



很多人会鞭策自己这个问题:“为什么我不能离开吗?”你想要the easy answer? You aren't ready to leave yet.

  • 没有相信滥用认股权证你离开,或
  • 你缺乏财政资源,或
  • 你在与你的施虐者,或
  • 孩子们太小,或
  • 孩子们几乎辍学,或
  • 施虐者需要你,或者
  • 在这里填写你的原因。






  • 想要结束你的虐待关系。生命太短暂和珍贵的花用一个伤害你的人。
  • 如果你的施虐者身体上攻击你,我希望你离开现在。辱骂升级物理攻击和攻击升级而死。此外,你可能不是唯一一个死你的施虐者可能会谋杀你,然后你的孩子和其他人。

























你还可以找到凯莉乔冬青网站,Google +,脸谱网推特






我看到你在做一些研究工作。我在一个严重口头和情感虐待结婚近20年。去年6月我终于离开。我住的原因也是我担心大家会认为。我已经告诉没人的虐待。我发现,人们知道比你想象的更多。我最近开始了新的职业生涯的一个非赢利组织,致力于消除亲密伴侣暴力。我已经学了很多关于我自己的经验和对亲密伴侣虐待。我对你的建议是教育自己所有可能的选项。你可能会发现机会离开不久,在许多年,要么一无所有。 You will know when it is right and it is helpful to have a safety plan. call the national hotline, they can direct you to an Intimate Partner Abuse organization near you. Most hotlines will assist you in many ways even if you are not ready to leave. Feel free to reach out.


我10年到第二个虐待关系。我试图抓住都着急,只关注美好的时光比坏很大程度上持续一段时间。我已经能够逃脱上班但封锁是一个人间地狱。我现在的丈夫是一个滥用喝醉了,他说正在严重破坏我的心灵的安宁。我认为,滥用变得更加严重,因为他想推开我足够的在线广播性行为。今天最新的法案是忽略了狗,不舒服,不让他出去,导致我清理粪便和凌晨走的狗在黑暗后10小时一天在家工作。通常滥用是一个周末,而是因为他没有工作本周滥用时间表已经转移到一个星期的一天。花了一整天在办公室/客房担心他做一个在线现场,关闭WiFi,等等。我在NHS工作和很负责任的工作。我感到很孤独和低,他在空着的房间里,我一直睡觉做网络性行为。不知道我做了什么,应该受到这样的惩罚,但给他一天左右他会爬。 My problem is I cannot forget things he says; so awful I cannot repeat them and they are affecting any physical relationship I can have with him. Not sure why I’m so weak but getting to stage that cannot forget...








我同意绝大多数的但我不同意享受性爱。你不应该与谁虐待你,做爱,可能是一个滥用乔装的策略。也许你可以强奸,甚至不知道它,很多武术强奸幸存者在没有意识到他们被强奸。不要“抓住你所能”,因为对你的施虐者将使用。保持冷静和距离。我甚至会建议“当下”,因为整个点所以蜜月期的施虐者可以使你所以你可以留下来。受害者通常不能享受这一时刻”,因为“时刻”变成了长期的,因为他们是“狂喜”。当你“享受时刻”它是一种操纵策略让你呆更长的时间。你爱上它,因为施虐者是如此光滑,你甚至没有意识到发生了什么。你喜欢“好时光”“性”,“笑”的“笑话”“你能抓住的”和“享受时刻”之前,你知道你下降网罗a.k.蜜月阶段。“当下”和你呆一到两周时间,或者一个月长。 I would say don't even enjoy it all, not for moment or a second because the minute you do you you'll get too comfortable. If you have the courage to completely ignore it, or reject it or display your disdain for the temporary fakeness your abuser shows, well do it. If you can't, act like you enjoy it, but don't or you will subconsciously fall for it. That's the reason why victims usually stay is because they want the good ol days back, wishing the abuser will change and that's easy to believe in "enjoying the moment" being it seems all to good and get too comfortable and let there guard down. I wouldnt even play the abusers mind games with "enjoying the moment", why even get him thinking your falling for his ways. Why even tempt yourself with "enjoying the moment" knowing you've put yourself in a position by your abuser to possibly fall for it. Your possibly setting yourself up for failure. Your playing with fire. If you don't play his mind games he won't have anyone to play with.




