








  • “你为什么不找份工作所以你理解真实的世界?哦,等等,我忘了,你找不到工作因为你是一个愚蠢的sh ! t。
  • “退出你的抱怨和哭泣。你没有理由哭泣或抱怨!你的生活是完美的,因为我这样做!”
  • “婊子”(和无数其他的名字我不会费心去列表)
  • “我应该离开你在俱乐部与其他所有妓女。”
  • “如果你更像我的母亲我崇拜你。”
  • “我讨厌你那么可怜。停止水厂,说话像一个人类。”
  • “我不能忍受看你。你真让我恶心。”
  • “你真是个伟大的女演员!你知道如何得到你想要的,不是吗?”
  • “我不敢相信我要你每天回家。我是怎么参与这样的火车失事?”
  • “我一定是第一个爱你的$ $洞。你不知道如何取悦一个男人!”
  • “你是脂肪和痛苦,你让我讨厌你。”
  • “你总是看起来像上帝跺着脚在你脸上。”
  • “你为什么关心我想要吃晚餐吗?我最喜欢的味道像废物一样当你让他们无论如何。”
  • “你曾经是我的前女友一样美丽,但是geesh——时间没有好你,宝贝!”
  • “那些孩子是我的,永远是我的,如果你离开你永远不会再见到他们。”


  • 否认他们说任何类似于上面的列表。
  • 保卫他们说什么。
  • 分析他们大声说,解释说这句话以前没有你似乎认为他们所做的定义。
  • 阻止你在一个房间里所以你不能离开,从而避免他们所说的。
  • 跟电视可怕,但真的和你说话。
  • 翻转打开他们的刀,打开一块口香糖,针织眉毛下看着你。
  • 离开去做别的事情一起计划时在最后一分钟。
  • 带你出去吃你的最好的生日,然后回家的路上风指责你不欣赏他们的努力不够。
  • 告诉你的孩子你需要更多快乐丸是个好妈妈。
  • 改变谈话的话题所以你反弹从一个地方到另一个地方,从来没有得到的核心问题。
  • 指责你的妓女或假或_____以至于他们不再需要说的话但可以提供“看”,你知道他们会说些什么(当时他们可能会否认这一点)。








2016年5月,7 7:32点吗

嘿的人阅读,但我有很多要说的。我和我丈夫结婚1年,2年的在一起。8个月的比我们有一个可爱的女儿。这是所有伟大的第一年但比当我怀孕了山。我得到了他的身份,支付一切他穿,自己的,和吃。我工作到8个月身孕。每天没有休息,他会叫我婊子!他会叫我prositute,妓女荡妇,每天的怀孕。我们还睡在车里,而我的工作,他在车里等我。我们打了整个时间,我怀孕了。他打我了,让我下来。 When it was time for labor he stayed in the hospital with me but argue with me the whole 3 days. After 2 months of having my daughter I had to go to work. The 3-8 months he argue with me and said everything is my fault! He said he no love me anymore, we wish he never marry me, he says in fat and ugly and a bitch pig every week and complains every day that he has to take care our daughter while I work!!!! He drinks everyday and he always ask me or beg me to buy beer for him because he says he stress when he don't work or pay bills, I do !!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO??i ran out of ideas and everything he says it's my fault and he leave and we push each other and than he will text me all the bad things!!! May God bless him I pray every time we fight I'm running out of patience and kindness and love for my husband when I am a Christian trying to do right

5月,1 2016二47点吗

失去了自我,每个人:运行运行运行。永远不要回头! !你是互相依赖的,学习意味着什么,照顾好自己。大多数虐待的受害者是互相依赖的,吸引自恋、反社会者,因为低自尊和低自我价值。上帝对你有更好的计划,你们所有的人。你已经知道你需要做什么,现在去做! ! !




我真的不能把生活和我的男朋友分手了。我们一起有一个3岁。他告诉我他讨厌我我是一个可怕的看守,如果他能把我的汽车做65和侥幸成功他会。今天我们一直战斗在语言上和身体上。我没有美元,我所做的一切工作,但进入自己的账户或他会生气的。我没有支持。我了,我和我的领养家庭arnt关闭因为他们一直对我就像我。我也有一个10岁看到和听到所有这些谁也沮丧。我感觉像一个可怕的妈妈我感觉丑陋的一文不值。我觉得我必须选择自杀或保持和处理它。 He knows how depressed I am and when I beg him to stop talking down to me cuz it makes me want to die he says shut up your not gonna do nothing you've been saying that for months but your to scared to kill yourself. I feel the worst for my 10 yr old cuz he doesn't have his dad in his life and no grandparents I'm all he really has so that's what keeps me alive.


