






  • 呼吸加快,心跳加速,这是很难集中注意力,恐慌袭击可能发生
  • 你能认出战斗或逃跑,因为你可能会试图“关掉”你的情绪。你否认发生了什么或最小化,以避免处理那些你所面临的危险。
  • 之后,你可能会压制事件的记忆和微笑,好像什么也没有发生。


  • 随着时间的推移,你觉得你没有那么聪明或“它”。你的记忆会变得模糊,所以你不确定如果你记住事情正确与否。
  • 你会发现你的思想走之前的实例的虐待和持有你俘虏那里,看电影你不想看到的。
  • 由于重复,侵入性的记忆,你可以应对未来滥用不准确——滥用可能不是你们所感知到的严重或潜在的破坏性。就很难区分记忆过去的滥用和经常虐待事件。
  • 你可以对自己或施虐者采取致命的行为。











我要看看这些书,谢谢——我坐在这里困惑——我可以独立——我总是一直没有隔离,没有限制,financl好有或没有sps . .但似乎在回顾通过期刊布特几个mos - im抓住被唾弃——吼——推,用头蹭着,刚刚打了. .这次警方呼吁干预——他被判入狱,现在处理法律和彼得牢狱之灾——目前他全力支持是因为我不得不停止工作照顾老人的家——我唯一的孩子的父母也通过了,所以只有我,没有财政照顾家里。
但是——不能找出如果这是由于提高了激进——习得行为。id做了大量的研究,他似乎想要解决这个问题,他说过,但是真的没有方向或工具——除非他自我帮助后工作等等——就落在搁置一旁——没有consequenses真的——他只有几个mos离开——似乎家最令人沮丧的——就像他的家庭是李尔更多要求他alotta戏剧——我知道他更好和快乐在路上——但现在监狱体验和了解更多的监狱后,如果再次调用或报道——彼得·费. .他将强制性的自我工作要做——hopefullly用工具和方向,不能判断其愤怒不表达,没有技能解决——这样的家庭都是一样的——alcholics等,他没有药物,没有喝,只是工作工作,那么紧张的困扰——爆炸——我措手不及。在你知道之前————他大喊大叫——穿孔——他会扔东西——抓住我当我走开——抓住手臂握住抑制就订婚了,然后我不确定他会走多远,我害怕的不知道如果我将在接下来的几分钟,好吧我surrentder神,坐在安静的等着,然后他就停止和继续正常的一天——所以这一次我叫dv - 911 -学习法律开始做更多reserach和想结婚在一起15年——拍2 x begenning,几天前,但现在两倍——begenning和几个开关,抓住推只是愤怒的outburts和一些语言,,,只是蛋壳闹脾气-发怒泡芙坏mooood——到底——这是正常的,我的父母和我没有这样做,我认为他们得到了带——在众议院,alotta叫喊——我不知道——他现在出门工作,知道他可能不会欢迎回来,直到我认为它好,意识到他将处理监狱一次又一次的前进. .实际上他worx是一个好人,与法律没有麻烦. .所以我只是在lossss—

2017年6月,3 3:36



他的父母住在隔壁。他们正在减少她的工作,每周安排一天或两个(护士)。她忙于另一个业务。在法律没有朋友,只有家人。他们与业务和家庭周末活动占用她的时间。她认为我和我的丈夫有问题。两年前我们是最好的朋友,现在她不希望我们看孙女。有一天我们三岁告诉我们”她妈妈n爸爸并不好。”She was very sincere with her comment.


的评论让我重新活虐待我的心对每个人来说都是疼痛的。这对我来说已经8年了。结婚7。一直有身体和情感上的。我试着感激,因为身体可能会更糟。一个伤一个肿块。感情我相信已经毁了我的职业生涯我自我雇佣。Dum $ # %这个骗子。没有办法用了38分钟去沃尔玛。丑,胖,大p ^ ^ y wh(*美元旧质量孩子臭脏等。今天他拿枪指着我的头两次。 That is a feeling I can not stop feeling, That hard metal pressed against my skull. I can not imagine sticking in this for 20 30 years but time goes by. I have help. SO much, I need to use it take advantage of it and get on my feet. its just those incidents are so draining....can hardly function.