嗨。我在一个非常糟糕的情绪虐待关系。我看到我的男朋友现在已经六个月。完美的开始,他要见我,跟我说话,等。对我来说我认为我找到了一个完美的人。随着关系的进展,情况更糟了。他是能够使用/工作在电话中交谈,因为他建设工作。他想要(现在仍然想)是在电话里跟我24/7当他是在工作。我竭尽全力的借口下车跟他电话,因为它最有可能总是会导致争吵或打架。现在我又开始上学,他要我跟他说只要我不上课或者做我的学校工作。当我告诉他,我得走了,他让我感觉坏,说我“离开他自己。” On top of it, we fight all the time, and when we fight it's very bad. He calls me a pathological liar and a cheater (all because my ex boyfriend texted me one time out of the blue to see how I was, and I told him it was just an old friend). He tells me that he has to beg me for sex, but I would give it up to anyone else with no problem. He has called my outfits ugly before and has called me worthless and basically a whore. I have to ask him to go anywhere, and I'm basically scared to go anywhere without telling him because he expects a call. He also tracks my location. I feel like I can't go anywhere without telling him first because he'll get mad at me. I basically have to ask him if I can go out with my friends, and if he doesn't want me to go out he makes me feel awful and manipulates me into not going out. He also tells me I'm not allowed to wear certain things. He wants me to spend so much time with him, whenever he's out of work. I feel like I don't have time to myself. I miss my friends, I miss being home with my mom, and I miss going to the gym. Last night we got into an awful fight because I went out with my friends to a party and I didn't tell him what happened there. I tried to leave him 5 times, and he always makes me feel bad about it. I don't know what's wrong with me, whenever I get the chance to leave I don't. I'm so stupid and so miserable. I've been thinking about breaking up with him but I don't know how to do it. My mom tells me that when I'm ready to leave him I will, but I'm so scared... what if I'm never ready to leave him? I just want my freedom back, I don't want to be controlled anymore. I don't even love him anymore, I'm more afraid of him than anything. I feel like I can't leave him because his mom is sick and he doesn't see his friends often. I feel like I'm all he has, but I can't be like this anymore. I'm not myself, I want my life back. I want to go out, have fun and not have to worry about this bull anymore. A relationship shouldn't be this hard. I feel like another reason why I wont leave him is because I don't want to experience another heart break... I already lost my dad 2 years ago and I just want to be happy. I feel like I'm lost. I need to get out of this awful relationship but he wont let me leave. I haven't even mentioned some other stuff. He talks over me, doesn't let me speak, points his finger in my face, gets all up in my face, etc. I feel like this might lead to him hitting me, but I don't think he would ever do that. After a fight I always apologize because he makes me feel like i'm the one in the wrong, when I know that I'm not. I'm so miserable, I spend all my time fighting with him and it's not healthy. I'm not myself anymore. I don't know why I can't leave him. I need help. He makes me feel like he's the best boyfriend ever, that he doesn't give me a reason to worry, that he never cheats, that he treats me like a queen. WHICH IS FALSE AND I KNOW IT'S FALSE BUT I CAN'T LEAVE HIM. I'm so miserable and this reply is all over the place but I'm just letting everything out now








我与我的丈夫已经有十年了。他对我精神上情感上和身体上的虐待。我也不敢离开,我是互相依赖的。我想离开,但我一直对自己说“我将错过他”我觉得愚蠢的想法“我不会再次可以拥抱或亲吻他”,或者我将独自....我害怕他会做什么。我们试图卖掉我们的房子,我认为如果我们这样做会离开....的绝佳机会我感到软弱,因为我不要离开.....我don't want to waste my life with this person I want to leave but every time I have a chance I back out. I am miserable I cry every day.


