“我不是生病了!”Sound familiar? It does for many people who struggle with mental illness, particularly chronic mental illness, but also addiction and alcoholism. It's important to mention that this feeling is not exclusive to these diseases but for the purpose of this blog let's focus on them.
我们可以沉溺于自残吗?自残的行为影响我们喜欢酒精或药物吗?最近我和我的医生已经开始沉迷于酒精之中。一次特别粗糙,我渴望一个僵硬的饮料。然而,我也想自虐。这是我面对方式,来处理疼痛。我接着问,“我可以沉溺于切割吗?”Is it possible to be addicted to self-harm?
我没有任何反对残疾人。我为什么要呢?残疾意味着对个人,它只是表明他们的情况。这就像对兄弟姐妹的人。它就傻了。然而,当考虑我自己的双相情感障碍,我反对这个词“残疾”。I know; this is hypocritical of me and a double standard. It's OK for someone else to be disabled but not me? I'm embarrassed to even think it. But bristle I have and think it I (mostly subconsciously) did. The truth is, though, I'm a person with a disability.
解决方案结束语言、心理、情感和身体虐待是令人沮丧的。我们告诉家庭虐待的受害者:“没有什么可以做,直到他/她准备接受正在发生什么。”We tell abuse victims: "The solution to your problem is inside of you. No one else can solve this problem for you." The "solutions" seem mystical, magical...untouchable. The solutions leave abuse victims, already reality-impaired, with the sense that all they can do is wait and hope that someone or God will eventually flip the switch and life will become sweet. The solutions feed into the theory of co-dependency which in part states that at some level, co-dependents wait for rescue instead of using their innate powers to change their situation.
这是3点。,2012年1月1日。我一直在努力睡上几个小时。都不过是不断改变在我的病床上,把封面,跳动我的头和一波又一波的热刷新我的脸。它让我热然后寒冷。这是昨晚我和住院已经逐渐加重的在过去的几天里。护士只是告诉我,我必须有流感之类的,因为我有一个轻微的发烧和努力吃恢复患厌食症的人——不是一件好事。我夜班护士按了按呼叫按钮,希望缓解但知道我刚刚疼痛杀手前几个小时,因此,任何人都可以没有。他给我一盒纸巾,我开始哭,翻来覆去的,说“我想这是他们所谓的最低点,嗯?”He told me to go ahead and cry. I had been in the hospital since December 26. It has been both the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done.