我已经结婚3年了,但和我丈夫近5年。我离开他就在今年一月份但最喜欢你,我回去后他说他会改变,去咨询。他转到咨询但相当后4或5次。他是口头谩骂,但最重要的是他喜欢贬低我,让我觉得愚蠢....他这样做至少一次如果不是两次每一天!我走在鸡蛋壳。我的女儿在大学,现在订婚了,我的丈夫会疯掉如果我女儿和她回家,让她的未婚夫,我的丈夫不在家。他声称他不希望任何人在他的房子,他不在家,我说的只是我的女儿和她的未婚夫。他控制,所有格,的意思是,让我几乎每天都哭。我最近得知他对前妻....一样她提出离婚是2010。我不能处理这件事,我一直这么酷,快乐,充满活力的人。 Everyone wants to hang out with me because of my energy and being the life bod the party. I have not been able to hang out or go out with any of my friends in almost 5 years! My husband always say go out then, stop acting like I keep you home. I know what my night would be like, constant text messages containing slandering remarks, and rude name calling. The next day will be accusations of me shaking my butt I front of guys for attention and then comes the cheating. I can't deal, my daughter in college is so stressed out for me she can barely concentrate and she is going for her LPN so her classes are not easy. I feel just awful because of that. I can be making dinner and start crying, doing laundry and start crying, Watchung tv and start crying. Who does this to a person they claim they Love. He has exiled me from my friends, and tries to from.my family but I won't give in to that! What a monster. I will leave agian here in a few months (after I save a little money) and I will not come back. I refuse to live what time I have left on earth in hell....I just turned 40 and I know this is not what God has planned for me! #thisismyfightsong





哇。“脾气暴躁”似乎是一个合适的名称使用的评论。听起来像一个离婚。如果她是这样一个“懒惰的流浪汉”拒绝找工作,那么你不需要“寄生虫”。Set her free.


失去了自我....而这些在她。我一直都在相同情况下,t .昨晚是我认为它结束了最后一根稻草。5年....常数扔我晚上在街上,不断指责我……你不能跟他说话他会愤怒。轻微的集他。不断打破ups和当我几天后正常。耗尽我的核心。我减肥不吃。无论我放在桌上让会喝咖啡是愚蠢的。我是愚蠢的。 My clothes are old and stupid. If I cry, then be told stop being such a baby. So yeah, I cannot do this anymore, I just cannot. This from a grown man 54 years old...I discovered he did the same with his ex wife and other girlfriends as well. No, I think its over, as I for first time last night spoke up and told him he is a HORRIBLE person.


我一直生活在一个自恋主义者。结婚18年和去年3地狱。他还没有工作在过去的3个月,也没有找到工作的愿望。他参与我认为传销,说这是他work-calling人试图让他们加入。每当我提到找工作,他对我大吼大叫,他有一个但不是导致了房子。他可能每天做一堆衣服但他不清洁或后接自己。我回家每天工作12个小时,不得不收拾,洗碗,喂狗,等他坐在他的电脑。我已经离开2倍时间他承诺改变和不喜欢。当事情不走他的路,他对我大吼大叫,叫我名字,告诉我我是一种浪费。我工作在60 - 80小时一个星期,我疲惫的任何方式。 I do love him but i resent him so much right now. He gets mad if i don't want to have sex with him but anymore it 's all about what he wants and why should i reward him if he isn't doing anything for me. I am at my wits end. He sold a couple of things that made us some money and now he went out and spent most of that money on other things for himself. I wanted to pay a couple of bills...be an adult. He was on dating sites for awhile and he just last week cancelled them. But i don't trust him. He gets mad that i work so much but to maintain our lifestyle, i have to. I really want to leave but feel like such a failure walking away after 20 years. But then by not leaving i feel like i am letting myself down for not being strong.

2016年3月,1 29

一件事不过——我能给的最好的建议的人正试图离开是假装你是一个秘密特工,施虐者就是想杀你,即使他从来没有真正威胁,或身体虐待你。你必须有正确的心态以完成你需要做的,因为相信我,这并不容易。你必须“卑劣的”,和“谎言”和其他行为通常不建议任何形式的婚姻或关系,真的。但是如果你在一个施虐者的关系,一切都不一样了。你必须接受,必须偷偷并确保他不知道你藏钱和衣服,离开的计划。你周围的正常行动,这样他不会来自你自由的气息。不要用你的计划在任何情况下面对他。他会表现的酷或可能会打击他的顶级,但是记住,信息就是力量,如果你有关于你的计划,他不给你力量。和蜂蜜,你需要这样的力量当你正在处理一个人男人这里描述。不要让任何人告诉你,你是一个“控制狂”,因为他们甚至不知道什么是控制狂,直到他们遇到一个男人像你不得不处理。是自己最好的朋友,也请记住,这些孩子是你的保护,因为你认为将会发生什么如果你离开但不与孩子吗? That's right - the kids will become the ones that get yelled at, belittled, and otherwise destroyed emotionally. Fight for yourself and for your kids but make him think everything is totally normal. As much as you would love so much to see him intimidated for once, don't tell him your plans. And for those that say he is nice 90% of the time and only 10% is he awful - what if the 90% of the time is just him acting and the 10% is his true self that you are seeing?

