

杰斯维纳:“爱我的身体几乎杀了我吗?”That is the headline splashed across an article in September's Glamour magazine and online site. Weiner, a well-known author and speaker, has stressed for years that women of all weights and sizes can live happy and fulfilling lives right now. She lived her words, and created a successful career and life while being a size 18. That alone sounds radical in today's society that worships thinness and works hard to make women feel unsuccessful and unworthy if we dare to take up more space than a will-o'-wisp. Then Weiner went to her physician, and that is all it took to take her down the familiar weight loss path of dieting and excessive exercise.
我最近读惠普博客娜塔莎特雷西的打破双相情感文章,“双相情感障碍是造成一个坏的童年。”Her words made me think about the many myths that have been perpetuated and still exist about the cause or causes of eating disorders. For example, many clinicians believed years ago that a cold and distant mother was a cause of her child developing an eating disorder. I refute this myth, and talk about the variety of theories about the causes of eating disorders in this video.
最近我被邀请来写我的个人博客上关于耻辱和重量是什么意思我的博友和ED维权声音恢复的体重耻辱博客嘉年华。》的作者(ViR是HealthyPlace博客肯德拉西贝利厄斯揭穿上瘾)。我想继续讨论体重的歧视在ED生存。我非常担心写作“重量(ing)变化:为什么体重污名影响我们所有人。”Why? Because it forced me to face my own prejudices and fears towards people who are overweight or obese, and about weight in general.
成瘾是一种很奇怪的东西。没人会上瘾,无论是香烟,处方药、酒精或其他物质。我父亲是一个酒鬼,他我们的生活变成了人间地狱。我再也不想见到自己的光。然后我开发了厌食症。首先,我不认为这是一种疾病的瘾。我丈夫和我争论这几年前的一个晚上。我又开始循环——限制,挨饿,根据需要清洗和泻药,每天重复。“你沉迷于饥饿,”他说。“厌食症不是上瘾。 Anorexia is totally different," I argued. "If you would read some books or something . . . You don't know what you're talking about, you don't understand at all." "I did read that one book, and anorexia is an addiction. Just like alcoholism."
今天我的医生对我说,“你知道,你应该很高兴。你应该恢复。”I sometimes question if I do deserve to recover. I'm not proud of some of the things I have done in life. I have not always been the kindest person. I have sometimes ignored people who needed me. I have put my husband and loved ones through years of anguish and fear as I slipped further and further into anorexia nervosa and failed at recovery many times. I have made them cry as they thought that I could possibly die from my eating disorder. I blocked myself off from their fears and pleas, and continued to pursue thinness ruthlessly for years like a person possessed. All of these things make me question my worth and if I deserve to recovery. But there's something more. My doctor, a wonderfully perceptive man even when I sometimes sit silently and dive back into the safety of my thoughts, said I have this space within my brain that allows the eating disorder to tell me that I do not deserve to be happy, healthy, and free. This is so true, and I sometimes want to scream at the voices to stop and leave me alone.