我叠恋爱8年,但过去3年的是纯粹的人间地狱。当我们见面是最好的事情曾经发生在我身上。我有人爱我,只有我和接受我的我是谁,还以为我是美丽的。看到我整个关系接近400英镑,我们特地搬到远离家人和朋友,他只是让我美联储和可行的支付账单的一半。他感到安全知道我被其他男人不希望或预期。最终我受够了我累了我已经厌倦了厌倦了我的外观和在痛苦和超重我损失了160磅在一瞬间改变了我整个的生活。我开始关注人回到我左和右是我穿着好看的衣服我不能穿在我面前看起来像一个完全不同的人我终于漂亮,他变得丑陋。每次我出去他发誓我是和另一个男人我欺骗他每次我们一起出去的时候,如果其他男人看着我,他会生气,试着开始打架。他将试着让我吃不健康的食物,他说他不喜欢小女人,喜欢我的大。我终于意识到我的话我意识到我没有坚持这个男人,我可以做得更好。 I could be better. I could go further in life without him holding me back with his negativity and his in responsible and imature ways. A year ago one morning I was getting ready for work and before I could get up to go to the bathroom she runs to use it before I do and it set me off because i really had to use it and he did it on purpose. So i started knocking on the door telling him to hurry up and get out.. He got so mad he cracked the door as i reached out to open it he slammed it catching my finger.. Then grabbing to the floor.. Eventually choking me.. At that point i thought it was it.. Because he has threatened before to kill me.. He has slapped me around and pushed but this time he didnt stop.. I was scratching for dear life until i kicked him in his private part got up and grabbed my purse ran out the door to my car.. He was right behind me. I was able to get in and lock the doors so he grabbed a huge rock busted my windshield window.. As i hurry up and try to drive away.. He picked it up threw it and busted my back window i drove as far as i could see to the closest store yesterday drink because my throat was on fire.. But i sat in the parking lot and broke down. The people in the store ran out to ask if i was ok because of my car.. But they seen my blood shot eyes bloody fingers and called the police. Police came i tild them he just damaged my car.. The cop said "he also strangled you" at first i denied it .. Then i said yes.. He was able to tell the blood vessels in my ass were broken and i couldn't turn my neck.. The officer was so angry he speed away to my address. My boyfriend fled the scene.. But proceeded to call me.. The officer told me to put it on speaker he said " im sorry.. I love you.. You made me do it.. Please dont put me in jail" i went along with it hoping he would come home but he didnt. The officer said he sounds like a sociopath and he needs to be in jail. But since he ran me and the cop came up with a plan.. He told me eventually he is going to come back.. Play it cool like every thing is ok.. When he is good and sleep secretly call the cops so he can the be arrested. So i did just that.. I left the doors unlocked went in the bathroom called the cops the came in woke him up and took him to jail
终于自由,他是他所属的地方。我去他的审判前,指控他犯有绞杀固有监禁和破坏财产。他服役禁令sonhe不能叫我但男孩恳求我不要出现他的家人不作证。他不好意思所以爱上我,地狱永远不会再做一次. .等等等等……我是法院命令去猜猜. .我没一个月后他被释放,我们一起回来。他所有的承诺“illl从来没有不尊重你. .或者再打你,生病得到帮助。生病戒烟杂草”. . Wrong it was good for maybe a month then back to being every name under the sun and abuse. One night i made him dinner for when he came home from work.. I was napping before hand so i couldn't hear my phone when he walked in the door. He started Screaming at me .. Calling me names accusing me of cheating. Took the food off the stove and poures it on my head.. Takes my glasses and breaks them now i cant see.. Takes dish soup shoves it in my mouth and squeezes the bottle .. Then takes his foot and try to shove his dirty foot with his srinky sock all in my mouth and over my face then starts punching in my bottom. Takes my phone and smaches it.. I run out blind to my car.. At this point ive learned to hid my keys and purse in a spot i can grab it just in case and i drive to a walmart its 1 in the morning im walking looking like carrie from the movie with food and soap all over me.. With bo shoes on.. They thought i was crazy .. I bought some shoes and new clothes went into the restroom to change.. I didnt even cry this time i was used to it until one person asked me if i was ok.. I broke down.. This lady let me come to her house for the night bought me food took me to get a new phone told me to call my mom.. I did i told her everything my mom was schocked and asked my if somthing was wrong with me.. Why do i keep going back.. I promiced her this time i wasn't going back.. Well i did i dont know why i couldnt stay strong.. I had all the money.. The car the apartment was mine.. I paid all the bills he half assed everything i had
。智慧. .现在新的看起来我很容易离开发现有人还但是因为某些原因我不能离开. .我觉得我还不能信任知道. .我总是说他不欺骗我. .他从不晚回家或隐藏他的电话. .他给我买东西,给他的钱当他. .他爱上了我…我还有精神困惑. .我强大到足以让他离开6个月但他承诺改变了我让他回来
好快的男性大约四个月前的今天。我得到的最好的消息我的生活. .我怀孕了…我一直在为8年。我想我不能有孩子。我告诉医生我就很难自然受孕的减肥是我的治疗。我告诉了他这个好消息高兴我以为他就是因为他总是指责我偷偷服用避孕药,因为我怀孕吃,因为他想要一个孩子。首先他说不是我的,如果你真的怀孕,我想让你证明这一点,他就去买了一个验孕棒,让我撒尿。他看起来高兴打电话给他的家人和所有的朋友,告诉他有一个宝贝,持续了一天. .第二天,我们进入一个agrument我打电话我妈妈长. . We went back and fourth then the name calling and then he struck me.. And stuck me.. And shoved me and told me he was really going to kill me.. I climbed out the bed room window ran to my car went to the hospital got checked out. They called the police i got a order of protection.. Stayed in a hotel room until he was served and taken to jail. He got out two weeks later but i have not looked back.. I have to protect my baby.. The baby gave me strength this time to be strong and to don't ever go to him.. I could never trust him around my child or myself i feel better at peace and comfortable in my home.. Sooner or later i do belive he would have killed me.. Please dont wait till it gets to that point.. Love does not hurt.. Love feels good.. Makes you happy not anxious or nervous or paranoid.. Love is exactly that love abuse is exactly that to abuse sometimes it's hard to not confuse the two and makes them together for their two different words in two different meanings... Save your self and if you have children save them an abuser should.never be around kids even if they're not abusing the kids they're abusing you and you can see that trust they will never forget that