3月,1 2016上午7:14)

你好!我在这里让大家知道有可能离开,再次是可能找到真爱。我的证明。我不会说活证据,因为谁知道呢,你读这封信的时候,也许我会死,因为我的前女友有了我前面的台阶。我讨厌这样说随意但是让我们面对现实吧女士们,它始终是一个风险。这些家伙是口头虐待比你意识到快把身体虐待,有时当你意识到发生了什么,为时过晚。所以,我现在快乐吗?是的。我永远的偏执和创伤后应激障碍虽然我尚未找到医生谁会承认它?是的。 My fiance has PTSD from being a veteran and the doctors fall all over themselves to prescribe him meds to help him sleep or stay calm but me? Nope. They are willing to prescribe Ambien but guess what I just found out? Ambien increases your chances of a heart attack by 50%. In the toilet with those poison pills ! ANYway, I'm rambling because my ex has thrown me into a terror/panic attack and I'm just trying to calm down. But bottom line, there is love after abuse but I will not ever let my guard down again. Maybe it will keep me alive.


安(Jan2016),我在同一条船上,不幸的是它的第二次又有小孩。他帮助救我脱离我的前女友和4-7yrs后他做同样的事情不是用暴力威胁。我曾经被称为铜* t每天不是有趣的。我不能打断他(他玩iPad游戏24/7),食物必须煮熟的标准和方式,我不能拥抱的孩子在他们陷入困境,但他可以,我不能买任何东西或去任何地方,除了当地的公园,没有什么可以感动,如果女孩们做这是我的错(我应该说现在一切都是我的错)。我唯一的工人和得到好但是我如何功能我不知道。在家的开关,开关在工作,除非他戒指我对某事进行他找不到或其他无关紧要的废话。我做所有的家务,孩子们在家里当我(当我穿过门),我在学习。我只是多余的,我现在想做的选择标准而打断了孩子(2和4),而他睡。他已经在dvo我17岁的女儿,而是打破了这种每天与他的辱骂。她被踢出。 He's always kicking me out too so he can claim centrelink as a single parent and get the money while sitting back on the iPad. I refuse to go. BUT I am covertly 'cleaning' the house and sorting stuff, boxing everything into the 'spare' room for when it's time to leave - which will be very soon. Good luck with your attempt at custody buddy - with that record and the dvo I don't like your chances...


我的丈夫告诉我我很胖。我锻炼不够,我懒惰,无组织的,愚蠢的,困惑,我看,像一只鸡的头切断,等他让我,没有他,我就什么都不是,等。今天,就在我准备带我们的女儿去mathnasium,因为她问去周六而不是星期五。她打网球,这是他的选择,但他心烦意乱因为我有她那么多课和小组课,他认为这是浪费时间。我们所做的改造,我负责文书工作,市政厅,电话、支付,等。他是一名专业人士,所以他总是发誓他没有时间做任何事情,但他通常平均大约一到两个小时的“自由时间”在白天给我打电话,或者让我去他的办公室“闲逛”,因为他喜欢和我在一起....除了当我做错了,然后他告诉我,他开始不再爱我了。每次我们出去,他90%的时间告诉我我没有吸引力,或太胖,或尴尬,完全脱轨的“晚上好”。他告诉我我是无组织的,因为我总是忙,说我不潇洒地做事情。他说他为我做一切,包括计划我的一天…但是他真的不帮我做最简单的事情。我咆哮,这就发生了。周末真的毁了,我的天,孩子的一天… I am so afraid to leave him, because if he gives me hell like this now, how will he be when I do leave him. I have a professional degree, but haven't worked since my daughter was born, nine years ago! That too, was his decision, so our kids have mom home, they will grow up better. I don't even know what to do, but I am so tired. I am just tired of feeling miserable. And.... all the justifications he gives me, as to why he says these things, and why he is right, and I am so difficult, and I am so wrong... it just cuts me down to the core. My stomach hurts, I feel weak; I mean, it really physically hurts to be with him, and yet, here I am in our room typing this out on his computer... It's pathetic! I remember myself as strong willed, and I am.... just not with him. He knows all the words, knows how to wound... I just can't fight anymore. If it weren't for my children, I'd kill myself, because he won't even let me leave... he hates me, but then never wants me to go. I feel like if I died, it would just end it... no pain, no loss, nothing. I'm feeling sorry for myself.