我很抱歉对于每一个发布在这里。我和我丈夫呆了40年。他主要是推我,但我发现辱骂更有害。我住在一开始因为我没有受过教育,不允许学习开车。我14岁的时候就在一起了。我爸爸也打我妈妈很糟糕。但她会等到他去床上,然后开始唠叨死他了。他欺骗了广告。随着时间的推移越来越agrivated时我可以告诉我会闭上我的嘴。救了我的殴打。 I caught him cheating and refused to sleep with him anymore so there were times he forsed himself on me. When our 2 girls got older I went to work with him. He was a self employed house painter. Then he suffered brain damage from the paint fumes. Things got bad again. I got an inheritance from my grandmother at 30 at took driving lessons, bought a car, fixed my teeth and put a down payment on a house. I started private housecleaning and had very important clientel. Lawers, judges. We had no intamincy but became best friends. As years went by his health coined to decline. Eventually he started to go blind and the violence really excelled. We had adopted our newborn granddaughter who was now 10 and he started being verbally abusive to her. That's was the breaking point for me. I had him put in jail when he choked me saying I stoled his cigarettes. He had burned all our furniture including the bed. Smoked 4 pks a day. I can't count how many times my child and I ran to our neighbors to hide us. I got an injunction but the day of my hearing my windshield had been broken and my car wouldn't start. So the judge thru it out and he came home. I cannot being to tell you how bad it was then. He knew not to touch me so the mental abuse went wild. He would wait till late at night and come to the garage door, that's where her and I stayed. Only door that locked. And put his fist thru it screaming he wished it was my face. So I finally provoced him to the point of grabbing me and put him in jail again. When my hearing came up I slept in my car the night before. But was told by my neighbor that 2 days prior they seen my brother in law go in my home , was only there 2 mins top. So I thought nothing of this till the hearing and my husband accuses me of being on drugs so the judge sent me for a test which came back positive for meth.. end of story I got my permanent injunction and after being kicked out of several nursing homes he passed away 3 years later. I found my first love from 43 years earlier and I'm messing up what could be the happiest time of my life because of the damage it has done to me . There was no one to help me then or now. I just want to be normal and happy. I'm hoping he can help me achieve that. Irony to the story , right after my husband passed I was contacted by his lawyer that a lawsuit he had going had settled for a half a million dollars. Only wish it could but my sanity back.




任何人都有这样的感觉吗? ?


Shaon Pawid


2016年5月,20 7:12

我的婚姻很长一段时间我的丈夫精神和辱骂我。他是一个酒鬼,他白天工作全职工作,晚上喝杰克丹尼,他将成为出言不逊。我们有一个好的婚姻和两个漂亮的孩子但他失去了一份工作之后,他以为他会在那家公司,直到他退休但公司关闭的一部分。失业一年他酗酒努力哦,可怜的我,他会说。我告诉他他们是那么你更糟糕的人。我问他要帮助他不认为他有一个问题。每次我试图谈论账单或其他东西的钱他会生气关我骂人。再也不想谈论事情感谢上帝,我的孩子们长大,搬出去了。带我沿着时间和人们一直说你的丈夫是一个混蛋,一个酒鬼,我说没有,他只是喝啤酒,有几个镜头。我妈妈总是告诉我是的他是一个酒鬼我会说她知道因为自己的父亲是一个也没有。 My Mom moved in with us for about a year he was nice about everything until after a few months he became really abusive calling her names that I can't even repeat and doing sick things like taking the toaster and putting it in water so we could not us it , taking her belongings and throwing them out. she has a heart condition and is on special food and he would throw it unplug the cable so we could not watch T.V take the controls off of washer and dryer and other crazy stuff. I called the police several time their were police reports on him the last straw came when he called the police and said she banged into my car and damaged it got money for it and never fixed the car. He was trying to get her for fraud. I called senior housing they got her out on a protective order, shortly after that I moved out and filed for divorce domestic and verbal abuse and I cane now say my husband is an alcoholic and is a lose cause he put his drinking first before his Family how sad!!!!

Val Lenear

我16岁就结婚了,他才21岁。不久他开始虐待我。袭击是残酷的,他打了我的背,直到它完全是黑色和蓝色。他用拳头打我的肚子当我17岁怀孕了。他打了我的眼睛在我3岁的儿子后不久我流产。他踢我反复在你儿子面前的士兵,说我不能带走我们的儿子。我叫我们的宗教的朋友,他们告诉我不要让他疯了。随着时间的推移,身体虐待停止,但情感或金融。如果我在我就会惹上麻烦。我有三个孩子。 Two boys and two girls. As the girls got older, they too emotionally abused me and continued to say they were through with me. This included taking my beloved grandson away from me. That was all I could take, and I left their "wonderful father" I always lost at everything in my life.