我的情感虐待关系。我们已经7年了。我总是,我想跑回他. .我不知道为什么。我非常的想念他,但我知道他不适合我,我也不相信我为他好。已经过了一个月了自从我离开他。我做的是想到他,想到消息他,但我知道如果我这样做重复。我猜我只是写这是否有任何人有任何建议或正在经历同样的事情。恐怕我不会去克服他。




你好,汉娜,我只是最近的和,四年,口头虐待关系。我们继续回去的原因是我们孤独。一旦你忙着思考其他的事情,它会好转的。同时,试着记住坏的时候,你是想联系他。因为坏年景不好! ! !y你值得爱和关心的人,那些尊重你!
















我的丈夫控制一切。我可以没有钱,他检查我的电话,邮件,内衣。我不能淋浴,如果他是在工作。他检查我的使用卫生棉条,因为他说我撒谎否认性。我不能剃我的私人部分。我写这篇文章,我感到很愚蠢,甚至没有一个真正的人。我觉得有时候我在看电影,因为很离奇。我不能工作我有一个儿子19 y / o自闭症和精神分裂症。我其他的儿子4年前得了癌症,他现在是16。我也有一个10 y / o和他的女儿。 Everyone tells me why I just leave and that I am so stupid. Also people tell my that I am still with him because I enjoy being abused. They are not in my shoes. He says he is a Christian and tells me I have to summit to him and I have to do what he says. I wish all the time he dissapears and God forgives me but I even wish he die. He broke my eye with a trash can 8 months ago. He chase me all the time around the house and talks to me like I am 10. I am not allowed to go out ( only for my kids medical appointments) he do grocery shopping and all kind of shopping because he says I will steal his money if I have his debit card. I wish I have the courage to leave.