你好我是和我的伙伴在过去3年5年他hass absalute夜母马他所有的方式试图击倒我一点点愚蠢的论点可能一场sumthing愚蠢甚至dousent通,他会叫我的名字像保证只破鞋保证污垢你不能做正确nuthing你需要我为你做每件事保证有利于nuthing英雄如果u高度”我将龙黎老太太nuthing或根本没有1我结婚有孩子会高兴他所有方式剧痛,我不能有孩子在我面前•菲尔喜欢如果我leve他他可能是正确的我不是最强的人但我尽量保持我的头前面举起了乌瑟尔真的•菲尔就像他是杀害我曾经咬掉内和能源已经离开温我告诉他这一次他说我dnt意味着所有事情你只会让我生气然后两天后其同样的事情我已经离开bk tride我的父母然后他将词语快捷键,就像我爱上的那个人,直到他被我bk然后它只是重复agean及其各地都没有我的错他他扑灭nuthing荣在他眼中我真的不该没有窟不再吗?


我伤害。他是一个怪物。他只是发疯. .打我一次,但一直在破坏其并不总是坏但是他今晚真的吓了我一跳。我不知道该做什么。它发生了很多。但这愚蠢的因为我爱他。他总是说我推他






2016年2月,6 37

几个月前,我决定改变到一个新的工作。我心理上的影响是很坏的我可怕的改变和我有点抑郁了几个月。他决定他无法忍受我,他威胁要离开我身边,他不能因为我创建的所有压力。他决定睡在沙发上呆了两个月,因为他无法接近我。更不用说常数名称呼吁为有这种感觉我是多么的不值得,我搞砸了他的生活和我们的生活被抑郁对我的工作,他不能容忍我。我们终于大吵了一架,一个无关紧要的原因,他在走廊里把我所有的财产并开始尖叫我出去,把我整个一瓶水在我的脸,试图把我关在房间里,把我硬靠墙(我很娇小的,他是一个非常大的家伙,没有阻止他把他的手放在我)。我没有离开,但毕竟不能忍受自己。他不仅给我零当我需要他的支持,但他也对我的生活造成困难。他有能力让一个人感觉更好是不存在的。几天后他展示了类似的行为当我抱怨,因为他是很粗鲁的对我在电话里(告诉我“踢我的大脑”,因为我正忙着跟他说话时,他失去了耐心)所以他让我去他受不了我的房间,他会让我睡在沙发上。 I decided to leave him once again. I was feeling very wrong to have someone treat me this way. I came to my parents house for a few days and he begged me to go back . I did go back just to find out his only intention was to threaten me to quit my job or else he would abandon me. He even had his bags packed when I went to ‘discuss’. I absolutely denied , he implied that the root to all of our problems was my job and that he couldn’t be with me while I was there. He said he would support me but I simply said no (been working since 21 , fully self sustained and I was not willing to be financially dependent from a guy who said I was not contributing when I was paying half the rent and expenses plus a guy that kicked me out practically every month). He threatened and insisted for 5 long hours where he got me to a point where I couldn’t wait for him to leave . He did leave but that of course wasn’t the end to my problems . Constant texting , psychological pressure while I was at work and many more , got me to a point where I could not operate and I was told off by my superior for not meeting up his expectations at work. I took him back and I still don’t know why. He clearly can’t change and I clearly can’t try. Of course , we had another fight after that because of the fact that he decided he doesn’t like my parents as they turned their back against me when I was having job troubles . That isn’t true . I felt I couldn’t take any longer . Out final fight was all I could take and all to make me realize he could never change . We were having all this trouble due to his behavior (I do take responsibility for my reactions for work) and he still insisted on creating more problems when he promised he would change . He even said he was willing to try counselling (promised the same last year but didn’t go) but I really don’t thing he is a position to understand what he is doing wrong let alone fix it . I am also powerless to try . I am drained . I do have feelings but he killed most of them. I am now at my parents once again and I told him I am calling the wedding off and want us to separate. He doesn’t accept it; he says all is my fault for not trying to leave things behind me since last year. Truth is I was so angry and hurt I couldn’t. He thinks this is no excuse. I am in a dead end . I have his deadlines to cope with (have to give a final answer by tomorrow) plus the wedding stress (meaning call it off) and I cannot even trust myself anymore that I can make the right decision. I feel that I have lost faith in myself so much that I can’t even decide what’s best for me. Guilt is also an issue for not trying since last year . I do know I deserve better . I earn a very good salary, I am pretty, young educated and a good person and I really can’t figure out what is wrong with me and why can’t I just stop this sick and toxic relationship. A part of me blames myself for not trying and another part simply screams get away, it will get worse. Help!!!!!