2017年6月,3 32



他从未受到身体上的伤害我。然而,他驱使我如此疯狂,我想各种各样的可怕的事情。他告诉我我搞砸了,我不会,如果不是他,我有东西的唯一原因是因为他。我试图打破很多次,我失去了计数。提起禁令,他让我把它拿回来。调用我的工作,以确保我捡,如果我不,他说我的细胞,看看我在哪里。如果我说我要去的地方,他就会出现。他把人攻击我,告诉我,我的朋友们。我失去了推动创造力。我用画、剪贴簿、油漆等,我似乎无法做到了。 Seems like a waste of time. I'm trying to get away again, but afraid. Not really sure of what. We're not married, but he has a serious hold over me and tells me my choices are all bad, of course I believe that now. I don't think I'll make it without him. I'm getting fat, and sick among other things. No one but someone fatter and sicker would want me. Wish there was some better help out there for people like me who feel that counselors can't see the bruises and therefore think it's so easy to get him to leave. It's not.


我已经在部分物理但大多数辱骂了15年。我想永久离开。但是我很害怕一个人不会让它活着。我们有一些狗和他总是把我不能离开他们。但是我现在住在朋友一天或2。但是感觉不好要负担她。不知道会发生什么。如果我回去。我相信坏事会发生。恐惧让我。 He threatens me with doing things to my family and friends or my dogs. Really scares me cause he tears up or breaks everything. Never have anything. No phone to even call for help. My cousin hung himself because of abuse. Not a lot of men have that happen but it does she was really mean to him. Made him choose her or his family. He chose her and his mother never got to see him again. So sad. But I contemplate suicide everyday I am there. The thought of him harassing makes me want out of this world. I'm scared I'll go back.


我读你所有的线程和汁液感觉我也说了我的想法。我也参与了一个身体虐待关系。确切地说是两个。我的第一段婚姻是令人难以置信的。起初他是最好的一个女孩可能想要的。他是甜蜜的,爱,和迷人的,然后他开始吸毒和滥用开始时。他给了我多的黑眼睛和无数节和削减我的脸。他被我&甚至拿枪指着我的头。无论多么恶劣的虐待,我还是留了下来。为什么? I still don't know. His brother used to threaten me & tell me that if I left his brother, they would find me. So I decided to enroll in the US Army for protection. I got my divorce and never looked back. Two days after I discharged from the Army, I saw on the news that his brother (the one who threatened me that he would find me) had killed his wife then himself. All I could do was thank God for protecting me and leading me away to the Army.
年后我开始约会另一个家伙,像之前一样,他是一个完美的人。我告诉他我的过去的虐待关系&强调这样一个事实,我不会容忍&他aasured我他不相信把他的手放在任何女人。比如7个月我们有争执的关系。公元前我先打他我以为他要攻击我,所以他打我。我离开了那个公元前&没有想到会是这样,我知道我打了他第一次宣布对此负责。经过一年的一个正常的关系少宝宝妈戏剧,他又打我,使我甲型肝炎节在我的额头上。我立刻告诉自己,我做了,我不会容忍。我离开了家和我的妈妈去和他谈谈。他道歉和遗憾的是,我相信他所以我回去。事情变得对他不利job-wise所以他开始想赚钱在街上和吸毒后不久。 He started verbally abusing me along with the physical abuse. He would take my car & not come back for hours. He had a vehicle but it got stolen & he blamed me for it. He thought I paid someone to steal it. Stupid, right! I realized that we needed to go our separate ways. When I brought this up to him, he hit me so hard in my mouth that I couldn't even close it. What I didn't know was that my then 14 yr old son witnessed this and he attempted to fight my then boyfriend. That's when I realized that I had to get my kids and I out if that situation. I put him out but everytime I did, he found a way back into my house.
一天早上我回家去庆祝,公元前我已经聘请了在我临床的地方,和他只是开始打我。至少我不知道。当他打我时,我想报警,但他把我的手机从我&继续打我。他窒息我,我想我要昏倒了。我逃掉了,他追我。我害怕bc我从未见过,在他的眼神我觉得我需要保护自己之前,他要了我的命。它的我很难类型,但最糟糕的是,我开枪打死了他。我真的不相信几天发生了什么事。我在震惊和难以置信。我真的不理解为什么我不记得清楚部分那天早上发生的事情。 It all jus happened so fast. I've been trying to make myself remember, but I just can't. I'm not sure if those are symptoms of BSW or not, but I know that something is causing me not to remember.