哇. .我们是双胞胎,我和我的丈夫20年来,他的精神上,情感上,心理上,有时它会得到身体。但都认为我们有梦想生活,有时我们所做的。芭比和肯他们叫我们,我们不能获得足够的彼此,我们是分不开的,到最后! !美丽的知心伴侣,华丽的房子,在初中相识,结婚,22岁,确切的我们的1周年的日子,我们发现怀孕了! !我们的第一个孩子在24和我们最后的29岁。
我们有3个女儿,我也接近尾声时,没有大声的房子,不大声在我家里工作,最终,因为我使用优惠券和节省数百美元,花了太久,他会我给他留言他传呼我走出门口的时候,{{后孩子们在学校和家里是干净的,}}去杂货店购物,然后beep当我回到家时,我不得不保存收据来证明我的时间线,这花了我很长时间以来,他以为我有外遇和一袋男孩之类的,,所以我不再去! !也我与朋友共进午餐,除非他的妈妈和我妈妈去了。
唯一的男人大声我出去玩时,我想要的是我的父亲,和我做,他是我的一个最好的朋友,我们一起工作,一起杂货店购物,有组织的假期和菜单,直到他的心生病了,所以我是病人的倡导者,我在医院一天10 +小时。值得庆幸的是我们的女儿9、13和15岁。
一个轻易发怒的人增加了alcholosism volitile乘以10。是不同的这一次当他击中我,正常我离开,但我永远不会回去,与他20多年后,他说我是他的灵魂伴侣,我非常爱他。我们唯一爱更多的是上帝。我失去了我的父亲和丈夫就在同一个月,只有2人在我的生命中!神令我这样的和平后,我离开了他,现在就像关在笼子里的鸟能飞,第一次,我不可以呼吸,蛋壳上行走。令人震惊的是,每个人都我没有回复他。我有保护秩序,法官给了我的房子,孩子,狗和他的薪水。
最终,他开始约会的男人的妻子,他最后一次打我,说话,接受慰问我的父亲,我在谈论! !我是她最好的朋友!没有输给我,伤害我。
一年后他开始约会一个朋友,我是她最好的朋友,因为她是一个年轻的少年,她实际上已经约会2前男友。我不介意,但是我的丈夫,就撕断了我的心! ! !他们都叫我聊天当我的丈夫坐在他们旁边,不知怎么的,我知道,两次,我只是给他的细胞,它在电话里响了! !哈哈. .破产!上帝给我的天使,告诉我。第二个朋友他现在约会超过5年,有时给我打电话问我我的丈夫在哪里,他是丑陋的,说谎等等,因为她知道他虐待我,她的一个朋友我会跑,从一个身体对抗和哭泣,相信她,她目睹了我们战斗,在过去的几十年里虐待我。我真的,给她建议,告诉她我很抱歉他对她这样做,我的意思是,她比我认为他会以不同的方式对待她,他一生的挚爱,我结束了你可以不再打电话给我关于你们的关系。痛苦的是,我将为你祈祷,对不起,
我们的女儿学习,父母的关系和爱是不正常的,我们甚至不知道什么是正常,我一直和我的丈夫因为我是18岁。有一天上帝和我的父亲一起发送一个天使。他们必须搜索高低来寻找这神奇的人,他住在一个不同的状态,3小时路程。它开始在电话里点和电子邮件后,我们会说上几个小时,小时每一天! !他帮助了我的网上珠宝生意开始,然后开始拜访我在我的家里,在房子的保养,我们成为了最好的朋友,然后我就爱,有史以来第一次,有一个人在家里,没有喊,诅咒,饮料或生气,谎言,开始争论,虐待我以任何方式都没有! !def是文化冲击对我和我女儿。这是不舒服,严重的奇怪,姑娘们就会说,你会大喊,你是一个定时炸弹! ! ! !我们都只是等待他生气和提前,随着时间的推移,最终,我们习惯了平静,开始欣赏它,因为他,女孩和我现在知道什么是正常的!我永远感谢这个人,一个令人难以置信的爱,平静,敬神,理解、可靠、诚实和惊人的例子,一个真正的谦虚的人。非自恋者,因为我从来没有听过这个词,直到我和我女儿去ALANON,和咨询后,我离开了。 I learned there are in general like 4 types, My husband was not one type, he literally fit all 4 categories! How dangerous and scary! What damage have I done to my children, they do have tons of excellent memories, for his apologies for fighting with mommy was gifts, vacations, going out on the boat etc,
我的女儿和朋友们说我遇见一个人喜欢你的男朋友,哈哈,,意义,一个非混乱好辩的,生气,但是,富有同情心,爱心,冷静,相信交际关系!我们已经约会将近9年,他仍然生活3小时路程。然而他几天一周的周末,他是一个好基督徒的人尊重我,女孩。一开始,他花了晚上在我妈妈的房子,和我一起的日子,直到多年以后,他开始住在楼上,在空着的房间里,青蛙在我的农场的房子,我现在独自生活,我不知道如果我有空巢综合症,我不这么认为! !哈哈我的男朋友现在一个人住在他的房子,他的儿子今年也搬出他的家。


他comitted adultry你都是免费的。两种方法在上帝的话语你自由的婚姻是死亡或adulutry。他离婚立即! !




你的故事很相似,我和我的朋友除了他从来没有过滤。我丈夫的25年并不总是这样。但是他改变了他指责我欺骗当我所做的是向我高中时认识的一位老朋友。看到他不希望我从事与男性交谈一直是嫉妒。为什么我没有看到过去当我们第一次连接。我希望我能回去并保持单身。年过去,他一直是更多的控制和嫉妒。最近2019年7月一直问我,我一直在和谁散步时我需要的房子远离他。他不再是退休了,我不再奏效。我为自己没有空间他的房子,也几乎没有朋友没有社交生活他没有太多的孤独的人,他只是关注我.... I hate everything about my situation and this has been going on for decades. Been married for 25 years. I’m Christian too. I know God would not want me to live this way. I want out but it’s not always this easy. He constantly threatens me with financial emotional verbal abuse at times physical. Never admits it and never apologized he’s a narcissist I truly believe this. He and I have been verbally abusive for-decades to one another. I don’t like him I really hate him why can’t he just accept this. He tells me I get nothing has taken things away from me to punish me. I don’t have many friends he made it this way. Why was I so stupid and naive to be under his control for this long. I believe he brainwashed me and told me I could never survive without him. He has pitted my kids against me and they take his side. Thank god my sister and brother and my mom know what I’m going through and they do not like him what so ever. They tell me to get out. This guy has put me through hell and back and yet I’m still here. 50 years old and alone and scared and afraid. Signed, MW from Canada


