when I see him, I hate when he touches me.
我的一生都充满了虐待。当我15岁的时候,我开始和一个比我大几岁的男人约会,他开始很酷,在我身上花钱,让我觉得自己像个公主,当我只有17岁的时候,我发现自己怀孕了。我决定留下这个孩子。他慢慢地露出了真面目。开始时这里推了一下,那里推了一下然后这里磕了一下,那里磕了一下。我相信你知道剩下的。他对我很糟糕,但他是一个可靠而稳定的父亲。我们分手了,我独自生活了几年,他会在周末带着我们的儿子,但老实说,我开始和一群不太好的人一起玩,做一些我不太自豪的事情,所以我儿子的父亲允许我和儿子搬去和他住,直到我重新振作起来。尽管我们没有在一起,但他又开始虐待我了,时间一长一长,偶尔处理一下虐待问题比离开并独自处理要容易得多。我很害怕。我没有家人的支持,我很害怕。但后来我遇到了一个男人,我以为他会是我穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士,结果却成了我最可怕的噩梦。他答应会照顾我,永远不会伤害我。我有一些心理健康问题,我有躁郁症和躁狂抑郁症,我收集ssi,所以我的收入和选择有限,但无论如何,我儿子的父亲决定把我和我所有的东西扔到房子前面的街道上。都是因为他厌倦了我住在那里,他遇到了一个女孩,她不喜欢我住在那里,所以他把我赶了出去。我刚认识这个人,所以我不太了解他,他说我可以和他和他妈妈住在一起。她是一个生病的女人,所以他需要住在那里,帮助照顾这里。反正他是这么跟我说的。我把儿子抱在怀里,不想放手。but all the fighting in the street was traumatizing.so i left and this guy turned out to be the craziest man i ever met.he showed his true colors very fast.he was crazy jealous i couldnt talk to my sons father without a huge fight and when i realized he was a real abusive man i tried to leave he actually cut himself so bad he needed 12 staples in his arm.he lied and told the hospital someone did that to him.after that he tried to be so sweet with me but honestly i was afraid to bring my son around him.he wouldnt leave my side for a second he would tell me things like he would take his life if i left or mine and things like that.i had a court date about custody of my son on the way to court he thought he was going to loose me he ran in front of a bus.imagine i was in aposition of a man thats sick and obsessed with me.well imagine i have been dealing with this man for over 4 years i really dont know how i lasted this long.my son wouldnt talk to me for r years he only recently started writing me.he wants to see me and i am dying to see him.i cry myself to sleep every night since the day i was thrown out.i wish every day that i could go back 5 years.this man has put me through hell since i met him.i recently started saving some money and putting my important papers on the side and tryingbto reach out and see what kind of help i can get.i pray everyday god will answer my prayers and bring my son and i back together.i went threw ovarian cancer twice and almost died, i thank god i had my son so young i had to have a total hysterectomy when i was only 28.my son is turning 16 i missed out on 4 years of his life i cant miss anymore.please i need help.i feel so stuck i feel sorry for him his mother passed away almost a year ago and they were very close but now its even more abusive.he dont give me anytime alone he always wants my attention.he dont sleep.he is also metally ill.i only have alittle time here and there.i try to make phone calls and find out as much as i can.its really a nightmare.everyday i wish i could just wake up and this all have been a horrible nightmare.i apologize for pouring so much out.oh and how very stupidly i married this very unstable man.i need some advise please.i collect ssi for mental health issues and back problems.please if you could tell me how to get into housing or what my next move should be i just want a home so i could get my son back.i miss him so much.please help.thank you.
在你们所有人的声音中听到自己的声音,我深深地受伤了……我刚满21岁,到今年11月我和男朋友在一起已经5年了。我15岁就认识他了。他是我所知道的一切,因为我父亲在我13岁时去世了。他是如此的可爱,是有史以来最有趣的人(在一个“好”的日子里)。但现在我无法忍受看着他……我发现自己想要伤害他就像他伤害我一样严重。我知道我不应该这样,但是离开真的很难…我知道他是谁,我知道什么会让他哭泣,我知道他是一个关心他人、感情丰富的人。但我发誓他好像有两个人格… I despise the other. He hits me, slaps me, he has spit on me, drags me across rooms by my clothes, throws me against walls, runs at me, threatens me, calls me every name in the book. I try to ignore the things he says verbally to me but they ring in my head and when he speaks them my chest hurts just as bad as when he hits me. It's only been a year of this and I can't do it anymore. I cry almost everyday. People I know are growing up and maturing and I feel as if I'm going backwards... He makes me feel like a child and gets mad that I act like one! He makes absolutely no sense and I am never allowed to speak to tell him that. If I do, all hell breaks loose. I hate that this is my life. I ask God what I did to deserve this... Because I know leaving him is gonna put me into more of a depression. I hope I can find happiness as I am still young. Even for all of you that have been in this for way longer, I know there is someone out there for each of us that will show us and treat us with the love we deserve.