如果你有机会,打在“权力与控制”……因为这是你的丈夫或s / o是做什么给你。你值得重视,因为你是有价值的,重要和特殊。它将需要一个过程建立自己。在支持团体与他人了解你是谁。最重要的是保持安全,建立你的自尊和自信起来。


我从没想过我woul f是写th oeh年代,但我丈夫口头虐待我,我conxstantly哭,因为我没有一个说话。我独自一人和羞愧。现在我在残疾由于回来。手术……总共四个。我已经伸出自己的住房,摆脱这可怕的情况。


我已经结婚两人都是身体和出言不逊。1日我离婚28岁的我marrried他18岁时,两组双胞胎w /他(现在28 & 23)漂亮的孩子,但因为他的嫉妒和他年纪16岁,喜欢玩w /枪我离开那么混蛋# 2答应我见面他永远不会打我理解哈哈现在20岁之后,他不过是有趣的是他告诉我我让他这样做,如果我喊911他打我我困因为他控制所有的钱我48岁,知道我应该得到更好的厌倦了被吐唾沫在我脸上,食物扔啊我,等,他总是说我的错哈哈喜欢我问b打它是真实的,谢谢你让我知道我不是一个人




我一直知道我是一个受害者。问题是我的受害者是什么?听起来很疯狂对吧?17岁嫁给一个很好的男子,家人很高兴送你了,因为他给他们提供了钱不是一件好事。然后学习,时不时“有时你支付的价格好生活”作为我的母亲叫糟。主动告诉别人是很困难的,当你问“你到底做了什么让他生气?”。所以我开始质疑自己。我说的太多了吗?我不是说够了吗?只是说我在这里,我更好的得到使用它! Bracing myself for it to learning how to heal myself on the outside. What I didn't know was I could never seem to fix the inside. I just began reading blogs when I can. LEAVE? everyone says that. Easy to say, I have no access to money to leave, no friends that want to get involved. Those who are afraid to get involved and the ones he ran off. I've called shelters for victims and sure they give you a place to stay for all of a month or so. Then what? I'm more afraid of the then what. It can sometimes be difficult. I was even to a point where I knew I couldn't live this way. Any life I had in me was beat away, or scared away. I feel lost. I don't think people know what it feels like to loose yourself. Just to not know who you are and wake up every day in a body and in a place that makes you wish you stayed asleep. I sometimes sneak and talk to my neighbor. Well she sneaks to me. She noticed everything I couldn't say. Today with her help we started a GoFundMe account. I'm optimistic about it. But its worth a try to get out of here. I don't know much about the internet or blogging so I emailed you. If nothing else I want people to know my story. How before you can leave, you MUST realize its wrong. I thought all women got hit for years. And God knows leaving is like trying to cross the street on a busy highway. My link is gofundme.com//yy34dqnc If you do blog more on domestic violence please give insite on a married woman of ten years who lives this way by confusion, fear, and low spirits. Maybe they can understand









我似乎不能离开“时光”。1992是去年的27年的口头abusiveive婚姻。愤怒。家庭成员和我练习今天仍非活性的这种行为。我不能听到我正在肆虐。我不是在这个家庭成员多,但从来没有离开我。就好像刚刚发生。我没有防御除了没有防御。没有参与。抑郁症。 I live a lively loving life, yet it remains.


我知道所有的男人都是软弱和泛化混蛋作弊是不对的,但当我决定不日期或男性参与的关系,我的生活变得更好。有时我和一个男人睡觉我所吸引,但我发现,,,男人几乎是立即就将开始撒谎,掩盖他们的行踪,经常使用药物,生气,变得遥远,实际上,他们失去兴趣。起初,我认为这是个人,但我没有约会的男人最好和对其他女人同样轻蔑的。我漂亮,聪明,有一个好的身体,所以男人似乎只看到这一点,尽管有许多好东西关于我。然而,我确实有一个嫉妒,但它是合理的,因为根据我的经验,几乎每个人都作弊。他们不想留下来,他们失去兴趣的妻子后,她有一个婴儿,他们立即开始看其他的女人,感觉困。有太多的男人像我上面所描述的。我不想推广,但当我看到那么多女性1。打2。强奸3。 driven to suicides in love triangles 4. dissed 5. disrespected for having a period, etc. or even a normal odor to her vagina, I have decided not to share my intimacy with men. I also am not homosexual. I have cats, friends, family, and no room anyway for a burdernsome male. I know good ones are out there, but they don't like me. I'm drug free, smoke free, wrote a book, have college degrees, and most men feel threatened by me, so they enjoy pushing my buttons rather than having a satisfying, real relationship. I gave up on men - and I'm free and happy as a result.