这是近三个月我离开了辱骂我的人在过去的两年里我们的5 +年的关系。虽然奇怪的“安慰”意识到我不是/我不感到孤独,同样令人心碎的当然是确实知道这个循环将继续在其他关系。
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


这是近三个月我离开了辱骂我的人在过去的两年里我们的5 +年的关系。虽然奇怪的“安慰”意识到我不是/我不感到孤独,同样令人心碎的当然是确实知道这个循环将继续在其他关系。


今天我和我的丈夫已经分道扬镳。他总是生气。他总是抱怨。他是口头上和精神虐待。煤气灯.....一切都是我的错。东西他指责我说然后说他从来没有说过。他从不道歉,像野生动物对我大吼大叫。我感觉很糟糕,但我知道他是滥用。我不想让我九岁学习这些行为。 He will never change and I can't love him enough to change him. Also, he uses financial control to control me. I have no job but I hope I will soon.




2年的关系。4个月后,我搬进了他。经历的生活变化,我十几岁的儿子搬进了他们的爸爸。因为当时在移动。他和我都喝。起初我喜欢,他没有抱怨我有夜间玻璃或一瓶酒……他没有抱怨,因为他每天晚上喝了12包的日冕。一切都很好。对未来,直到我开始问. .他不喜欢说话,所以我成为了唠叨。 this always was the start of each fight. The fighting and name calling got out of hand, I do not want to blame him. I would ask a question such as when can we sit down and look at houses? ( because we were and still are living in an apartment and the lease is was coming to an end. he told every neighbor as he sat outside on the patio,.. YEAH WERE OUTTA OF HERE WHEN THEV LEASE IS UP THIS PLACE HAS GONE TO S***) so me, being a woman of course I want to sit down and talk about where and when we are moving. Just the Question provoked, HUUUUHHHHG Get out of here ! leave me alone, and I would continue complaining and the name calling and then he would start the hands on pushing shaking me never punching me, but would ball his fist up and shake it so close to my face. I learned I couldn't talk to him.. but it got worse. it seemed no matter what I said, it would set him off. I went into the bedroom and got in bed one night, he was asleep, he woke up screaming kicking me and pushing me out of the bed then taking all the blankets off the bed and going to the kitchen got a pot of water and turn the light on in the bedroom and screamed .. I do not even remember what he screamed. I have a framed picture with the quote, NEVER LET YESTERDAY USE UP TODAY. I try to live by this. do to my past this has been hard for me. so I have now am pretty good at letting things go and forgiving. He never says he is sorry. and if I bring anything up which I do not often because its not worth it, he says I do not remember. I remember everything. I moved out in August, things had gotten terrible. we kept seeing each other. We set a wedding date.I moved back in December, everything was fine for about a week.When I asked him are you sure we are getting married on March 19th 2016. he got mad and said F you. I have changed the way I react to him. Now I tell him You can not talk to me like that. he gets mad and ignores me. Since I have moved back in all of the following have taken place. name calling. pushing, ignoring. he has called me an asshole, cunt, bitch, stupid, idiot, just like your mother, you cant pay for anything, ( that is because I quit my job when I moved back in so we could spend weekends together, thinking this would make our relationship better. I am a hair stylist so I have worked almost every weekend since we have been dating. .. Anyhow, Long Story Short, I broke my lease to move back with him. I got my job back and start Tuesday, I want out. This is a mistake,. I love him I wish he would say he is sorry and tell me how much he loves me. I know better than this. I can not change him. but this sucks but , I have 2 legs 2 arms, and it could be worse, I can get over this man and I will. I know God has someone who will love me even if I ask him a question that comes across to be nagging.


