
年代uicides Rates Among Veterans Alarming – What Can We Do?

May 21, 2014Harry Croft, M.D.

When one enters the military a thought that may cross the mind of the young soldier, or their loved ones, might be the possibility of dying in combat. This is a reasonable concern for all involved.

But what people rarely are concerned about is the risk of death when one gets out of the military. While it might seem, to civilians, like this would be the least likely time in a person’s life to die by suicide, the numbers tell a completely different story.

Rates of Suicide among Veterans

The overall一般人群的自杀率is approximately12 per 100,000people in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2009, the latest year for which there are figures). However, thesuicide rate for active duty personnelis about30 per 100,000(2012). This is a record rate for the military. It seems we are doing something very wrong, indeed.

The bleaker picture, though, is for veterans. Just after someone is discharged from service, their risk is at an all-time high. Young veterans (aged 18-24) who enrolled in a Veterans Administration’s (VA) health program died by suicide at a rate of46 per 100,000in 2009 and nearly80 per 100,000in 2011. That is over six times the risk of the general population; and while the risk ofsuicide in the general population has remained fairly steadyover the last decade, the risk for veterans has been climbing.

Combat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Suicide

The suicide rate of young veterans is over 6 times that of the general population so what can we do about the suicide rate among veterans?The above numbers don’t take into account which of those veterans havecombat PTSD. While the link between suicide and combat PTSD, specifically, has not been shown (due to lack of study), the link between PTSD and suicide, in general, seems clear. Severalstudies have shown that those suffering from PTSD have an elevated risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. Some studies have shown that symptoms common to PTSD can predict a suicide attempt, such as:

  • High levels of intrusive memories
  • Angerand impulsivity
  • 年代ome cognitive coping styles such as that of suppression
  • Combat-related guilt

It’s important to note that just because a veteran with combat PTSD has these symptoms it doesn’t mean they will attempt suicide, but it does indicate an elevated risk.

What Can We Do about the Suicide Rates among Veterans?

需要注意的是,自杀numbers are particularly high among those not receiving mental health treatment. We see this through the suicide rates of veterans who have been diagnosed with mental health issues – which have been steadily falling. So, clearly, getting veterans into treatment for combat PTSD and other mental health issues is critical.

How people with strong suicidal thoughts are treated varies, but trauma-focused therapy can be used in some cases where the suicide thoughts are not as strong. (Othertypes of psychotherapycan be used in those cases.) Trauma-focused therapies that have been shown to reduce suicidal thoughts include cognitive processing therapy andprolonged exposure therapy. Additionally, a reduction in PTSD symptoms is also related to a reduction in suicidal thoughts.

For veterans experiencing acute suicidal thoughts, a Veterans Crisis Line is available. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online at, or send a text message to 838255 to receive free, confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care. More information onsuicide prevention for veterans can be found here.

You can also connect with Dr. Harry Croft on hiswebsite,Google+,Facebook,LinkedinandTwitter.

APA Reference
Croft, H. (2014, May 21). Suicides Rates Among Veterans Alarming – What Can We Do?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2023, January 13 from //

Author: Harry Croft, M.D.

charles mistretta
May, 21 2014 at 5:23 pm

PTSD is the response to a traumatic experience. The experience is enhanced when those who went to war return and act as nothing has changed in their lives. Discussing death and devastation is not culturally accepted especially when it happens far from home. The internal conflict rages until it becomes unbearable. Basic training gears you up for war. What brings you down? Nothing. Without a strong personal support group of people who care, then no one cares including the man who use to care. Restrepo is the movie to watch for some answers and a glimpse of being unprepared for your mission.

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