如果在未来的某个时候,一个男人引起你兴趣的去治疗帮助解决任何不必要的情绪与过去的关系。男人并非都是坏的,但不是所有女人需要或者想要一个< 3人


我在16岁结婚。有4个孩子。失去了一个婴儿足月劳动期间,因为他我他的卡车撞向我的车,当我试图逃跑。我住在一个农场1.5他远离的帮助。我被卡住了。记忆仍然困扰着我。他拿枪指着我的头,玩心理游戏,“总有一天,它会是右击”。他折磨我……我试图逃脱....他点燃我的火,我离开医院之后,我社区的成员帮我策划一个计划,所以我可以逃脱。 Back then, violence against woman had no safe nets... I did get away, and changed my kids and I last name, etc. I did not take anything.I am writing a book . Not for revenge, but to help other woman on how to get away safe and fast. Even if he takes your bank cards away..... Many years later.....my kids grown and gone from the nest....I still smell my burning hair, and have lost hearing in my left ear. And suffer PTSD. The verbal abuse was worse than the physical abuse. Its hard to trust and feel safe. Each day is a struggle. But I know that through grace I am ALIVE! And I am thankful to all those who helped me to get away.....love does not control the other. Love is feeling lived and feeling safe for you and your Children. A family unit. Many hugs and know....that prayers got me through, and so did secretly getting members of the community involved.... I thank them for always.








我已经阅读了受虐妇女综合症。我在一个虐待关系,这个男人约会了18个月。他被虐待的3倍。第一次发生& 2 & 3个月内发生在三个月7和8。我喜欢但不了。除了身体虐待,我不得不忍受每天精神虐待。他侮辱我,每天叫我可怕的名字。我做的是正确的。每天我自己解释;为什么我有男同事,为什么我有游客在我家。 Why my friends live their lives a certain way
我已经精疲力竭的情绪。我要出去了。我阻止他的电话他,跳墙。今天他把警察在瀑布的存在所以我可以跟他说话。我希望有人来帮助我。每个人(包括我的朋友)都对他有利。因为他运行&哭每次我们战斗。他操纵他们的情感;他是甜的和慷慨的。然而他是粗鲁的,侮辱我和我提到他撒谎说一切! ! ! And he cheats on me with many women.




好吧……我不确定我在这里想说的。我刚才遇到了一个实例。除了这一暴力。最近发生的大约一个月一次,无论如何。我们有一个3岁和在一起快3年了(是的你的数学是正确的)。第一个两年远离天堂。如果任何主要辱骂。我知道他被他教育扭曲但我甚至没有触及表面。在过去的一年中已经被折磨。 I can't keep a job because of it, and we'll you know of course that adds fuel to his engine and oxygen to the flames. I can't win for losing. And when I try to leave to do something productive for our family or,huh, AT ALL he is out the door immediately. Leaving me with children and explanations and anger. My family and friends have abandoned me because I won't leave and I don't know why I don't. I think I'm sick mentally most days anymore. I've turned my anger (physically and verbally) more than once toward his other daughter and it makes me cringe to think about, much less blog about. I need help. What do I do from here??



2014年7月,3 4:02




2014年6月,3 6:11我



基本上我曾经试图站起来给他告诉他这个口头虐待和有辱人格的行为是不能接受的!没做什么好,他打我。一旦清醒的第二天,他很懊悔的哭泣,乞求我的原谅。说它永远不会再发生。我记不清有多少次以来被…我改变了我的策略,站起来对他来说,意义扩散情况我走到另一个房间,什么也不说,他在他的醉酒rage-hoping没有它我的沉默会让它通过升级。这似乎没有作用…他跟着我到不同的房间有辱人格的我如此丑陋的水平。再次,一旦清醒,他似乎不记得他所做的所有的…他看到了瘀伤在羞辱我,挂着他的头。我都非常接近拨打911,但他会把墙上的电话或摧毁我的手机让我相信他会告诉警察我疯狂,我被捕。 I also fear having him arrested. because 1 I love him and don't want to harm him, 2 he has a multi-felony background and such


我是一个破旧的妻子多年。我从来不觉得我有一个。这是一个时间当警察不帮你。我被告知很多次,我做了什么导致滥用。如果我不冷静下来他们会逮捕我。滥用更糟了,因为我们都是吸毒者。我觉得唯一的出路是如果他死了。我告诉他。他死了,我清醒了,干净。多年后我决定与另一个男人有关系。 Not know what was wrong with me and not being able to explain my behavior I totally destroyed this relationship with very little hope of repairing it. I now know I have BWS/PTSD. I start therapy tomorrow and am doing extensive step work. All I know is that I have got to stop letting him rule my life. And he is dead. It's time for healing for however long it takes.


