欢迎来到HealthyPlace TV!我叫乔什,是这个节目的制片人。我们打算讲述精神疾病患者的个人生活故事。我们的目标是让其他面临类似挑战的人知道,在感受和经历方面,他们并不孤单。每周,我们都会讨论心理健康的不同方面。我们的主持人将与人们谈论他们的经历,他们是如何应对的,以及什么适合他们,什么不适合他们。我们的联合主持人和HealthyPlace.com的医疗总监哈里·克罗夫特博士将提供关于这一主题的见解和专业知识。在节目的后半部分,我们将向观众们敞开大门。在这个环节中,你可以问克罗夫特医生任何你想问的关于心理健康的私人问题。我可以向你保证,克罗夫特医生会给你一个简单明了的答案。 Want to Participate or Be A Guest? At the first of each month, I'll be posting a list of the topics we'll be discussing. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, drop me an email (producer AT healthyplace.com) and put "I want to be a guest" in the subject line. Tell me which show topic you're interested in plus a bit about yourself and why you think your story would be a compelling one. We interview all our guests remotely, so of course, you must have a webcam.