今天我给当地警察局打了电话就在马萨诸塞州的格拉夫顿,报告我的邻居被一个危险的女人虐待她有给人造成精神创伤的倾向。电话被调度员挂断了,辅助生活设施的经理也没有为这个人做任何事。整整五个月,这个人不得不忍受严重的心理虐待。这个女人犯了用致命武器伤人的罪而且对无意识操控并不陌生。有一天,我们俩听到楼下一层有个女人的公寓里传来一声巨响。我从我的公寓走到外面的阳台上。我的邻居走出他的公寓,走下楼梯井到楼下的人行道上。他敲开了她公寓的门。她打开门,对他大发雷霆。他走到大楼的另一边,坐在我们居住的辅助生活设施办公室外的一张椅子上。 His right leg was violently shaking back and forth. He obviously had suffered trauma. I observed him for about ten minutes from the balcony. I did not want to approach him out of fear that I would only increase his withdrawal and introversion, deepening his reaction. I was uncertain if the staff had done anything on his behalf, just sitting there outside the office. Later on, he began using the stairwell on the opposite side, by my apartment. Apparently, this woman made him do it. He could not even go down his own stairwell out of fear of this woman. This went on a full five months until this woman was made to move out. The non-emergency number for the police was called, briefly explaining if a criminal complaint could be filed on behalf of another person. The dispatcher was rude, hanging up the phone on me without explanation. The staff at the assisted living facility had to have known that this man was being abused by this woman. Sometimes reputations need to be protected at the expense of people that are being abused. This man is too shut down to fend for himself to get advocacy as a result of that woman. She lives a few miles away and can get retaliation at any time. I was shocked at the lack of help that this man received.
虐待儿童热线800-4-A-CHILD (800-4224453)
嗨。我也有精神疾病。人们把我塑造成坏人。就因为我有抑郁症和焦虑症就谎报了我。而且they use me getting upset or reacting to them causing me to be upset.everyone has called me crazy because i wont sit still and be quiet while everyone walks all over me.
我被专业诊断患有创伤后应激障碍、躁狂抑郁症和强迫症。我是opc的一员,一些员工在facebook上做他们个人的事情。向谢丽尔·玛丽·希契小姐及其家人致以最亲切的问候1 5208845553或1 5209777204或谢丽尔·玛丽hitch@gmail.com或者在Cheryl Mary hitch /cmh上和我facebook
如果你患有双相躁狂抑制剂一类精神病,你该怎么办?我的焦虑问题更严重。我的女儿16岁。她是同性恋,有一个17岁的女朋友和一个18岁的老朋友。那天晚上,我女儿陷入了大麻烦,因为她对我撒了谎。他们要去一小时外的地方滑冰。一大早就走了。然后她说他们必须在5点工作到晚上。快到10点的时候,她说不要来接我,我打电话给kenz…er的女朋友……我已经在你的工作面前,我会得到你…然后她惊慌失措地打电话给我说我们五分钟前就走了。 So called her boss who said she never worked all day. Texted my daughter and said you just eally fucked up lying to me. All you needed is to be honest i would have said... I said instead youll ve dealing with otherbullshit. I alk through the door. Autamatiy my daughters going can i stay the night with my girlfriend its our whole 5 month. Anaversary. I told sure she n..oh wait never mind. You rather be home obviously so you lie about where you are and oing. Her girlfriend waved and smiled at as she walked out. My daughter walks in bathroom lock it behind her. I ad pout good five minutes. First things out her. Mouth is please can i sleep at kenz. Shes rying like crazy ut only over anting to go with kenz. I started raising my and yelling like wtf is going through your mind... You need to be about lying to me. It turned into a yelling match.. My son calls the cops...tells them thaat he thinks i havent been taking my medicing..... So fly out the door and looked the cop and was like i didnt realize you guys come out for a om dealing with one selfish xhild and mother yelling. Hes like mam you need to m down. I as like wtf do you. Want to count all my medications here they are... And yes after my son called the cops on e... Ill think ll calm down when youve checkedmy meds and leave my house... I ade both my kids go outside and talk with im.... Even though he kept repeating he didnt wanna talk to them. I was like dude i mental disabilties. Why are you refusing to ask them if their ok. I my daughter id be in the house..call y mom she can judge me cause she know me. She ot there he left... What do you next thing i know ivecalmed and for somereason her 17 year old girlfriend is suddent busting through my front door and their 18 year old friend both running through my house gather the insane amounts of cats and dogs. I aslike omg theres god and he loves. Then girlfriend slams the door and notice my top and middle hinge has no scres. Asked my son if he did it then walked outside and said kenz you did something that jd like you t put the screws back in. She goes to the and turning the knob and open and shutting the fast and continuously while i asked then to stop repeadtedly. I tried try to get them to calm wdown. And i
