Writing uplifting poetry is one of my favorite ways to promote mental well-being. A few weeks ago, I read my poetry and gave a speech at a local event for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (also known as NAMI). During my speech, I talked about my experience using creativity to cope with anxiety and depression. To learn about my public speaking experience and how it affected my confidence, continue reading this post.
You know that saying that other people’s opinions of you are none of your business? As much as I try to keep that in my head, that’s easier said than followed, and how other people perceive me triggers negative thoughts.
Someone recently asked me what fun things I have planned for the summer. Surprisingly, that felt like a loaded, triggering question. As a sober person who doesn't have a driver's license or disposable income, I get jealous and resentful when people talk about their vacation plans. The fear of missing out (FOMO) surfaces, and I feel excluded from that version of fun.
It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, constantly pushing ourselves to do more and more in the quest for success. However, it's important to remember that genuine satisfaction comes from doing what you love. Whether it's a hobby, a passion project, or a career path, prioritizing your happiness can profoundly impact your health and well-being.
Tomorrow is my first session with the personal trainer I hired to coach me for a Himalayan trek I'll be doing in about six months. It's quite unlike me to financially invest in an exercise program. Usually, I just lace up my sneakers and start running until I can't summon the energy for one more step. I even forget to stretch my muscles beforehand sometimes (terrible habit, I know). But I digress. The point is, this new endeavor feels rather far outside my comfort zone. Of course, it's beneficial to seek out the instruction of a qualified professional, but I'm definitely anxious about my first personal training session, and—I have to admit—there's a specific reason why.
You can still find a negative stigma around mental health and medication for many individuals. How others perceive them with the knowledge that they use pharmaceuticals can be negative. However, there is not one right answer, and medication needs can change significantly throughout the healing process when recovering from verbal abuse.
Today I’d like to share the challenges I face balancing weight loss and avoiding becoming “hangry” (hungry plus angry) with schizoaffective disorder.
Something that I’ve learned about my anxiety is that it becomes difficult to deal with conflict. For fear of the discomfort that accompanies conflict, I will often try to do my best to avoid any situation that might result in opposition, tension, or some sort of disagreement.
I had never heard of gambling addiction being a possible side effect of aripiprazole (Abilify) or any other drug. That's why I was shocked to read the headline, "Patients given aripiprazole 'should be told of gambling addiction risks'" in "The Guardian." I consider "The Guardian" to be a source of reliable and fact-checked information, so I looked into it further. It turns out that many people have now recognized that a possible side effect of aripiprazole is gambling addiction.
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我叫州许可委员会是否任何complaints had been filed against him, wondering if I was the only client he treated this way. At one point he said, "I think you have sexual feelings toward me." I let this go on for eight years, thinking that maybe it would get better. By the time I left, I was totally re-tramatized. This man is a training analyst and prominent therapist. I just couldn't believe he was doing anything wrong until I consulted with another therapist about the hitting remarks. The new therapist considered his behavior abusive.
It will take a long time for me to process everything that happened. After I wrote to him that I was leaving, his final bill was $75/hour less than before I told him he was unethical. Apparently, along with everything else, he was billing my insurance company for $300/hour. I feel completely violated.