我在一个非常相似的情况。我将在20年的婚姻。滥用我们订婚后开始。如果我只知道现在我所知道的。他有一个虐待的童年。5年前我们搬了我的工作。自那以后,变得让人难以忍受。他叫我的名字,没有女人应该被称为,尤其是她的丈夫。之后,他终于找到了一份工作5年的我支付一切。他晚上工作在本周我孤独。 I actually look forward to going home, no stress, and I can do what I want. And then the weekend comes. He is constantly yelling at me, calling me names, belittling me. He knows my insecurities and what would hurt me and he goes for the jugular every time. He is an alcoholic and says everything is always my fault. He berated me yelling and saying the same things over and over. He said no one will ever want me that is why I wasn’t married at 32 when we met. He has told me to go get a gun and shoot myself in the head.i have lost 35 pound because he is not around during the week so I don’t emotionally eat and can go workout. He tells me that I am selfish for working out yet every thing is always based on his needs and wants. He stays up late and sleeps al day on the weekends. He does nothing around the house. I never get a compliment or appreciation for all I do. I hate him and am ready to go when he is in one of his tirades but the next day comes and I become afraid for my marriage to end. I am lonely but afraid of being alone. The work and all that would need to happen in a divorce is overwhelming and I don’t want to loose what we have built. What is wrong with me. I know it is a toxic relationship and I deserve better yet I don’t file for divorce. I am anger, ashamed and disappointed in myself.


嗨. .同样在阅读评论评论后我的情况我非常难过!我结婚时我遇到我现在的男朋友……我现在和我的前任丈夫的关系是一个身体上的暴力…和我遇见我的男朋友在工作. .他和我成为朋友的坏. .他成为我最好的朋友,我会和他谈谈一切……所以当我和前女友分手我男朋友和我一起开始花时间外下班然后它变成更多…他是甜的……听我说话… paid attention to me... noticed when I got a hair cut of whatever... I fell for him hard!! After about a year we were together... and I thought it was perfect thought I found the person who was my person.. u know... until one day it all changed... started with something little that I over looked... thought he was just having a bad day... but it has all gotten worse... I had my past thrown in my face... choices I made .. bad things that have happened to me... being. Told I deserve it! Being called worthless lazy no good! EverThing mean you can think mean to say to someone he has said it.. I have pretty much cut myself off from my family bc I have ran to them several times after a fight saying I was leaving and after a week and he calms down it’s all back to me loves me and so on and on... I always come back! I have 3 kids and one of them is his and he is now 5 months old... so I keep saying if I could make it 10 years in a physically abusive relationship I can make it through this but honestly I feel as if mental abuse is so much worse... bc it gets in you head and you think and it over and over... am I really worthless?? Do I really deserve bad things to happen to me? Am I really fat or ugly?? And the truth is when living this way you believe it to a fault almost bc it’s drilled into your head!! I’m always thinking about how great it was when we were friends how attentive he was how loving and caring... and I hold out o. Hope that one day he will open his eyes and realize that he is hurting me badly! But I don’t think it will ever happen!! I want to leave but I don’t!! I stay bc I’m stuck or at least that is how I feel!! When is enough gonna be enough for me to say I am done?? Y am I not strong enough to walk away from him? And stay gone! Y do I always answer the phone when I leave and let him fill my head with all these promises of change when I know in my heart it’s a lie!! Family says I’m just not ready to go! And after reading this article... I am but scared I will just come right back! And it will pick up like I never Left bc he feels as if there is no repercussions for his actions or words... bc I will come back!! I wish I felt strong enough to cut all ties but with my son I don’t think I ever will!


当你真的没有地方去吗?我有一个8个月大的婴儿。没有车。他为他生气一想到我有一个工作。(独立)朝着我的父母就是一个虐待关系。我用来发光和控制我的生活。我已经从以前的虐待关系等近10 +个月,直到我发现他。是初中和高中的前情人。和我只是无害的乐趣。但后来我怀孕和婴儿也很兴奋,他想维持这个家族。 I always dreamed of having a baby with someone who actually wanted to be there. I decided to keep her. Then the abuse started. He hit me the first couple times and I cried uncontrollable. Confused on why he didn't just leave. Too late to run. 2 years later (21yrs old) he will be nice and try hard one day but almost every day he is mean. He snaps at me and always talks over me, (just like everyone else) he lately has been calling me crazy which just was the last straw. I put up with his beatings, name callings, put downs, his sudden burst of anger.. ect. But I'm crazy because I grumpy when I have to wake up at 3 in the morning to get a bottle ready for the baby. I kinda feel like a candle at the very end of its wic. I often contemplate just taking off but I can't leave my daughter. I won't. I'm not sure what to do. I'm afraid one day itll end with suicide or him hurting me badly enough to kill me. Very lost








