我真的希望他改变。我爱上了这里,我是年轻和愚蠢的。我怀孕了,我以为事情会改变,但是他们没有。我们和我的父母住,他决定离开,几天后我跟着他。我remwmber我告诉我爸爸,我要和他一起生活,他告诉我“一旦他有你那边他会虐待你”我说不他不是这样的。这是地狱,他踢了我无数次,然后道歉。他会说我是愚蠢的,愚蠢的,脂肪和油腻。我带食物,水和他吐在我身上。他得到我,因为我把他捡起来晚下班,盈方的我的女儿。他会说伤人的意思是事情和我将部他为什么这样对待我,他从来没有给我一个答案。 His family is the same way but he is so blind to everything they say. He blamed me for everything all the time, I did everything he asked mw to do, even when I didnt want to. He started saying he wouldnt have intimacy with me because I was disgusting to him and he didn't have hoes he had princesses and that he still wanted to be with one of my cousins. He kicked me out infront of his mom and sister for the very last time. I had had enoug. The level of stress I was going though was awful. I grabbed my daughter and my pets and left. He cleaned the whole house in les the a day ttlhree daya after I left. Its been a month or so since I left it hurts but like many people say remember why you left. And I do.
像许多其他评论者,我可以写这篇文章,只有一部分是相对安全的愤怒/愤怒/侮辱/战斗基本上同意他说的一切/ /建议/想要响了那么真实。在我的例子中,也有大量的粗口,辱骂和侮辱。煤气灯是一种常见的策略(和我不工作,但非常令人沮丧)。这不仅仅是“他的方式或高速公路”。这是他现实或没有,如果我犯的错误提供确凿的证据证明他是错误的(更糟的是,我是对的),他的反应是不漂亮。我明天会离开如果有一个真正的方法。我只是遗憾知道我不是一个人在这生活。
我的男朋友是一个口头的施虐者。他还总是指责我想与他人时,真的不是这样的…我爱他超过他永远不会知道。我们经历如此多在一起. .它从运动的虐待和辱骂。目前大多数时候出言不逊。偶尔还几乎得到物理. .我不能过正常的生活。他想要运行我的生活的方方面面,好像我没有我自己的大脑…他完全激怒了当我想使用自己的大脑。但是我喜欢我只是我…有时他可以真正成为一个甜心,其他时候我每一点* *,h * e . .和书中垃圾抛屎. .当我们认为wwatever原因他如此如此的大声尖叫。我知道邻居们听到. .和its not just about hom screaming its about the most lowest direspectful degrading tjings..he say to me that really hurts..I often wonder how my neighbors look at me because of these incidents that I am sure they hear..coming from my house hold..and the biggest thing that hurt the most is because a lot of times I get treated this way for no apparent reason..other than the way he thinks or the wayhe feel..I have never cheated on him..I have never even tthought about being eith another man..but I can honestly say I sometimes think a lot about leaving him..im at my breaking point we have been together for almost six years..and planning to wed this coming summer..I have learned to deal with him but some things I just dont kno how to deal with..he is slowly breaking me down mentally physically and emotionally..he make me feel like dirt below his shoe when he scream disrespectful things to me..then he always come back a few minutes later and want to work things out and have sex like nothing has ever happen..he do not want to get help..and he thinks I am the one that need help..I just feel like he is draining the life out of me..and I dont kno wat to do should I marry him or get rid of him for good??.please help!!!!
所以,随着时间的推移,我发现我是他为了讨好他。被他的问题是,我不能永远有人我不。无论我如何努力,我自己的人格和信念会渗入我们的独白在最糟糕的时刻。看他的脸是可怕的改变在我说还是厌恶。我只是做我自己。我希望他爱我。”I feel like this ALL the time. Except he says things like, "why did you do it that way?" or "why did you say that way?" Tonight was a good example. He listened to me while I left a simple message on someone's voicemail. As soon as I hung up I got the "why did you say it like that" And he was not saying this in a friendly manner-I could see the hate in his face. And the voicemail was simple...just trying to see if this friend could give our son a ride home from a swim party. I didn't know how react (never have) to questions like this from him. I just asked him what was wrong with it? All he could say was "why did you talk so fast at the end?" I just said I didn't realized I had. So I get defensive and walk away to avoid any more questions like this. Which he follows me to continue the verbage, which turns into him saying "f*@# you". So, now I'm all upset, mad, crying and confused. What did I do? No really, what did I do? Now he's trying to apologize only because he needs an invoice printed, so I know he really doesn't mean it. What have I done so wrong? I absolutely hate me sometimes. I don't know how to defend myself against someone who truly hates me worse than I do.
