








我是11个孩子的妈妈。我有14个兄弟姐妹。我大约16岁结婚,和第一任丈夫生了5个孩子,然后hé在圣路易斯被一个抢钱包的人杀了。一年后我又结婚了,又生了6个孩子。17年后,我们被一辆拖拉机碾过。我丈夫当场死亡。我成了残废。我又嫁给了一个比我大17岁的男人。Hé从来没有孩子,但照顾我和抚养thé 8个孩子仍然在家里。毕竟thé孩子长大了,mardis然后他们开始thèse我不知道的事情。我进出过thé医院。4 of thé girls, one was 3 yrs old was molested by her stepbrother. My 2nd husband had molested my oldest daughter, then her husband molested my son. Now. My youngest daughter, & my s on wont talk to me at all. The son says hearing my voice brings back bad memories, & thé daughter says she wants to make sure her kids are safe, so I cant even call her or them,or write them a letter, yet she says I lové you, BUT. I am so depressed, hâve even felt suicidal this week. I hâve a phychiatrist. I just cant comme to grips why they are blaming me when I never suspected anything.at my home of 14 kids we had nothing like that go on, so It didnt cross my mind to watch for something like that, I know is horrible for them in memory.I've asked if they want to press charges. I will do what I can to help them. They dont want to even talk to me.What do you suggest. I do in my case..


我遭受我相信与边缘型顺便被误诊双我认为因为我喜欢年轻15甚至我记得上下有可怕的情绪波动,一度圣9岁把自己溺死在浴缸里一天,16岁实际上swallowin氨试图遵循这个可怕的真正的尝试,什么也没发生就病了一天或两个我的家人不会相信我或者他们中的大多数不会我试了很多精神科医生和我的个人经验似乎有很多家庭成员a在否认b是施虐者和煽动者,我这样称呼他们,c是造成创伤的人,他们实际上在BPDS的生活中造成了这些行为,这些人通常会因为他们的虐待,也就是创伤行为而逃脱惩罚,我说的是乱伦,强奸,可怕的身体虐待和语言虐待,我母亲声称她被一个家庭成员猥亵,但没有人会相信她;我被我的生父猥亵了也没人相信我现在我可怜的女儿,我大麦有关系,因为我的自我伤害行为recentley向我打开,她被猥亵煤矿的一个朋友的儿子四岁的我非常关心她治疗,但已经表现出自我切割的迹象,我只有亲自经历也许三次以及一些饮食失调和我这么生气这些施虐者尤其是这些混蛋childmolesters我只是想去杀了这个家伙在我幻想我能看到me choking the life outta this jerkoff i mean he was only 16 himself when he did it its just im so damn angry that people like this keep getting away with raping kids i mean what justice is there for this child now shes 16 now herself and just like told me this over the summertime shes been suffering with anger depression anxiety and all these GOd awful things its close to xmas time and i have been too worthless and depressed to work i pray i can send her something she wants for xmas But my one point besides just venting is damnit sometimes You just cant reunite your family some families are just to unforgiving hatefuland just plain closeminded and in denial I just hope evryone out there with this disorder severley is with me on this subject i will close with when are we going to find medications that really do work for us I WOULD LIKE JOIN AN ADVOCACY GROUP PROTESTING ABOUT THE LACK OF CONCERN FOR TREATMENT OF BPD DISORDER