阿德里亚娜,我必须对你说实话,如果我不了解,我会认为我们是和同一个人在一起。我嫁给的这个怪物毁了我的灵魂,毁了我的每一部分,我真的不知道我怎么还活着。我知道我不应该这样,但就像你一样,那些时刻,另一个人站出来,知道如何让我为他感到难过。这是我的错,如果我能停止这个或开始做那个,停止顶嘴。哇,我不知道你是我爸爸,这真是一个活生生的噩梦。these men get such a hold on us and they take our love for granted and try to make us feel so awful about ourselves that no one will ever want to be with us.and i know its not true, and honestly ive been through this too long in life i really just rather be alone! I just wanted to let you know you are still so young and i was exactly where you are when i was your age only i had a son.its not easy but then again what we go through everyday is hell anyway.i can promise you that you will be so much better off once you can make that huge step.once you get out the rest will be a dream come true.i wish you so much luck.they dont realize it only takes one little push to fall the wrong way or them hit you in the wrong spot for something really tragic to happen.please get out before that.we are in very similiar situations its not easy at all just got to stop worrying about them and worry about us.please do everything possible to get out asap..i wish i knew how to help i myself is on here looking for help.im disabled with a very low income.i just keep trying to save as much as i can without him noticing and got my papers where i can grab them.good luck
我结婚19年了。他53岁,我37岁。我从一个虐待我(性)的继父那里逃了出来,并在两周内嫁给了我的丈夫。直到大约10年前,这一切都很美好。他成了一个酒鬼,而且越来越糟。不过没人知道。我是一个呆在家里的妈妈,(3个孩子年龄分别为15岁、16岁和18岁,他是自闭症患者),我在家上学。我和孩子们除了彼此没有朋友也没有家人。他所有的朋友都认为他很棒,我们是完美的家庭。他们都知道他把我从家里“救”出来,所以他们认为他很了不起。 He has never hit any of us, he is emotionally and mentally abusive to me and our children. He has a daughter that is 33 and she is perfect in every way (she's an alcoholic too and a teacher so she hides it well. The children and I want to leave but I have no access to any money as I have never worked, am not on the checking account, credit cards, the house and my car are in his name. I don't know what I am going to do but I know I have to do it fast. He shot my son and daughter's dogs because they played to rough with his dog (his princess) right in front of them.
首先我想说谢谢你分享你内心最深处的想法,它确实帮助我阅读你的故事。我在找出租的地方。我感到泄气、沮丧、困惑、悲伤和迷失。在过去的六年里,我和一个除了愤怒、怨恨、操纵和玩游戏之外没有任何情感的人生活在一起。我不能说出我内心最深处的想法,因为我不信任他.....他会嘲笑我,他会曲解我的话和意思,然后告诉他的同伴......他不尊重我的感受。他在我的孩子面前发脾气,贬低我,贬低我。他很有魅力,富有同情心,对每个人都倾听和笑,除了我。他操纵我,让我认为我不值得,我全职工作,我抚养孩子(不是他的感谢上帝)。在外人看来,他是个好人,但在我看来,他只是个惹是生非的混蛋。 He has done drugs for over thirty years, no-one knows. He thinks choking me and going to hit me is funny. This is also a story no-one knows. i am dirty on myself for giving him chance after chance. even last night he has this falseness about him trying to convince me he has changed, it is a cycle, it will last about one week, this time I am confident to leave, I feel like a failure but looking back i have tried every avenue possible. The ironic thing is that in a relationship it takes two people to make a success. I am scared, I am still breathing, the sun is shinning, I have beautiful children both boys, I have strength to get out. My feelings and emotions are real, They are mine and I will look after them........That's my promise to me.