我和我的丈夫生活了近3年了,我们几乎有一个2岁的女儿在一起,说实话我觉得困。起初都是宝贝多维。他总是去拜访我在我的父母家里,奇怪我玫瑰,泰迪熊,项链,食物,甚至是小狗。他是如此的爱和关怀。然而,交往了两年之后,他开始向我有点被滥用。(我们仍然是男朋友和女朋友),如果他不喜欢我说的东西,他将压力我的手很紧或扭曲我的胳膊,直到我不能带走我的悲伤。我哭了好几次,但越过。像这是酷和继续我们的关系。也许因为我是如此如此的爱上他,因为我认为他是最帅的,最可爱的人(身体),18岁,我搬进了他,这是所有好第一个两三个月。然而,他不想让我去我妈妈家或我朋友的房子。 My Bestfriend came over one day and I told him she was here. (He was working) ThIS MAN LEAVES HIS WORK AND COMES HOME TO KICK MY BESTFRIEND OUT THE HOUSE. I felt so embarrassed because she has been my Bestfriend since middle school.
我真的有那么多对这个男人说。当我怀孕时,他打我的鼻子让我流血。他已经离开我一个肿胀的眼睛,很多很多的瘀伤,踢了我与他的保护工作鞋,几乎打破了我的鼻子,打了我好几次了。他甚至打我当我的女儿在我的手中。(她是约6个月)不断的争吵和在家大声喊叫。每次他大叫或提高他的声音在我试图捍卫自己和他说“闭嘴否则我会揍你的。“我太累了。它实际上即使是怪异的,当我们谈论和平。有一天,我要去我妈妈家,他将要离开回到工作(约下午1点)我进屋,告诉他,我不是要去符合卡车,所以我告诉他(他的作品卡车)他很生气他对我大喊大叫。他告诉我,我为什么如此急于离开(记住我妈妈下午3点)这就是我告诉他。我的卡车,他来打开乘客门,让我住在我妈妈家里,从不回来,如果我回来他会踢我了。 He then slammed the door shut and I started crying. I felt like shit honestly. I knew if I left he was gunna leave me and I didn’t want that. I stayed in the truck for about 15 minutes just thinking. And asking God Why I’m living this life. I don’t have the courage to leave him because I have no where to go. I know my parents will always be there for me but I don’t want to go back to their house. Unfortunately My Brothers girlfriend passed away in my moms house right next to my old room and honestly I feel scared to go back. I have never worked in my life and my daughter is sooo attached to me that I doubt she’d stay with someone to watch or babysit her while I work. I feel stuck. We depend on him money wise.


现在我很害怕。我从没想过我会让一个男人这样对待我。2年前我和一次又一次地受到了沉重的打击,生活,结束我的瘫痪。我最终逃离父母的房子(我在30年代,长故事),他们还没有原谅我我是如何做到的。和我的男朋友已经有一年了,他不是伟大的开始,但它是升级到完整的疯狂。可以写一本书他所做的事情。最后几个月他开始性侵犯我,然后让我担心我的生活,邻居打电话给警察,我一直守口如瓶,所以他没有被逮捕。为什么? ? ? ?终于昨天告诉我妈妈。我知道她告诉全家但是没有人联系我。 Yes I've been isolated, am bipolar, but i never hurt anyone, used drugs, anything that would make them hate me. She's telling me I have to leave him, now I'm so scared of leaving him. When he wasn't bad, he was so sweet & took such good care of me. But the bad started to become every day, and he crossed too many lines. Why am I so afraid of leaving him? It's like he's my only friend and only person that cares about me, but i know he's a narcissist. I don't even think he means to isolate me or make my self esteem crash, like it only happens when he drinks, but for months he drank every day. He's paying my rent now and he's at his mom's, but I'm still texting/talking to him. Feel like I'm the crazy one, I must be. Why would I want to stay with someone who has assaulted me in every way possible almost every Day?