这听起来就像我一样。我已经结婚33年了。我现在在我不想他。我试着爱他。我走在鸡蛋壳的所有时间。有好时光,但我不能这样做了。他可以很好的一个时刻,意味着下一个。他会进来,说你想要吃点东西,然后下一个我是一个愚蠢的“f”“b”。下一分钟他就想做爱。他叫我愚蠢的,疯狂的等等,然后会想去一起去某个地方。 When we go we fight in the car. I want and need to leave but don't know how or where to start, 33 years is a long time. He says he will not go get help and it is me that needs the help. I am the dumb one, he says. He tells me he is 53 and is not going to change.
我要通过分手我爱的女孩。我们约会了4年。去年我们分手6个月。当我开始一段新的恋情,她说我欺骗她,她不可能再相信我和别人(即使她睡她被感情欺骗我)。她最终要求再去,我同意了。大错误。她从未真正尝试和过去所犯的错误只有长大。她骂人了,说她恨我,没有人喜欢我,我是低于污垢,破鞋,没用等等。我所做的只是乞求她不要和我说话。我为她做了所有这些工作在她的房子——我爱的语言行为的服务——这是我给她我爱她的方式(我还说我爱你一天几次)。她说她可以雇人做这些事情,所以这并不意味着什么。 She told me she hoped her plane went down and she died and that I had to live with that. That I could fall into traffic. Then she started hitting too. It is so hard to let it go. I still love her (she ended up leaving me again)...I don't know how to stop feeling that someone this is all my fault and that she was right in that I do not deserve love. She said I ruined her life, and now I feel responsible. I don't know what to do and how to not feel so depressed. :(
哦,我忘了说性,我们几乎每天都第一3年。我母亲去世了,我睡不着,所以起来,他告诉我他不结婚一个人睡。然后我意识到我们的关系是基于多少性。我开始尝试跳过一个晚上。他会变得如此疯狂! ! !他经常威胁离婚每一次争吵,争论关于性或任何。然后我将开始跳过几天。请注意这个花了4到6年时间完成。同时,你应该知道的东西,他没有工作的最后九年我们的婚姻(禁用)。我一直工作。 I was tired, it got down to Fridays and Saturday nights. It sounds terrible, but I felt like an object not someone he loved. Of course, that was my fault as well.
OMG ! ! !这是我经历过的事情。我的前女友不会完全告诉我,我不能做任何事情,但是当我回到家时,他将开始或选择我,遥远,等了他得到了他所想要的是什么,我只是呆在家里。没有我的一个朋友,他的满意度。他不断地抛出旧testiment关于这里的女人是男人和男人是一家之主。所有决定的人,等等。我不得不非常小心我将穿什么,不能跟另一个男人(从不指责我作弊,只是感觉不好看,当然,不能做任何与公司工人。第一次8年的这17年的婚姻后,我开始为自己站起来。我还没有做任何的事情他没有想要我,但是我会为自己说话。他会非常疯狂,不断f u在脸上或对我大喊和尖叫。我会不断说,“我停止听当你喊“他会冷静下来,然后重新开始。 Everytime I would start to say something, he would stop me in mid sentence. It was never a conversion, I didn't have a right to my opinion, I had to see things his way or it was an argument, or should I say, I was yelled at, and of course EVERYTHING was MY fault. He would tell me that he has tried everything to save our marriage. He did everything for me, he (in his eyes) was the perfect husband. I caused it all. I honestly started to believe it. Then I started to read different articles. Wow!! It helps me so much to know that I am not crazy. Mind you, I am his sixth wife, I know, stupid me. All of the other marriages were short term, ours lasted 17 years. All I can say, is it took me longer to realize, it wasn't all my fault. Good luck to all of you and thank you all.
