
Getting Through Tough Times

Increasing your self-care activities when you start a new job is very important. Read this HealthyPlace article to learn about five self-care activities that will help you adjust to a new job.
Self-care activities for new job stress will help you ease into a new workplace. Starting anything new can be nerve-racking, jobs are no exception. Even if you have prior experience with the type of work you are doing, you are working in a different atmosphere. You are working with new coworkers and adhering to new policies. It takes time to adjust, and self-care is critical. For techniques about how to practice self-care for job stress, read this article.
Unplugging from social media benefits your mental health by reducing anxiety and depression and raising self-esteem. Discover why unplugging from social media is a really great idea at HealthyPlace.
Have you ever considered unplugging from social media? With how much social media has blown up, we have never been more connected. While being so connected to the online world, is it possible we forget to connect with our real world? It is so easy to be sucked in and begin to scroll endlessly. Believe it or not, the darker side of social media can actually make us more anxious, depressed and cause low self-esteem; that's where unplugging from social media comes in.
Online dating benefits people with anxiety and depression even if you fear rejection and disappointment. Learn how online dating benefits your mental health at HealthyPlace. Hint: Online dating benefits aren't all about the relationship with others.
Do online dating benefits apply to people who are struggling with anxiety and/or depression? Many people say they don't. Because of my anxiety and fear of rejection, I avoided online dating for a long time. However, after I tried it, I found that online dating actually benefits me because it's helping me learn how and when to form comfortable relationships. Read this article to learn about the four online dating benefits I discovered.
Self-care is important, but, have you been taking care of yourself? Discover ways to get back on the track with self-care at HealthyPlace. Don't let anxiety take you over today -- fight it back with self-care.
Self-care is important, but when life gets chaotic, self-care is the first thing to go out the window. What should be a priority becomes more like a reward I have to earn. I start telling myself that once I get through my overwhelming to-do list, then I am allowed to relax. This makes me more anxious, which actually makes it even harder to make self-care important.
My siblings stress me out, but I have learned five lessons about how to cope when my brothers and sisters get on my nerves. Learn the lessons I've learned here.
当我压力我的兄弟姐妹们,它可以触发我的anxiety. And if you have siblings, you might have experienced anxiety from living with them too. Growing up with my five siblings was not easy. At times, dealing with my siblings was (and still is) a nightmare. But I have learned that growing up with siblings can shape who you are in a positive way and teach you a lot about relationships. In this article, I talk about things I remember when my siblings stress me out.
When a loved one passes away, there's no right way to feel, but there are things you can expect. Learn about what you may be feeling and how to cope. Read this.
When a loved one passes away, the feeling can be extra traumatic if you're someone who struggles with depression. You feel the negative feelings start creeping back in, and find it hard to go through the motions of everyday life. When a loved one passes away, after a couple days you start to fear getting trapped in the dark hole of depression with no way out.
Brandy Eaklor of "Getting Through Tough Times" talks about anxiety, depression and some of the hard things she has gone through. Learn about Brandy Eaklor here.
My name is Brandy Eaklor, and I’m excited to be writing for the Getting Through Tough Times blog at HealthyPlace. I am 24 years old and have been struggling with anxiety and depression since I was around 12 years old. I lived in a toxic environment as a teenager, with a stepmother who did not want me to have a relationship with my father. The alternative was to live with my mother, who had abusive men in and out of her life. This pain also lead me to emotional eating and binge eating to cope with my emotions. I felt alone, unaccepted, self-conscious and unworthy.
Using proper communication methods in relationships at work and home are important, but, for people with anxiety, communication can be very difficult. Many people either do not communicate enough or primarily choose to use one method--either verbal or written communication. However, both written words and verbal speech are very important to maintain relationships. If you struggle with proper communication methods, read on to learn about when to talk and when to write and how each can affect relationships.
New year anxiety can cause serious problems when expectations run too high. Let go. Read these calming thoughts about new year anxiety and feel better today.
New year anxiety can be a problem when you're thinking about the future. Beginning a new year can be very stressful. You'll hit more milestones. You'll experience triumphs and setbacks. So it's understandable that the first month or so might shake some nerves. Here are some ways to cope with new year anxiety.
Writing for HealthyPlace benefits my mental health in many ways. I've learned so much from everyone. To find out how you can blog for HealthyPlace, read this.
A little over a year ago, I started writing for HealthyPlace. During my time contributing to the website, I learned a lot about myself and how I can better manage my mental health. I also learned about others, how they cope, how they communicate about mental health, and how we can help each other strive for wellness. Writing for HealthyPlace has given more awareness of when depression starts to hit and when to seek help. Read on to learn more about my first year writing for HealthyPlace.