我正在考虑如何离开我的孩子的父亲13年。我们有3个从1年到13。我今天33岁。他也有3个青少年我培养了13年,谁不想与我们居住了由于他们父亲的行为。更情感虐待身体。年前我完全收敛,显然剥夺了在他的朋友面前,触及另一个朋友的腿,所以对于这些原因,他告诉我那就是为什么他对待我的方式。我接受了它,虽然我不能记得我接受他给我我应得的待遇。但是我经常不知道还要多少年他会责怪我吗?他叫我妓女,混蛋各种恶性名称前面的阳光下的我们所有的孩子和尴尬。非常罕见的我将会提高我的声音或顶嘴,他或者不可能。 I dont want to get hit so most times i just shut my mouth. Hes 15 years older me, ive heard all the attempts to change under the sun but still none. I am quiet independant, pay my own rent and other utulitys, have a job ect. I love his kids like they are my own have nurtured them like they are mine but i feel like nothings ever good enough. He damages anything that is mine or means alot to me when hes mad. The most recent was a photo of my late nan who i dearly love, he ripped it up, that really hurt! My house has holes in the wall and he spits in my house. He talks to all our kids about me. I worked 6 days last week and wanted to have a beer. I didnt go out knowing he also had work the next morning, so i invited my cousin around to have a quiet one with me. We were still going when he left for work at half 4 in the morning and still going when he finished 2 hours later. He threw a fit and started yelling at me because the house wasnt cleaned. I dont get it, my house is clean it was his own bedding in the lounge, we only had a 24 box of beers and a bottle of whiskey which were all put away in the empty box as i normally do. I just removed myself because i didnt want to deal with it while i was intoxicated. But when i came home he tells me he kicked out his oldest boy who is 19. He tried telling me it was his boys fault but I knew it was his! Everytime someone or something stresses him out, everyone in our household cops it! He calls his older sons all sorts of names and even a few times have told them to hang themselves. He says if i try and take my kids away from him, hes going to kill my dad and anyone else i love and care about. I sorta believe him. He has big knives, like swords and bow and arrows. I think he is capable of doing it. I have witnessed him stab another guy with a pitchfork because he tried to threaten our family. I want to leave. But aPart of me believes i can change him and i still deeply care about him. Im not sure if its love though, i think that feeling left a couple of years ago. He saved me from a very physically abusive relationship where every second day i was black and blue and i feel like i owe him my life but i also have kids and am done allowing to witness all this craaazy stuff!! I have left for a couple of days at times and allowed the kids to stay behind with him because they love their dad buuut iii juuust cant do it. I cry and get all depressed knowing that they are not with me. I think about taking them with me but i know my kids will miss him and i feel sorry for them and him. I dont want cops or to drag my children through court..Financially i pay for most of the things in our family home so i couldnt even get us a hotel room and i wouldnt take my kids to just anywhere i want it to be homely so we are all comfortable like we are at home. He knows where all my friends and family live but im too embarrassed to stay at either houses anyway and i dont want to bring trouble to them..2 of my kids are in school and today i have been helping his teens find suitable accomodation for them, one of whom is 22 and carrying a baby..It seems like of got too many odds against me...Thank you for the article and all the stories many have shared.




我有虐待关系一个人。我们roomues已有12年。3 y前真正的人出来了。他削减我的衣服。他破坏我们购买的房子不断唠叨我工作。运行下来之际,我喜欢他会打我。我有没人。无处可去,我高级。谁会认为我的黄金年是地狱。我将很容易但是没有足够的钱独自生活。 I dont know what to do. Now hes killing my garden. Cuts the sunflower heads off. Turns the garden hose on all nite. I pay the water. I talked to a buddy that works with him he said the BOSS is afraid of him. Where can i go?




去年,我知道我的丈夫所做的只是把我当他和他的朋友们,煤气灯。我丈夫特别自恋的天赋让我认为我疯了。所以我开始跟踪一切通过写日记。读了在过去的15年里的一切都是困难的。我现在更多的授权,但我觉得不足够强大或者有朋友或家人的支持,因为他使我从他们。我感到孤立和不知道去哪里寻求帮助。感谢你让我知道它是好的。现在,我将研究和获得建议。很难做他想要知道的一切,我去哪里,我做什么,我跟等等。我不想恨我的丈夫但没有对他的爱离开我。我很生气,很容易被欺骗。 Angry at myself and my husband being so cold to me that I just wanted to shrivel up and die. Waking up to what is going on , I mean really going on, was hard. But I know now that I'm by far more internally strong because of what I've had to put up with over the years. It will take time, life is too short to waste it on people who profess they love you, but more likely need you.


它在我的关系,老实说我觉得4年困. .就像住在家里再一次. .我几乎不去拜访家人我必须问我如果我可以去任何地方,经常吼. .归咎于我得到一切,我害怕说错了东西。Idk我需要再次感到整个,我需要我回去


只是想谢谢你……我一直都braainstorming和做没完没了的研究o盛会是我的生活. .这是第一个真正的真正的钝后我和经过连续下跌,很高兴进步. .谢谢你!永不放弃,但生活是一场战斗。知识理解剂量确实有帮助




我不会满意自己如果我不广播的接触细节的人帮助我让我的爱人回来. .这种强大的施法者的名字是Dr.Akpada和他的联系方式是:(akpadatemple@hotmail.com)或whatssap + 27844130246。这个法术施法者是如此的强大,以至于他能在48小时内把我的前女友回到我,这是为什么我就建议人们,有问题在联系Dr.Akpada有关系