我已经离开虐待我的人2个月.....虽然这是地狱与他,它变得熟悉....当他不在言语上、情感上或身体上虐待我的时候,他能迅速地说一些让我感到被爱的话……但他无法坚持到底……我认为他最长可以体面的是2周最多....他降级了,然后道歉。告诉我回来,他会永远珍惜我……在youtube上播放老歌,告诉我这就是他对我的感觉……然而,他会打我,推我,在我身上撒尿,骂世界上任何脏话,我仍然会回去,我必须在2年内离开@至少50-60次,每次我回去,我觉得没有我他很痛苦,他很抱歉.....但它从未保持良好....现在我不在.... Now I feel every gamut of emotions ..... I'm sad...I'm heartbroken, I hate myself, I question my thoughts constantly... He would always call me angry... When after so many arguments I would finally say nothing ,then I'd get angry cause I felt like a fool believing him again..... He would say he should just lock me in a mental institution.....I was homeless piece of shit..... A whore... He'd go on for hours saying the same thing ... I'd hide on the ranch and hear him going on for hours.....why didn't I leave??? I left sometimes , sometimes he'd take my ranch key , and I'd be locked in... I had him arrested 3 times .... He took a plea deal probation, domestic violence classes, 12 months of AA.... I've been gone 2 months and he still had not started any conditions and 8 months passed.....
我有一段非常糟糕的婚姻,没有多少感情,我对我的丈夫辱骂。我对他很糟糕,我不怪他失去了对我的爱。我发现自己患有躁郁症、创伤后应激障碍和边缘性人格障碍。我开始吃药,但花了一段时间才找到合适的药和剂量。我还在努力,试着接受治疗。我和一个男人分手后开始约会,他对我很好。他很深情,会给我买花,为我做饭,用无数种方式表达他的关心。我觉得他很棒,很适合我。几个月后,他来我家,我们喝得酩酊大醉。我不记得我们说了什么,但我们开始争吵,他生气了,把一个杯子扔在地板上,玻璃碎了。 I told him to leave. I had to repeat it over and over and he would not. He stood in my doorway and said he didn't have to and he'd leave when he was ready to. I was so angry I slapped him across the face. He reached out and pushed me by my cheek and shoved me back. My neck twisted and I went flying back and fell and slid in broken glass and hit my head on the floor. I was afraid of him after that but he said it was self defence because I laid my hands on him first. He then started trying to win me back by being the man I knew before and I figured it was an isolated incident. Even still, something in my gut said it wasn't right and I dumped him every month but we always got back together because by then I was all messed up thinking he loved me more than anyone had and I couldn't let that go for whatever reason. We moved in together a year later when I sold my house because I was desperate for somewhere to live and had no job so a very limited amount of money to pay bills. Within one month he changed completely like he knew he had me and now his real side came out. I dumped him within that first month and started sleeping in another room. For the past 8 months I have gone from hating him to wanting to rekindle something to being scared of him to wanting to kill myself. I'm all over the place and my mental illnesses do not help. He would make comments like how he thought we should live together forever even if we weren't a couple because he loved my company. Then he would accuse me of having cheated on him while we were together and that he always loved me more than I loved him. He calls me psycho and self-absorbed, assumes I'm not on my meds or that I'm drunk when I come home late from visiting a friend. He expects to know who I'm going out with and when I will be home, or to text him if I will be late and if I don't he waits up for me and gets angry when I come home. He is possessive, controlling, and mentally/emotionally abusive all the time. I feel like I live in a cage and he's not even my boyfriend anymore. We had another incident of physical abuse when he was belittling me and trying to get me so upset to the point I got angry and hit him, which "in self defence" he took as an opportunity to shove me across the kitchen into the lower cabinets. He called the cops on me that time because he figured he should do it before I did. I have been trying to fight back and not let him run my life but sometimes I have such bad anxiety and am just too afraid of his moods that I end up not doing anything. I barely smile or laugh. I don't feel good inside and I cry every day. This is so draining. I recently got a new apartment and am trying to move in but he is once again making life hell and I don't even have the energy to pack a box let alone put it in my car and take it to the new place. I need to get out and to safety away from him and live my own life but I'm scared. I'm afraid to be alone and be a part-time single mom with no job and I have no idea how I'm going to make it work without a support system. I've been on a wait list for therapy for over 3 months. Sometimes I feel like I'm such a waste of space and he's right about me being trash. Other times I fight these thoughts but they never quite go away. This is the hardest thing I've ever gone through and I used to be beat by my dad, I was raped multiple times as a teenager, I was abused by boyfriends etc. I have so much trauma but this one has destroyed me to my core. I don't think I will ever be able to get past this but it is really comforting to read other comments and know that people in similar or worse situations have fought and won their battles. So thank you for giving me some hope.