

Mental health stigma can be especially pervasive toward the unhoused community. Lack of resources and access to professional help does not warrant stigma, it should spark change. Learn how to make real change.
A couple of weeks ago I volunteered to distribute sanitary products and a hot meal to the unhoused community of Washington D.C. through the impactful and committed organization, The Distant Relatives Project. The experience produced a mix of emotions. I felt heartbroken to see so many individuals in need, the worst of it was learning that a large number of unhoused individuals who struggle with mental health issues do not have access to professional help. It is a crisis.
Verbal abuse victims may struggle longing for healthy relationships they never received. However, healthy connections are possible elsewhere for healing.
对于许多言语虐待的受害者,像我这样,the most challenging aspects of moving forward is accepting the reality of the situation. I had an extremely difficult time in my healing journey until I realized that I would never have the relationship with my abuser that I wanted.
Using self-harm to regulate emotions is not uncommon, but it's a temporary solution, one that does more harm than good—and there are better ways to process and manage your feelings.
It's not uncommon for those who self-injure to use self-harm to regulate emotions that may be overwhelming or difficult to cope with. But it's a temporary solution, one that does more harm than good—there are better ways to process and manage your feelings.
It can be helpful to accept and acknowledge your anxiety instead of trying to avoid it. This article talks about how this is helpful.
Over the years, I have learned so much about my anxiety, not only through formal education, but also simply through taking the time to analyze what I am going through. Some might say that that is just a part of dealing with anxiety – the overthinking, the constant overanalyzing of what you feel, think, and do. But I think it has also been helpful because it has helped me recognize my triggers and symptoms. It has also helped me figure out things I can do that are helpful for me. One of those things is leaning into my anxiety instead of running away from it.
I am so afraid that something bad will happen that I can barely think of much else. I think I might have PTSD from the apartment fire. Find out why this is at HealthyPlace.
As I’ve discussed in previous posts, a little over two years ago I survived a catastrophic apartment fire. Though I have not been formally diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and refuse to label myself as such without that formal diagnosis, I recently studied the diagnostic criteria and found every one of them to be relevant to my present state of mind. I do not doubt that formal diagnosis will come in due time.
Self-esteem can be affected when you put too much pressure on yourself. Find tips on how to relieve that pressure at HealthyPlace.
I recently had a reader reach out to me asking what steps I've taken to stop putting so much pressure on myself. I've been reflecting on that question for a couple of days now and would like to expand on it in today's post.
ADHD makes being consistent difficult, but not impossible. But Michael, who lives with ADHD, has a system that helps him be consistent. Learn more at HealthyPlace.
Staying consistent can be a challenge for anyone. However, staying consistent can be especially difficult for those affected by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
My BPD emotions can cause me problems in my relationships, but I have a plan to deal with it healthfully when my emotions spill out. Learn more at HealthyPlace.
Learning to validate yourself is a powerful tool, especially for those of us with the ever-intense borderline personality disorder (BPD) emotions. I knew that the temptation to engage in maladaptive behaviors would still exist on my road to recovery. I did not, however, expect the extent to which I would learn to invalidate and essentially gaslight myself.
EMDR as a treatment for trauma-induced panic and anxiety leaves me feeling tired, but it's worth it. Find out why EMDR therapy is helping me at HealthyPlace.
A little while ago I wrote about my experience with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. I had never heard of EMDR until my therapist, who specializes in trauma therapy, introduced it to me as a way to treat the panic and anxiety I experience associated with a trauma I recently suffered. Now, I'd like to share how I feel immediately following an EMDR session.
My healing journey from abuse is unique - and so is yours. But we probably go through the same phases of healing. Learn what they are at HealthyPlace.
Naturally, every victim of verbal abuse has a unique story. While some circumstances may be similar, each person's healing journey from abuse will take its own path and timeline. For myself, it took many years before I was ready to face my past and deal with it to begin healing. As I continue my journey, I have met and spent time with many other abuse survivors who were at different phases of their healing.