它是荒谬的,我病了。我是60 !我一个呆在家里的妈妈已经很长时间了。我的问题是如何支持自己。我知道他不会改变,我不能让他。
当我读到你的文章,就像它是我说话。你说的一切都是发生在我身上。一切都加上骂人。我嫁给了他14年,就像生活在一场噩梦,什么是有意义的。我慢慢的失去了自己。我几乎每天都哭,因为他找我,“大喊”我(他不允许我称之为大叫)这样做:使用扫帚错了,洗澡狗太多,没有把汽车座椅靠背当他走的时候,等我不能做任何事情。当我不想做爱的时候,也会把他。我们经常在睡前可怕的崩盘。这里有太多让我写。最后我想说,我跑掉了,在过去的七年试图解开所有的谎言和试图把自己找回来。 It's the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
我昨晚开始阅读这个博客,不得不停止。我像许多心脏和头部之间的撕裂。头震惊,这个人可能会说他爱我,因为他的谎言欺骗,我发现了一个胸罩,他指责我他的两个家庭暴力的指控,恐怕,威胁他,我生活在恐惧之中。和我的心在他的蜜月期。他从不说他是不好意思,这是他的错,他需要帮助。他只是是好的一天,爱。性是他的,不管是我累了,病了,没关系,我更好地准备多少次他想要在白天或者他离开我。它会。我阻止了他,有一个法庭日期在两周内。他有枪最后一次结束,他应该不拥有任何枪支。 It seems like a oxymoron, but I am afraid to report him, because I may end up in court. Please, thoughts????
我一直都知道我的丈夫爸爸是口头虐待。他引起了很多问题在我们的婚姻,因为他是一个控制狂。我多年来只是停止关心他是怎么想和怎么说。当他经过时,我甚至不费心去葬礼。他的家人掩盖他真正喜欢的是什么。我已经结婚41年。我的丈夫辱骂开始缓慢。他伤害了我很多次。我想我太敏感。随着岁月的推移,他得到更糟糕的是,有时我想,我失去的想法。 He doesn't hit me, he doesn't drink, he doesn't swear, why am I so miserable. He made me feel crazy at times, he says he has never done anything to hurt me. Our kids begged me to leave him because he got so bad. After we sold our business, he got a lot better. Stress seems to trigger it. It isn't an excuse, that's just when he is at his worst. Without even realizing it, I stopped loving him. He took a sledge hammer and beat my love for him till it no longer existed. I have told him how I feel, he got very very angry. He can be a very sweet,kind,loving man.Then turn into his Dad. He knows this and is trying, even said he would go to counseling. He isn't a bad person but I don't love him anymore. When I think of retiring with him, my heart fills with dread. He has ADHD and an anxiety disorder, he is very clingy, needs help doing everything. We have a 34 year old son that lives with us because he is paranoid schizophrenic. How can I leave two people with mental problems? What kind of person does that make me?
嗯我nervious .....张贴任何东西。我一个虐待的女人。我一直都努力一段时间甚至谈论它。我已经从我的前女友分手6个月....他是一个机械手类型很高兴每个人都帅微笑如此好的几乎是假的……他使用打开车门我小时后hed计算我的卫生纸使用....我不能喂猫,他是在同一个房间里……他不喜欢它。hed叫我aweful名称标识问题的时候他总是在电话里的是谁……hed说老朋友,都是女孩。他innapropriate并让我uncomdfortable flirtacious行为。如果我说任何关于它的id得到t洛克的房子,或者在浴室窒息draggef大厅方式videi贴在这段时间里……告知要自杀,世界将会更美好witjout我……我可以继续下去。经过三年的我终于出来救他出狱对法官撒谎是因为我爱他…还是我。? I have terrible nightmare he made me lose my job of 8 years at the hospital i was almost done nursing school and he messed that up as well. I have good days but i feel so ruined my heart at least i still cry myself to sleep. Thats all i can say rite now...thats the most i ever told anyone and theres so much.more but its bed time and i dont wanna upset myself. It was nice to.read all the stories because im not alone.
