

我的名字是丹尼尔·里昂(他们/他),而我的新博客的作者之一”的生活:同性恋心理健康。”I am 36 years old and a transgender, queer, bisexual, non-binary person living in California with multiple mental health diagnoses. Throughout my life, I struggled with misdiagnosis and struggled to get adequate care for my mental health. Some of this had to do with being assigned female at birth and doctors not taking my symptoms seriously and underdiagnosing. Some of it had to do with diagnosis difficulty and the presence of multiple diagnoses. I can confidently say now I live with bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I also live with gender dysphoria, which I will talk more about in blog posts to come. It’s a complicated matrix of diagnoses, but I want to write this blog post for folks to know there is hope.





我很欣赏的想法想要结束一些心理健康的耻辱和歧视,人们的经验在处理心理健康问题,但是我必须说我完全不同意这个主意,消极的想法并不是一个选择。我相信,甚至会简化它,我们的思想是我们的选择。所有的想法。痛苦与强迫症你选择相信不同的东西是被污染的,吓人,或需要某种方式。你选择相信。你可以选择放慢你的思想,和重新评估,并选择:我不想相信这个了。你可能感觉不到你有控制,但是你做……什么是人们不相信。与抑郁症,你可能觉得恨你的生活和自我的想法并不是一个选择,但是你决定相信。你可以改变你的信仰,我可以找到事情使生活值得一过,我可以接受我,爱我自己。 You just need to do a little mental work on yourself.
对不起,太多的人不为自己负责,他们的生活和心理健康的状态。他们把它归咎于“精神疾病”,认为他们没有控制或责任。信仰经常是错的。“精神疾病”往往只是心理健康* *问题,没有生物和心理健康问题,但精神,就需要工作(就像身体健康问题)。有一个故事,心理健康问题是永久性或半永久的。不,你只需要一些工作。以同样的方式你需要医治你的身体,你需要医治你的头脑。身体有时会自愈,不需要干预。思维,另一方面,需要自己的干预——但似乎大多数不想相信这一点。人们看不到他们持有的力量,似乎他们宁愿走在这种错觉,他们控制。
所以我有sh在我的大腿和我有这个梦想,我在学校的浴室除了有像100摊位。也这是高中的第一天,甚至tho im 8年级的秋天。rn(夏季)所以在浴室里有小孩子在那里像可能因为某种原因5 - 10岁之间。所以当我进去我必须去通过几个摊位,因为有些没有厕纸和失踪锁。所以我决定退出门附近的一个摊位。我有一种非理性的恐惧的人们看到我摊位穿过空间门。所以这些小孩开始与这些玩具枪与史莱克everybodys失速。我想握住我的摊位封闭但不知何故他们设法打开它。现在我举重,我有更多的肌肉比运动13岁女孩所以我非常惊讶当他们撞倒了门。的孩子看到我sh在我的大腿因为出于某种原因我穿着短裤,我从不做原因很明显。 so that kid started yelling she doesnt love herself and shes ashamed of herself so i became super nervous and tried to shut the kid up since theres a security guard outside of the door and i didnt want them to call my mom. i made up this story that i had a gymnastics accident when i was in kindergarden and that the cuts were from there. somehow the kids believed me. it got bad when the security guard mr ba whos like 7 ft tall got involved. he was asking a bunch of questions that i had to lie thru. i was starting to get really scared and started sweating when he brought out his clipboard and was asking personal questions. he also said sm on his walkie talkie that i couldnt make out. turns out he wasnt gonna let me leave the bathroom or let ANYBODY leave. then he started asking for the kids with the shrek guns. i actually started to believe that he wasnt gonna get me in trouble. i was so stressed that i went into the stall and pulled out my blade from my phone case for "just in case." so i started bleeding really hard and mr ba ripped the stall door down. somehow all the kids from the bathroom dissapeared and mr ba started getting really close. i was really scared that sm was gonna happen. he then picked me up and led me to a room. it had white walls and a bed and dresser and closet and some plants. no windows tho. he placed me down on the bed. i assumed that he was gonna talk to me that what i was doing us stupid etc. instead he stripped me... i was so ashamed or my sh that i tried covering it. mr ba made me stand in front or a mirror and stare at my sh. i was already uncomfortable since i was standing in only my socks and burgundy converse. then he picked me up once again. this time i could tell sm bad was gonna happen. he laid me down on the bed and he morphed into a guy my age. my type and everything. i blushed at him and was instantly turned on... and with hormones and eveything at my age... i guess u can tell what i was feeling. ☠️ the guy told me that i was safe with him and hugged me. i felt safe too. not at all uncomfortable like i was with mr ba. it completely didnt occur to me that mr ba morphed into the guy. then the guy told me his name. i dont really remember it but i think it was chris. so chris started tracing my cuts and kissing them. i felt so safe and finally like there was somebody there that didnt scream at me for my sh. he then laid down with me and hugged me again. he told me that everything was going to be ok and i actually believed him. he kissed me on my neck and down to my chest and down to my belly. now im very insecure about my belly fat and it comforted me that he didnt remark that i should eat less and instead kissed my belly. his clothes kept dissapearing until it was down to his socks and blue forum lows. i guess u can tell what happened next. if u cant well then he kissed me a bunch down there and had u know what with me. afterward he told me that i shouldnt be ashamed about my sh and more things like that. it comforted me that somebody out there actually cared and loved me for who i was and not for who they wanted me to be. it was a weird dream that took a weird turn but in the end it had a good ending. if u read all of this thank you! ❤️
嗯所以我真的不知道该怎么做也考虑我的年龄…但我想离开一个回复,因为我相信别人会理解. .所以它很难想到说什么让我们谈论自我伤害,因为这就是这篇文章的我一直在自我伤害的5年半时间我甚至不知道,你可以像“你怎么能不知道“5 - 6年前……(我是5,我把11)我看到有人说,父亲是精神虐待吗?以来我虐待我是3,因为我不是“完美”主要是口头\精神但是它会把物理点所以我已经做了一段时间我会咬自己或使用刀,但他们只会留下轻微的划痕,最近我开始窒息自己直到我几乎晕倒,刀片现在. .Yayy(你能听到讽刺?)我dereal或derealize自己?不确定我可能进食障碍(s)和我一直郁闷因为我记得我有强迫症和社会焦虑以及添加和我一直试图阻止,因为如果有人发现吗?如果有人看到吗?你对不起,我不知道,我不会对其进行测试。 I have 4 or so months to stop or else everyone will see and because of my eating disorder I literally never eat unless forced but because i rarely eat and the disorder I want to throw up afterwards or even the thought of food and liquids.. Just feels bad

我是虐待我13岁时在我的堂兄弟flowergirl婚礼。我还是打扮成“小'girl搞同性恋的白色无袖,膝盖以上flowergirl衣服头花环,蕾丝袜子和白鞋. .使我更小少女的,妈妈穿上一双超级大号婴儿rubberpants我与女背心。我感觉一个小女孩,每个人都告诉我我看起来多么可爱啊!在婚礼上跳舞,我19岁跳舞,好看的家伙. .一段时间后,他建议我们去散步,我们最终在一个教室,他开始吻我!我非常激动,我终于被吻了!几分钟后,他把他的手在我的衣服面前,开始擦他的手在我的胯部rubberpants。他告诉我,我真的是一个小女孩!他解压我flowergirl礼服,成功了的我,我变红了,他看到我的女背心和婴儿rubberpants。他放弃了他的裤子和内裤,然后迫使我努力我的膝盖,并迫使他勃起塞进我的嘴里,让我吸它!这是第一次我被虐待,还有闪回!