偶然发现了这个我1日婚姻是虐待的7年有3出现之前我在半夜跑出来与我们3儿子6 5和3。我遇到了我的夜晚闪亮的盔甲和他结婚我和我的3个孩子。他情感和辱骂的大多是我的孩子们多年来与一个爆炸性的性格他恐吓我们的大脑。我和他有一个孩子在第一年的婚姻。我认为他是安全的,因为他在执法。第一个三个孩子搬出去上大学,很少回头。现在在一起17年,我把我女儿离开后称为家庭暴力热线开始新鲜,感觉很棒除了Facebook暴力威胁,从他的姐妹和女性朋友。圣诞节后我们一起回来,这是我一生中最快乐的一周。以下我的他拿出一个毫无根据的禁令对我提出离婚。他成长的儿子和我们的青少年儿童目睹了事件和他们决定,他绝对是失去他的想法。 After a month he sent our child into my house requesting to talk I fell for him again this time he moved all our furniture into my house pledging his undying love. His extreme paranoia multiplied 10 - fold I could no longer talk on the phone visit with friends stay up after he went to bed without his accusations of my constant infidelity that now my daughter was helping me cheat behind his back. I had been trying to come up with a way to get him out when bam! He came home from his counseling and said he had to leave even though he loved me he didn't like my pets. Now he stalks me calls 4 or more times an hour accuses me of cheating has tantrums. He screwed me financially by agreeing to pay part of rent but is on a monthly pension and was broke by the 3rd of the month expecting me to buy him cigarettes daily and feed him everyday. Since I've been with him I was diagnosed with bipolar but the longer I'm away from him the more my psychiatric no and I believe that it was battered wife syndrome with ptsd. Our daughter doesn't want him here and I'm just constantly afraid with anxiety and depression. Write me if you choose


我们结婚后就开始和他一起去酒吧。我结婚了,我怀孕了,感觉我必须嫁给他。他说我变了。他拒绝让我知道任何关于钱,因为它是他的。他离开我几乎身无分文,告诉我如果我想要钱,我应该找一份工作。我提高了4个孩子,忍受各种各样的辱骂,他的愤怒,想要揍我,有时他猛烈地攻击我。时间的流逝,事情变得更糟。我不能笑,甚至跟他说话。他疯了如果我甚至暗示抱怨任何事情。他打动了我远离朋友和家人住在他的家人。 His family, he told me, was his real family. He more than likely cheated on me. He had women's numbers in his wallet. I have had to stand between him and my kids when he was enraged with them. They are teens now and my youngest is almost 14. I think my kids fear him. They placate him by hugs and talking in a lower tone to avoid his anger. As do I. I have really been ripped apart mentally. I do have PTSD when I am in a car with him. I lose my mind and cry and he yells at me and tells me I am just trying to be controlling when I beg him to slow down. He only attacked me physically like 4 times and then the last year or so he choked me. I am a wreck and all everyone tells me is to leave but no matter what I try - i dont have money. IF I make money he is assigning me bills to pay so I cant save any. I finally got to the point that I do recognize I have been abused all these 21 years. And now all I do is shake where before i was completely numb. Just walked on eggshells. Tried to be civil. I really want out now, but i know my kids won't go to a shelter with me. They think this is normal. After all, i said for years 'That's your dad.' to them so they wouldn't hate him. He didn't beat them because I always stood in the way. I don't know what to do. I can't leave them and I can't stay and I can't afford a place of my own. I even opened a business and it is not doing well in this economy. I feel doomed like i am trapped. Anyone with advice?