嗯我nervious .....张贴任何东西。我一个虐待的女人。我一直都努力一段时间甚至谈论它。我已经从我的前女友分手6个月....他是一个机械手类型很高兴每个人都帅微笑如此好的几乎是假的……他使用打开车门我小时后hed计算我的卫生纸使用....我不能喂猫,他是在同一个房间里……他不喜欢它。hed叫我aweful名称标识问题的时候他总是在电话里的是谁……hed说老朋友,都是女孩。他innapropriate并让我uncomdfortable flirtacious行为。如果我说任何关于它的id ge t洛克
它已经7年了他一直挑剔我的儿子和我所做的一切,或者不做,目标职位变化。这是我的第二次婚姻,我的第一个持续了18年的酒精依赖,没有男人,我的两个可爱的儿子的父亲。我们被称为“怪胎和白痴”丈夫2号。称为f * * * * * g白痴,我被告知我没用,incompetant,愚蠢和被称为s * * g。我一直欺骗而偿还他的债务,支付所有这些费用在两个房子。他已经用幼稚的愠怒和消费力强迫我给他买昂贵的手表,一辆汽车和一个非常昂贵的相机。他假personna,每个人都爱上了,甚至我的家人,他们不相信我已经发现的人。他很快从白马王子的abusuve怪物后我们的第一个结婚纪念日。我试图让他寻求帮助,但是他不会,所以我自己去了委员会,认为他是对的,问题是我。我了解我自己和他多少。 My upbringing was at time emotionally nd verbally abusive so I knew no different. I now know that I don't have to put up with this and in a few weeks my divorce will be final. This man has damaged myself and my two sons. My youngest son and I have developed blood clots, which although are genetic, I am sure the stress we have been under has contributed to our ill health. He threatened to smash my sons face in twice and has gone to punch me in the face, has held me down so I couldn't move, bruised both my arms while trying to get me out of the way so he could hit my son and on one occasion picked me up and threw me out of my bedroom where I hurt my shoulder. He denies it all, 3 of us cant be wrong! I have tried to get his family to help me by talking to him, they are aware of his behaviour, but they don't want to know. When I asked his best friend to help me, even after he told me he has done this before, his friend then called me a liar. So now it is just my sons and I against him. Hopefully, the court next week will take my situation seriously. He's even threatened suicide twice, the second time wanting me to go with him. I am terrified of this guy and have been drawn back in by his periods of loving good behaviour, but no more, I can't take any more. The police didn't think they could secure a conviction against him when I reported the abuse to them, so I didn't persue it.
我认为她有最后投资在那些教义。信不信由你,她是在正确的道路上前进。最深的同情的教义,非暴力,和佛教休息的想法,每个人都尊敬他们,不应该被改变。她的荣誉,哲学只是表面上(向他)。她还没有达到的核心教义,问自己,“我可以完全生活在这样的环境下吗?我能住我为了生活和给我为了给没有约束?”When she "gets it", she will come to understand that she is as valuable as he is and that The Higher Power has plans for her that she cannot fulfill under the Abuse Demon's thumb. It will break her heart to know that she must leave him because of HER needs, but once she sees that there will be no going back. If she continues down her path and reaches the core of understanding, she will realize that compassion, non-violence, and believing in a higher power directs us to be kind to our Selves first.
我坐在这里阅读这篇文章之后,老实说我觉得我不能呼吸。11年来,我告诉自己“这不是虐待,它不像他打你或任何“。出色的治疗师的帮助下,我一直努力工作分离。我觉得更强,但我也觉得困在一个可怕的地狱。一个小声音在我的脑海里就告诉我是时候$ # !%或下车锅,我害怕死。
比安卡,你的治疗是帮助你恢复你的内心的声音,你听!这是一个巨大的突破。现在,让我告诉你,一旦受害者变成幸存者,我们经过一些压力(说得客气一点)。我们告诉自己“h美元!+or get off the pot" and pressure ourselves to GET OUT. Fact of the matter is, for most of us, we don't have to leave right now.