我的男朋友4年(我儿子的父亲。已成为非常出言不逊。他告诉我做一些仰卧起坐&剃我的后背,鬓角让自己看起来像一个真正的女人。它伤害了我的感情非常糟糕。有时他会说的意思是东西然后道歉后。他叫我愚蠢,我是一个小女孩。每次我来片片和他一个问题。他把一切回到我。取笑我工作的地方。告诉我,我需要一个成年人的工作。 Sometimes I question myself with why I stay, its been harder to leave especially with having a son with him. He's 10 years older than me I wonder if that has anything to do with it


对我来说我认为这是一个字面上的组合在否认我嫁给这样的人,继续让自己纠缠在当我准备停止工作。我总是第二猜测自己现在这一点也不起作用。我的信心。我想要离开这里。如果我知道这是我早就跑了。没有“红旗”或如果我没有看到他们。我很嫉妒的看起来像其他人一样我知道爱的快乐和安全的关系。现实打击,我意识到我不知道被爱是什么感觉。我开始苦。这里的孩子参与,时间越长我留在这个傻瓜我越恨自己让这一切发生。 I feel like I'm just another statistic, living what I've learned from my parents. And if I don't do something about this fast, my kids will very likely end up the same. I can't tell you how much I wish I had documented all that's happened over the years. I'm dreading the nasty custody battle that he has promised will go down if I try to leave. I've never felt so trapped in my life as I do now.






我活在一个自恋者,一个厌恶女性的、任性的、没有安全感的人。双方每个故事当然但我很少拐弯抹角:口头和期刊(可怜)尝试身体虐待边缘的边缘。他非常成功的在他的领域,在全球范围内——这就是令人钦佩的但是他是非常破坏情感和压力来临的时候,他反应,把气出在我头上就是了。唯一的方法来处理这类如果能够在经济上是离得远远的,拒绝接受任何大便。它有助于精通武术。每一天都是一场噩梦,听他不断抱怨与这种类型的个性是很常见的。我知道这是他沟通的方式。我选择忽略他的消极和指责他基本上每次他跟我说话,好像我是一个员工。我同意他的大部分保持和平,基本上嘲笑他试图把我进入他的戏剧。保持强劲,每个人,在这种情况下。 Gas-lighting a common occurrence. Stuff disappears. Shows up in unexpected places. Best to not react. This type is looking for drama, turning everything around to blame, as narcissists do; using caustic "humor" to harm another as in his casually delivered to this writer earlier today, a 5'2, 110 lb. toned gym rat, "you're too big on top; you look like a linebacker." I responded as one learns to do after hearing daily abuse, "Thank you darling!" His response: "It wasn't a compliment." "I took it as one, love, thank you!" He wasn't amused. Usually his angst is against me, turning the kids against, et cetera. as it has been this last decade in my second marriage with a flawed yet brilliant man. I'd leave, yet I l truly love the sod. His own mother thanks me for staying with him. And where would I go? Even with the means to leave, as I do, it's just too much of a bother with so many rescue animals at hand, kids in college. I'd rather battle this bully despite the stress. He shan't drag me down. Full stop. He knows this and it irritates him to no end. Despite the advice to "get the hell out" from the therapist a few years ago, I am staying despite his efforts to push me away ... even as he swears his love for me. I don't believe. I don't trust. He's lied to me from the get go. I trust my dogs more. Rant over.



你的故事关于你的丈夫和态度都是我最近的我看过。我丈夫是疯狂的魅力和成功,无数员工在他下面,他运行整个地区的一个非常大的,知名公司.....所以,他幻想自己是出色的销售和营销的神和他的导师emoloyees,谁会完全目瞪口呆的如果他们看到怪物面具下的那些经常翻他的妻子,对无法解释的想象或完全out-of-left-field怠慢。我是怎么走到这一步的?我对自己做什么?我觉得自己像个女人的影子——7年前。煤气灯是不真实的。他会说可怕的事情,5秒后,说他从来没有说过我是“疯狂,双极婊子”和“c#说谎?* t”,每个人都认为我的....但是没有人愿意告诉我真相。我坐在我的车在停车场,aftaid回家因为我不想有一个口头抨击的那一刻开始我走。 What the heck happened to the amazing man I met who was so kind and supportive and thought I was funny and talented and couldn’t say enough positive things about me? I literally sit and try to figure out when the switch flipped and he decided that he hates everything about me that he used to say that he loved. No point- I know.....but it’s just so crazy when I think about where I was emotionally and mentally when I met him, and where I am now. I wonder if maybe there is truth to what he says sometimes..... I rarely leave the house except to get my son to and from school and doctor appointments and things like that....and my husband is out and about all day, running his zillion facilities. I feel so isolated. I know you probably will not see this comment...I just wanted to message anyway. There. It’s out there now. I can’t say this stuff to anyone else in my world....I’m so embarrassed that THIS is my life and that my husband has said and done horrendous, degrading things to me....and I allowed it and didn’t leave. People’s jaws would hit the floor if they only knew. Are you still with your husband? It’s been a couple of years since your post, so maybe you finally had enough?