你好,谢谢你的文章。你看我现在已经结婚了好一阵子,我自己emmotional /辱骂的产物。我从来没有能够与我的丈夫有一个开放的沟通。因为我们的财政方面的某些情况下每次我跟他说话他就暴跳如雷。所以在婚姻中,我学会了不是说任何早期....这是包括一切。我丈夫自己陷入很多事故,使他无法继续工作。和愚蠢的我,而不是跟他说话,告诉他的财务状况,我只是借用信用卡,回家再抵押;让自己进入的情况非常严重。看来我让每一件我知道。甚至我的孩子们。 I don't know what to do please can you direct me?


我该实例你正在寻找身体虐待保持最低的地方。他使用威胁的我的孩子。唐斯,嘲笑,对抗,常数判断,愤怒,拒绝他的行为使我困惑和质疑自己。我们的情况是真的搞砸了,因为他被我女儿的父亲捅了6次,我太软弱,仍迷恋离开。我想我们都会成为过去,他一个幸福的家庭。我和我们的儿子怀孕3个月后刺。及其以来每一个地狱。他有我和我的女儿都独立于每个我们所知或爱,说我应该同意他的观点,因为在他身上发生了什么。的途中,他和我的女儿的父亲都跳上睾丸激素和决定见面,互相斗争。但是我的前女友把一把刀。 So my abuser isn't exactly the innocent party in alll that. I'm finally ready to leave but left feeling and knowing it's at the expense of my new baby. My abused state left me weak and borderline insane so I've had some incidents of my own where I medicated myself and wentcrazy. I'm really going to have to defend myself in court seeing as I have no witnesses to his abuse other than his own mother whom we live with. And I think everyone knows she isn't going to stick up for me. If you would like to talk to me or anyone thinks they can help me I would appreciate the email and being in contact. Good luck ladies. God bless.


我也是在连续考虑离开。在这个超过11年。1 9包括身体、情感、性和辱骂他在过去的两年里稍稍平静了一点,但我知道它还在那里。谎言和操纵都根植于他。我对我所有的坚持在离开他灵魂的力量。不幸的是年龄和东西和我的决定起到了一定的作用。我意识到并接受我在的地方就不该问的了,这是一个危险的地方。他是一个伟大的机械手与内疚。我不知道如果我将试着自己的地方或不相关的亲戚(联系)。我只知道我有ENUF ! ! !




我怎么逃避没有这变成一个屎秀吗?我怎么能让他的房子时,他没有别的地方去吗?这似乎意味着去做的人。如果他离开我怎么阻止他闯入我的房子吗?我怎样才能重新连接和我的朋友经过多年的缺席从他们的生活吗?我怎么道歉呢?我怎么能告诉任何人真的是怎么回事呢?我怎样才能停止爱他吗?我怎么能爱别人?甚至我自己? I have so much self hatred I know it is wrong and I still feel like its all of my fault like i did this to myself. Like I am the bad one. What thoughts are mine and what are the ones he put in my head? The worst part is, my friend is a psychology major and told me 2 years ago to not move