所以很高兴见到这个,得到一个清晰的28岁的疯狂。我丈夫有酒精和大麻依赖。他工作大约10年的时间我直到我们遇到他了,买了一所房子。我作为一个调酒师,他呆在家里,照顾我们的两个孩子,让他们棒球和其他。他会喝的字段。他没有欺骗我,除非你叫网络色情作弊,叹息,或者我他,但是我们没有性生活了超过12年。在这段时间里,他会酗酒,停电,我们之间会有巨大的争论它。他经历了一个程序,帮助他重新培训一名卡车司机。他这样做了4年,直到他建立2型糖尿病。他不能工作由于身体条件,坏,臀部、碎脚踝,2型糖尿病。beplay手机app下载 I have been called the "c" words millions of times, I have been called every one you can come up with. I have detached and and become the yes man. This, of course, infuriates him, because he wants me to "interact with him" He is ten years older and likes to bring up that he is wiser and studies things on the internet and can debate Phd's. I should pay mind to what he says. With the economy in the toilet, and I can even tell you how it got there, because he explained every detail to me, to quantum physics to everything I have no control over, to surviving an economic collapse, I get yelled at for not doing anything to prepare for it (I work full time and right now have been off work due to surgery gone bad) So I bring up that since he has all the time in the world to study about it, why isn't he doing something about it? I actually said to him "I don't have to think, I work" He tells me about not having sex is because "we have to have a meeting of the minds first" I have tried so very hard to learn everything he brings up, with no rewards, its all smoke and mirrors. I am sitting in a motel, I left the house about 7 days ago, He says I don't listen to him, I don't do what he asks, simple things like separating trash, he likes to burn the burnable trash, we have 2 trash cans, and I do tend to just throw the trash to the can that is closest. We tried counseling years ago for about two weeks, said it wasn't doing us any good, He went to one AA meeting and said he wasn't like them. He is constantly on the internet watching the world fall apart and trying to figure out how to survive it. I told him I was done living like this, and that since I don't believe all the bad names he calls me it was hard to believe anything he said. He is all about speaking truth no matter what the costs and no matter who it hurts. He has alienated his siblings and my family due to his outbursts. I told him the only hope left is for him to go to counseling or its over, done, caput. The other night after we argued for 6 days about whether our youngest son was doing drugs, he had no paraphenailia no proof nothing but suspicions, and he wouldn't even sit down and talk to our son about it, he wanted to ask his past roommates, he asked a someone at the hospital where I had to go for treatment, he asked his best friend, everyone but his kid. He was invasive and evasive, to me, to our son and I called him out on it. He even called our son's girlfriend, who was living with us at the time a "crackhead", well that opened a new can of worms which started this ride for me to head out the door. He is not interested in anything I like to do, altho we are able to go camping and go on road trips together and able to be civil and enjoy the time away from home. I swear every time a full moon comes around he become jekyll and I need to hide lol. I did call a therapist today and said when I get back from visiting with my family for a few weeks that I would make an apt. So tired...Oh wait, and he tells me he doesn't go out and carouse, he buys all his clothes and shoes (which he has two dressers and a closet and a floor of them) at garage sales, he sacrifices his health and hearing, won't go to doctors or dentists, won't take his medicine and does get free fire wood for us as his way of showing me he loves me. Says I am ungrateful for all he does for me. A year ago I split our money up and opened my own account because he threatened me, when he was drunk, by saying he was going to take it all. That went over real good. I have paid the bills all year, without him using any of his half. Then he gets mad at me because I am not paying them off in full. If I did I would be broke, and then dependent on him again. Have I become an abuser? I feel like I am in a battle for my soul. I have forgotten who I am.
这篇文章是一个真正的令人惊异的事物。我花了20年的婚姻。我来自一个背景,我母亲身体虐待和辱骂。我现在的关系,我觉得可以自由的滥用,但在阅读你的文章之后,我意识到这是发生了什么事情。它并不总是这样的。这刚刚开始。我不知道为什么。我不知道我是罪魁祸首。我是双相,还患有边缘型人格障碍的直接结果多年的虐待。本文回答了很多. . it just made me realize why i have been acting the way i have. the man i am with has triggered me. i have the same feelings now towards him as i did my ex-husband. the feelings of being trapped, scared to say anything, drop anything, or even try to explain myself. i have withdrawn and become angry and hurt. i feel like an injured dog in a corner. i just want to be left alone.