这正是我的丈夫每天t .他必须找到一些争论。也许是我离开了我的钱包,或者我没有让他的咖啡足够强大。但最主要的是关于他如何对待孩子。他希望他们干净,他对他们大吼大叫,威胁他们。”I'm going to punch your stomach if you don't do this." I stand in the middle and say you do NOT say this to my kids. He then will call my psycho and tell me that I'm the one who is ruining the kids lives. Makes faces at me and tries to imitate me talking. It makes me so angry and usually I'm running to my room crying. He refuses to leave the house ever. Lazy, won't fix or clean the house up. Leaves dishes and cans of soda all over the place. We have been in counceling for a few months. Each time I go with him he claims he's going to change and that he loves me, etc. however things never change. When I bring up things like the councelor said this, he's quick to say he did not, and I'm maki g up fantasies or that's not what the councelor meant.im frustrated and angry. I resent even meeting him and having children with him.








辱骂和设置限制与人面对他们的不良行为,等。def不一样的。我知道每个情况都是不同的,但这些语句是冒险和一线和其他人显然是辱骂。有次在我的生活中,人们不得不艰难的和我在一个合理的方式和时间我必须强硬和面对他人。我认为我们生活在一个世界里,我们期望每个人都赞同任何我们想做的事,说,.....和任何偏离或任何对抗被视为“的意思是”或“虐待”。I went through true, real abuse and it is not fun to put in mildly. Not getting your way or someone refusing to tolerate your constant negativity/complaining has been called abuse by some. It's not. We need to be kind to one another but we also need to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves and our actions. Just because someone has called you out on something you do that you need to change, and then you feel badly or bad about yourself, that does not mean you are being abused. It can be very complicated and dicey is what I am saying.





不断的辱骂让我感觉....不足我不是工作伙伴,呆在家里等我24/7总是去他的……他有财务问题,总是借口为什么我们不出去....即使它散步当我花时间和他一起买购物和烹饪餐后他发现故障与我所做的一切都....我最近做了一个手术,让我穿上有点重量. .他使用这个,当我们有的话他说不出去和大女人,叫我胖cxxt ! ! !我的尺寸是14,但肚子问题……我很高兴和我一起工作,但当他开始在我身上我感觉和信心不足滴……我支持他的一切坏的时候但我现在感觉我为什么烦.....但由于某些奇怪的原因我不能走开……我们在一起3年我们是一个成熟的情侣……我有我自己的房子的工作……他一个人住,没有工作的钱! ! !我怎么能走开没有罪恶感抛弃他,当他需要我....他使他的家人和朋友


我已经尝试脱离。他说他没有大喊大叫我直到我哭是因为我不学习我的教训。我觉得我的狗死了,哭了起来。我只是看到了施虐者如何扭曲和受害者指责的事情。他告诉我这都是我的错。我不能说话,因为我让他说的一切。他扭转一切。我有14年的荒唐故事的事情让他尖叫,批评我。我是残疾人,卡住了。他还说如果我离开他会自杀,他可以敲诈我,毁了我的生活,虽然不是真的。 I don't understand how anyone can be that cruel. I think he enjoys how he can push me around verbally and emotionally and then get me to say I was wrong and comfort him.


P.S.S.他说我偏执,但是每当我相信他,我是正确的偏执,并说服自己,否则,因为他这么说。哦,还有一件事,“都是我的错,他不能退休。如果我仍然工作,然后就辞职。”DG brings it up almost nightly


我还在我身体上的35年,口头,情感虐待关系。阅读所有284的帖子之后,我意识到现在,我已经成为施虐者/受害者和他是施虐者/受害者。我相信了da我决定不再把他的大便,我拒绝再次道歉,我没有做什么,只是让他感觉更好。我也告诉他,我们不会叫我一个该死的c u在下周二。或任何其他的名字。(显然,疯了,疯了,他妈的疯了,他妈的疯狂是不错的名字,是的,这将停止。
我也向他解释,我要做我想做的事情。这就是他所做的事。为什么它是为他好,但不是给我的吗?它不是。最后但并非最不重要的是,他对我做的一切,我会给他。和我有。他学会了是什么感觉。当他学习,课结束了,我们继续前进。事情比他们好,好多了,但是当他喝醉(5晚7)他开始在我。他是osomeone其他人。 I call him DG. (drunk guy) DG is MEAN, and violent, and hateful, resentful, disgusting mother effer. we go at it. doors mirrors wallls smashed, thrown on the floor screamed at punched once, punched at :100 x's Now, all of a sudden, he's very very sweet and nice and helpful and charming and blah blah blah, and instead of liking it, I am VERY NERVOUSE and concerned about it. WHY? Why all of a sudden. ANd I mean 360 degree flip, people. what do you think he is up to. NEVER BEEN THIS SWEET IN 35 YEARS. I am suspicious...but then again, I am crazy insane. He said I was. it must be true, because he never lies or does anything wrong, ever. You see why I am suspicious.
注:我在心力衰竭的压力。他没有很好的照顾我。正如上面你可以看到的,是的这些事件是我一直很不舒服,我也有严重的抑郁症,高焦虑恐慌症,(添加多动症、非药用你能告诉? ?;D)慢性阻塞性肺病,心肌病,心脏肥大,雷诺<取代,腕管、Perpheral神经病变、骨质疏松症就像一个80岁的妇女(54)和DJD和TA DA ! .....我的脊椎是崩溃和破碎我疼痛,我拒绝疼痛药。我失去了在我的身高4英寸2年。





