Aline J.(2013年8月27日)。在你自残之前花点时间想一想,健康的地方。2022年8月19日从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/speakingoutaboutselfinjury/2013/08/self-harm-and-thinking-before-you-act上检索到
对不起,我知道你受伤了。我明白你的意思。但对我来说,四十年前,我二十出头,第一次割伤了自己。我看着血从我的手上流出,那一刻我平静了下来。我做了可怕的噩梦,回想起我生命中糟糕的时光。我结婚了,有两个儿子。为什么我现在才想起这件事!我很生气,这不公平。我把它埋得太深了,以至于我知道,当我对我爱的那个了不起的yg男人说“我愿意”的那天,我再也不用感到内心的肮脏了。我想说的是,当这一切终于大白于天下,潘多拉的盒子被打开时,我的内心崩溃了。 The ugliness and self-hate wasexposed. I had to cleanse myself of the filth inside. So I started cutting in a ritual way. I would disassociate, the cuts had to bleed enough for me to feel clean. Twice, it almost took my life. My last cut was at 30 yrs.old.I woke up in the hospital once again from to deep of an injury. My psychiatrist was standing at the end of my bed and told me my husband has given his consent to take my medical decisions making away from me and now a judge had sentence me to 90 days in patient therapy program.I know it saved my life. Now I am 60yrs old,yes my arms and thighs have terrible scars on them. I don't dwell on why I have these scars. I am a survivor of a terrible time in my life which few people who as you say self harm survive. I now talk to the yg girls who are self-injuries themselves. My story, my arms show them that you don't have to do this to get well.It also shows them these scars never go away!! even after thirty years.