我不知道我有多少次告诉这个人,他才会高兴,直到我成为他。他只是希望我和爱我当我“行为”。当我试着告诉他关于我们之间什么是困扰我他问我为什么总是下来他当他试图对我好。他指责我&我的精神疾病。他说我的药物需要调整,我有“一集”,我要重新振作起来,等等……我一遍又一遍地告诉他别把责任归咎于我。是的,我可能负部分责任,因为我已经对他的行为做出反应的方式……需要2探戈……但是现在我知道我为什么一直代理我的方式。我只是希望我可以结束这个不失去我的理智或失去他。 Because despite it all, i do love him and i want this to work between us. but i REFUSE to be abused again. i don't deserve it.
我经历过7年的辱骂丈夫曾答应我和我的家人和我的教会成员,我和他会很安全!滥用开始把我的性格,之后只有一个星期的婚姻。然后升级指责的事情我应该说,我从来没有说过。我让我不平衡。我不知道下一个到来的时候。他决定他是我的“心理医生”,分析师,因为他在大学心理学课程之一。他的“治疗”充满了对我的判断是不真实的。他会口头抨击我,然后声称他并没有生气,最卑鄙的方式交谈后。然后他将扮演“好人”对他感觉不好,让我难过。我意识到我像我妈妈这样的人结婚。 I have been single again for 2 years now. There is a very nice man in my life who wants to marry me. He is very innocent and sweet. He is a gentleman. I want to marry him. But I am still scared if I marry him I will walk up one morning and find I am with another abuser. I don't believe he could ever be one, but the fear is there. I will have to give this relationship some time and wait until I am comfortable.
然而,你可以去治疗。人们受到滥用需要支持所有类型的影响。例如,Al-Anon存在帮助酗酒者的家庭成员* *。
我妈妈做所有的虐待行为。我设法摆脱她,但嫁给一个男人到底喜欢她。仍在努力摆脱他。无论如何,所发生的一切之后,我决定选择独处。我不得不移动至少3州为了抚平伤痛。我妈妈还叫我。当然,现在她对我来说是绝对的爱和奉献的形象。我忽略它。我知道更好。我自己已经有2年了。 I love it. I am learning to love myself. I am also learning that I am far stronger than anyone ever thought.
有大多数人都不知道的人有一生的滥用…愤怒。有人像我这样生活中有两个选项。成为一个施虐者,或主动学会处理它。我是后者。我不是找同情。这是它是什么。没有一个人在外面可以改变这种情况。没有一个人。很容易屈服于滥用。放弃仇恨,愤怒,愤怒我感觉对的人。 I am stronger than that, and I am Not what they [mother, husband] said I am. It is real work to be nice, kind, and gentle. I tell people that they want me to be that way. Ordinary people cannot make me angry, even if they do "push a button." I know that they aren't doing anything on purpose, thus nothing happens. An abuser is the only one who can make me angry, and I leave them alone.
我结婚15年,直到最近(两年后我们分开),我才意识到语言虐待我们的关系是什么。滥用进行婚姻。名字,指责,我非常真实的需要保护自己。当我读到这篇文章,我有发冷顺着我的手臂。这是我们。这是我认为正常的婚姻。我以为我就是那个人了,喊回来,参加了长篇大论。我有关系,因为我的离婚,让我意识到正常的对话和参数没有出言不逊。我的前女友仍然是与语言和出言不逊尖叫当然我试着为自己辩护。这种模式很难打破。 I now disengage by hanging up the phone or realizing that he is just trying to get me to try and defend myself so he can continue the verbal abuse. I owe him no explanation or defense.
的名称调用只是一开始滥用。然后他确保每个人都知道我被诊断为双相情感。我是疯狂的一个! !前几天我们的五周年,他放弃了我20分钟以外的城镇家庭我不知道,我再也没有回来。已经快9个月了,因为一些原因我能举起我的头高在每个人面前,他是一个躲! !他在我的每一个弱点。我有一些很好的基督徒咨询和我一个很好的途径,再次回到我的脚上。是什么驱使一个人讨厌女人我永远不会明白。但我希望他会帮助他迫切需要在别人成为他的受害者。至少现在我知道的所有迹象看。