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Laura A. Barton
Hello Nina. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed my blog! Thanks for the link as well. :) Looks pretty interesting from my first glance at it.
Most children of abuse got scapegoated, a lot at least. It is hard to trust the people who were supposed to love and protect us. Love is complicated for us, to us it looks like violence followed by the cover up of evidence that anything happened at all, holes in walls get patched and painted, everyone is sitting at the breakfast table the next day , making small talk, no one mentions what happened and god help the one that says, "Are you all crazy, why are you acting like nothing happened " The gaslighting of our memories and reality come into question. We stop trusting our eyes and ears. Pain gets buried in small talk and dismissing accountability. Our abused mother's , 85 of abused people are women, is trying to juggle how she can afford to live a life and keep her kids from homelessness and starvation.
Love gets twisted and distorted. Relationships, without therapy and intervention get twisted too. If your parents and siblings could do these things to you, how on earth can one trust friends and new acquaintances. Some of us drown ourselves in addictions to sex, food, drugs and drama. Drama is what our brains recall more often than good memories, those are the PTSD triggers that come with a car backfiring to a gentle breeze scented with something that triggers a memory. Good turns bad and bad feels worse.
Me, i finally went no contact with my family. It was too impossible for me to even grab hold of therapeutic options while engaged with an abusive dismissive family. I too was abusive defending myself constantly, someone had to "give" , it had to be me. I had to give myself a break, I had to take a lot of time redefining myself. I never had a clue who i was or could be. Although I was a crisis counselor, surprise surprise, I went into the help field but not for me back then but to understand and fix my family. That did not work. I had to finally do it for me, and I and you deserve to be heard, understood, valued and parented.
Now I work on re parenting myself, redefining my desired self, taking some of the good I recall and mingling it with hope for the future. I write a lot of political editorials, now I am working on a website to help people find super affordable ways to have a home environment look and feel like their "Home" not our parents or siblings or some famous person's pristine decoration . My life is not on a path to decorate my home but to make it feel homey for my body and my interests. I don't want or have tons of cash so i find creative ways to refinish thrown away furniture, (I might consider it is myself that is being refinished symbolically) .
My suggestion, take your time, if people are not supportive or helpful and are in fact destructive to how you wish to feel and be, cut them loose. You don't need to serve them Turkey and Pie on Thanksgiving day as a reward for abusing you. I am inviting some older women to my holidays this year, I m calling it orphan holdiay, to everyone in my area who is orphaned by death or by necessity to save your sanity. I read about it in an article recently so am going to take a leap of faith it will be a good idea and have a reasonable outcome.
To everyone suffering from Complex PTSD or PTSD. You never deserved the trauma in the first place and you still don't. Be kind to yourself, I mean extra extra kind. It is brutal this road to healing but with it comes lots of wins, lots of progress and those who diminish your burdens of pain, don't really deserve you. You deserve so much more. Don't we all?
For anyone researching the topic because undoubtedly this article pops up as well-- here's great literature on the subject.

P.S. love the article!
Janice Davis
This reminds me of something my mother pulled! [WARNING: this will probably be the crummiest thing you ever heard of!] We attended my grandmother's funeral, then went to the buffet that followed. My mother and I were sitting @ table with several other people. When I stood up to adjust the ceiling fan, my mother snapped my name at me, like she'd talk to a dog. Then she commanded me: SIT and STAY: again, like she'd talk to a dog.
A couple years later, she offered to pay for a plane ticket for me to visit her. Needless to say, I never visited her again! [Later on "Family Feud," they had a question: What DOG commands, when given to a PERSON, would make you MOST ANGRY? I got 2 of them right!!!]
Have you ever heard of a mother doing something this crummy to an adult daughter, when she knows she has an audience? At the time, I was 52 and she was 77. She died last year at age 93, without ever having dementia, so there was literally NO EXCUSE for this behavior.
我同意全心全意。作为一个男人几乎是year out of what I’m now realizing was an incredibly abusive relationship I’m hurt to see that many of these articles don’t take men into consideration. The amount of guilt, shame, pain, and suffering I’ve endured has led me to believe that we don’t spend nearly enough time as a society recognizing and dealing with the depths of suffering men endure in many seemingly “normal” relationships. I have all the traits listed above as the “perfect victim” and tried for years to please someone who I now know was incredibly abusive. I don’t think anything in my life has ever been more psychologically damaging to me than my 8 year long abusive relationship - and that includes my alcoholic father. The worst part is I still feel TERRIBLE for leaving. I had nothing but love for my SO and was pushed to the breaking point so many times I lost count I was depressed, anxious, living with daily migraines and barely able to hold down a job. Men don’t realize they’re being emotionally abused…that their partner is using their love as a manipulative tool. They’re told from an early age “sticks and stones…” Many times I was told I was the abuser in the relationship, that I was horrible, had mental disorders, etc and because of my history with an alcoholic father I bought it hook, line, and sinker. I felt like I’d always worked so hard to love and care for my partner because I was always afraid I’d be an abuser myself because of my childhood and it wreaked havoc on me. The absolute frustration of never being able to do the “right” thing in the eyes of your abusive partner is something that I can’t even explain. I remember finally after all those years just asking “what do you want me to do? Tell me exactly what you want me to do please?” while in tears because I always just wanted so badly to make them happy and do the right thing. I’m now wrestling with guilt because I’m still afraid I could be a bad person. Emotional abuse is every bit as harmful as physical abuse. It can leave you walking around feeling like a shell of who you once were and guilty for hurting your abuser by leaving. I live with fear, guilt, and anxiety but I’m also making a life for myself, doing better at work, and able to devote time to helping others because I have my mental bandwidth back. To anyone who reads this DON’T UNDERESTIMATE EMOTIONAL ABUSE. It’s not gender specific and it takes a serious toll.