我已经和我现在的丈夫近3年。他指责我做的一切。他说,我打开门用辱骂和虐待。一开始我觉得我做到了。我要诅咒和身体虐待他。我现在不这样做,这是一个自从我叫他的名字。他继续身体和口头虐待我。他说我一文不值,愚蠢的。他告诉我找别人,我能比他做得更好。他让我内疚的旅行和说我让他对我说这些事情,因为我不会“臭嘴”。 If I tell him I'm leaving he apologizes and makes promises not to call me names but as soon as he is upset I'm a "bitch" or a "ratchet". He usually doesn't apologize but I have to make him in order for us to "move on". He says I am taking advantage of him bc I am not working full time and he's paying the bills. He calls me controlling and blames me for the slightest thing. Then other days we are "in love" like nothing has ever happened between us and like if we can't live with out each other. It's confusing to me. Like if I'm a yoyo. Sometimes I wish I was somewhere else and the very thought of it scares me. I don't want a failed marriage and nobody knows we have these issues. He is a good man when he wants to be:a total sweetheart but I'm the "psycho" "illogical ho". I'm just really scared of waking up at 45 and being in the same boat I'm in now. Recently, I got back into doing bible studies and he said to me "I see those bible studies are not helping you" he says I'm the "devil". Just today he threw my bible at me and told me to go read my verses. He also told me he hates being married to me and that he doesn't give a shit about me. Later in the day he acted like nothing went down today. It's crazy how someone can go on like if they did nothing wrong and expect you to be the same way. I am hurting inside but if I bring this up to him he just shrugs so I don't say anything anymore.




我和我的男朋友已经有超过7年。三年前,我想嫁给他,现在有一个破碎的我,说不要这样做。他叫我懒和脂肪。过去之前,告诉我,他不能和我结婚之前我学会成为一个家庭主妇。他说我不会做饭和清洁,我不赚到足够的钱。我应该去得到一个更好的工作。他已经做了5年。我只是一直在想我会变得更好或者他会变得更好。4年前,他在我的胸口留下瘀伤。我可以看到他的手在那里一个星期。 He has made my teeth bleed from slapping me. He has pushed me down. More bruises in many different areas. Always saying that he barely touched me or that I bruise easily. And he has given me a black eye. Saying that it was a reflex and he was saying but I caused it. Many nights he comes home and just gets upset about the house being dirty and me not doing enough of anything. So instead of helping me he plays games and sits there not having done a thing beside make me feel like I'm the problem. And maybe I am. I'm 28 and have no kids and he brings up the fact that I'm never horny and not fertile. I'm going crazy and I need advice. Call me nuts but I love him. God help me I love him still.


我在船的关系。婚姻。15日以来我们一直在一起。他是我身披闪亮盔甲的人转过身来,杀死了测距装置的叶片一次救了我。他的话坏蛋我喜欢刀。我丑陋的胖恶心的妓女婊子一个粗鄙的人。我只和一个人做爱。我甚至羞于和其他人说话。我讨厌我的生活,如果我没有孩子我就会离开。但是我想做什么。 He had two domestic violence charges when we were 18. We're 27 now. The pain I'm feeling these days is like no other. I feel the same as i did when i was a teen. Alone and depressed hurt by some one who is suppose to live me. He hates me but won't let me leave. I just don't understand. He made me take a lie detector test when we were 19 I passes ofcourse and he said I cheated on it. He says he hates our kids andbthir wotlrthless females. I wish he would die somehow or leave so I could be free. I will never be free if he is here. I hate my fucking life. I hate my fucking life. I have cried so much I have no more tears. I'm sick of trying to explain to my girls why thier daddy is a mean person and why he is so grumpy. I wish I would have given them a better family. FML









2015年9月,2 12:03点

