
Getting Through Tough Times

Disputing thoughts that bring you down can help you form healthy self-esteem and a positive attitude. Learn more about disputing thoughts at HealthyPlace.
What is thought disputation? Who should try it? How does thought disputation work? To learn more about the benefits of thought disputation and how to practice it, read this article.
Why may gift-giving for people with depression be important? Learn why giving gifts to people with mental health conditions helps them at HealthyPlace.
There are many ways to show that you love someone who is struggling with a mental health condition, and giving a gift is one very important method. Read this article to learn about the importance of gift-giving and how to find one for someone who is struggling.
Mental health therapy helps even if your first go at mental health therapy was a failure. Learn how to give therapy a second chance at HealthyPlace.
似乎是心理健康治疗faulty at times. Even with the best therapist and treatment plan, mental health relapses can happen. New problems can arise. So it can be really easy to doubt the benefits of therapy. Before giving up on mental health therapy altogether, here are some things you should consider.
Have you ever thought that therapy could require work? Read this article to learn about the challenges and benefits of therapy.
When many of us think about therapy, we do not think about having to do work. Generally, we imagine ourselves complaining to a therapist about our problems. But therapy is more than just a time to vent. The point of therapy is to gain a new perspective about our struggles so that we can make positive changes in our lives. To learn more about therapy and the work that goes into it, read this article.
Taking a hot shower can help to reduce anxiety. Learn how taking a hot shower washes away anxiety at HealthyPlace.
Usually, people recommend taking a relaxing bath before bed to help reduce anxiety. For me, taking hot showers help to relieve my anxiety. In this article, I'll go over the ways it helps me personally along with studies that show the benefits of taking a hot shower.
Hypersomnia is often confused with symptoms of mood and anxiety disorders. However, hypersomnia is not a psychiatric condition at all. Learn more about hypersomnia at HealthyPlace.
Have you ever been really tired during the day and had no idea why? Maybe you got eight hours of sleep, but woke up still feeling groggy. Perhaps you or someone you know slept several hours during the day, which caused you to miss important events. If you have a mood disorder, it can be easy to blame anxiety or depression on daytime tiredness. But you could also have a sleep disorder called Hypersomnia. To learn about Hypersomnia and how it could affect your mental health, read this article.
Supporting yourself and your partner is equally important in a relationship, but we often put our partner first. Learn how to restore balance at HealthyPlace.
How can you support yourself and your partner? Many people believe that it is selfish to think about their own needs instead of someone else's. As a result, they put their loved ones first, sacrificing their own mental health. But what if I told you that it is possible to support yourself and your partner? The key is to balance the support you want to distribute. To learn about how my boyfriend and I find a healthy balance in our relationship, supporting ourselves and each other, read this article.
Do you cope well with winter? If not, try these suggestions to help get winter depression under control. Learn them at HealthyPlace.
我必须知道如何应对帮助lesse冬天n my seasonal affective disorder (SAD). By the end of February, the majority of people in the United States assume that spring is really on its way. Depending on where they live, they might get a taste of spring weather in early March. In some places, however, winter weather can seem to linger on forever. Read this article to learn about how the winter has affected my depression and what I am doing to cope.
Does anxiety keep you awake at night? If so, you can learn some tips to help you get to sleep, starting before you go to bed, at HealthyPlace.
When your anxiety keeps you awake, trying to fall asleep can be extremely difficult. It becomes an endless cycle where you feel anxious you aren't sleeping, and then you can't sleep because you are feeling anxious. Many people, including me, get especially anxious at night and aren't sure how to manage it as well before bed. In this article, we will cover how to fall asleep when your anxiety keeps you awake.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) also known as seasonal depression, causes those of us who struggle with it to feel more depressed during the winter. In this article, you'll learn some natural ways to fight Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) also known as seasonal depression, causes those of us who struggle with it to feel more depressed during the winter. If you notice that in the winter months you feel fatigued, poor sleep patterns, weight gain, or irritable, you could be one of many who struggles with SAD. In this article, you'll learn some natural ways to fight Seasonal Affective Disorder.