嗨。我不知道该说些什么。我想这个信息是有益的。和其他人的故事,我感到非常孤独和悲伤的秘密。每天我希望woiuldnt醒来,其斗争日常活动在蛋壳上行走。我不知道什么样的一天将会取决于他心情的好坏。我是一个25岁和我的父母和我的男朋友生活在一起。他是一个比我小但非常聪明。他聪明我每次和分析我所做的一切。这是他让我爱上了他。 He remembers everything I say, and he pursued me until I was his. We're not married. And we don't have kids, but I feel just as responsible for him and trapped as well. I can't figure out if I love him or hate him. He will admit to his wrong behavior and build me up, complimenting me and saying how I don't deserve someone like him then days later it starts all
一次又一次,我恨他。我的父母不知道的事。他们喜欢他,他总是帮助他们在房子周围。我刚开始看到一个治疗师在背后。我失去了我所有的朋友都因为他,我隐藏我的电话和保持沉默就装进箱的人打电话给我。我经常不能参加家庭活动因为我哭闹。他来自美国西海岸和我们住在东部。他没有一个人在这里,没有去哪里。他指责我对我们没有地方可以住,因为我无法找到更好的工作赚更多的钱。他经常坚持认为,我不喜欢他,因为我不会做任何事来让我们在一起。 Although he doesnt hit me, he has strangled me before. I can't tell if it's my fault if we get in an argument because i usually dont understand what the hell he is talking about or remember it afterwards. I am usually confused and I can't cry when he's screaming at me and i curl into a ball because im scared hes going to throw things at me or hit me. he says I am so lucky to have a nice family and somewhere to live so i have nothing to cry about. So i have learned not to show emotion. He doesnt want me to lose weight because he thinks I'd leave him and his new thing is talking about breaking up all the time. If i don't smooth things over he goes crazy and smashes & throws tables and chairs. But its always when no one is home. Sometimes he threatens to kill my cat because he says i love her more than him. I am just a regular person in a regular house. I try to do the right thing and be a good person. I feel so embarrassed that I'd let
有人这样对待我。他也是个性adict和有它所有的时间。他总是谈论其他女人,我们不能看某些节目或电影,因为,他让我觉得如果我不想做爱,我把他错了。他承认他的所有行为和我说他生病了他是一个坏人。有时他是一个伟大的人。他说我不能让自己不断提醒我,我什么都没有完成。我是一个艺术家,我不能描绘,因为他批评它。我很沮丧但是我不会结束我的生命,因为我做不到,我的家人。他是什么样的人会做任何事来得到他想要的东西会不择手段。他犯的罪行。 He has hospitalized people in the past. Of course he hid all of the bad until we were already involved for over
一年。有时如果我们谈论未来,如果我们住在一起,他说他会那么生气他会杀了我,他担心自己伤害我。我认为他有能力。他是这并不会计较的人,如果你知道我的意思。我想我可以处理它,我以为我足够坚强。现在我只是觉得可怜,就像我是一个失败者。他让我觉得我不能做任何事好。后面我觉得我所有的同事和冻结在时间无法区分对与错。无法回到学校,在任何事情上不能工作,因为它是永远不会足够好的或正确的事情。无法记住一天前发生了什么,有时一个星期前,一分钟前。 I have such bad anxiety everytime he gets home from work. I can't drive over bridges because if we're on a bridge and i am driving he will jerk the wheel to scare me. Now everytime i go over a bridge i feel out of control. I am not even in control of my body. I stress eat and he thinks he has the right to put his hands on me ANY TIME because i am his girlfriend. And he always threatens if i don't give it up he'll cheat on me. It's been 3 years of this. I miss my friends i feel so guilty for not being there for the people that i love. It's like no one gets it unless they had been there I guess. I can't talk about normal girl things I feel like everyone is full of it. I am finally realizing that this is not the way i pictured my life to be. It's not what I want for myself. I want to be free. But i don't know what will happen because of it. Sometimes the bad in people is too bad to love. I am always wondering about the meaning of the word "unconditional".


哇。我只是决定谷歌受虐妇女。我从未想到去做任何研究受虐妇女和我无法解释为什么?我被告知现在每天从我的房子里滚出去,尖叫着喊我听到过每一个可耻的名称和一些我已经学会了。这已经持续了7年了,我真的无法解释。它看起来并不那么久。我如此强大,直到09年9月我女儿的诞生。我记得想继续去医院前一晚我男朋友是公元前回去工作我很可能不会去医院的路上,如果第二天我走进劳动。所以很多实例真正似乎不如以前那样令人震惊的我遇到了我的丈夫。我的心灵似乎现在扭曲。 This is not the person that I used to be. I would have never thought that any daily activity of mine today would ever exist. I have read some threads and honestly was relating to every single of them. The religious views of his parents have made things even more horrible. They r in another country doing mission work so that helps. I could go on and on explaining his strategies of manipulating me but my reason for posting this thread is to find help for me and our daughter. I have left before only to have to come back due to finances or no support emotionally or simply not having a better situation to reside in. I want to protect my daughter. I want her to have a chance to be happy and not be around abuse all the time. I have always thought that if he would just get help or find a friend or just wake the hell up??? But I am insane! The situation is remaining the same with not one different result. I am tuckered out. I am so scared I cannot even begin to express my fear. I am not able to have friends or family bc they are not perfect basically. I have been home with our daughter for 4 years now and I have a bachelors and am currently obtaining another degree so I am penny less and everything seems to be in his control from the house to the vehicles to the bills and you name it. I do not know where to begin I just feel so useless and damaged. I am such a wonderful and giving and compassionate person always have been and he has not changed that about me, but I just do not feel like I have it in me to continue this way. He tells me that I try to play the victim and that has really had me thinking bc I know he is only trying to manipulate me once again. I know I am a victim and I know it only makes my situation looks even worse bc I am aware of that. He has been physically abusive in the past from time to time but would never be honest w himself ab it. It's like he convinces himself of his lies and he does not start at all. It's unbelievable. I am very emotionally detached from everything and everyone except my daughter. I have never loved anyone as much as I love her. She is my only reason for living.