最后我把我的手放在她的手上,求你别这样。她从我的手下抽回她的手,然后走到我面前说你让我不舒服,只是不断地说我总是说,如果我让她不舒服,我最后大喊是,但没有说任何不尊重地尖叫。那么你应该记住这一点。记得天色暗到。E跳了回去,开始护理她的手说,天哪,你伤害了我。我就像,哦,我确保连指甲都不会刮到你,我很温柔…接下来你知道的是18号说请联系jennifer小姐…所以我走到车门,把我的胳膊肘支在车门上。突然,这个一见如初的女孩开始尖叫:把你的手从我的门上拿开!所以我退后一步道了晚安,我不想让两个青少年让我的夜晚更糟糕。 So got to the oor and suddenly kenz pops from passenger side and say you now b *tch i did all this. I got your son to all the cops on you . and l this bad shit aint over cause theres plan still t work for you... She kept braging bout turning my son against me and have im lie to the cops. I nally lost my shit telling to get e hell out of my appartments parking area.. Dont ever come back. These little smartassed girls just keep on aunting me over shit. Saying stuff that abrinas girlfriend already knew would set me off. So m like ok im going the fuck inside and if by the time i look out my shades if your ot gone or in heprocess getting the hell out of here ill just call cops and they will xplain how a person with no lease screaming out profanities and laughing and taunting over what things they premeditated to might just let u stay parked and take o the station for a well disturbed detail tour. i went inside took my meds and went to sleep. Woke up to a pounding on my.. Gwt and open the d oor to be met by police. Two officers this time. Who walk nto my ouse d have my oor fall on their heads. I as like ok what did my and family derve guest so bright and when weve all een sleep... They say they ecieved more calls from people claiming you dont take your meds d your a anger and and tempor from being off your meds is making you unsafe and mentioned you talkin about suicide. And how terrified they were for my children. Cause i ust be terrifying them.... So tossed my meds at em. And i was like count. I am not a kid and i know stopping my meds would shove meinto a manic state which im 100 %sure i dont like manic episodes and dont care how someone could offer me car whatever that im not gonna risk all of mine and my psychatrist have achieved by droppin one med two weeks later cut back this one. So i said sorry for coming out here ut now i need to know how to get these rich brats to top calling to get cops on my ass and purposely trying to get me in a manic state... Somebody please help me. The girls that pulled the crap re only 17 and 18. 18 year olds going to be leaving for lsu in wo weeks. And the otherones always talking suicide to. My 16 year old daughter. I want to stop her girlfriend cause im cared might just make some kind of ridulous suicide crap happen. I tried meeting with that girls mom and dad. Who wouldnt hear anything i said on her.. Infact let me know they know i hurt their and put hands on her. Making serious accusations against me and say talking with kenz and brinathey they know there were videos taken. I aid if there is goo watch them... But just think of the clips and how the 18 year old prob only seems to catch film small parts after when started going off on them. Anyways some please help i dont want to make the two girls have a restraing order bullying and acting abusive n stuff. But i also dont want. This harrassment and being told ohkenz isnt allowed to be around you because you put hands on her and all the other stuff. Including bringing up my abilities to be parenting three chidren then started talking about my son packing is booksack and took out door. Because he as using my phone and recieving gun emails and stuff like that. So i hacked a couple his emails and instagrams.. I changed the passwords and didnt even check im out. I just told him that he thinks im supid because my problems but they only ake me watch and try figure out what your doind that weboth know he shouldnt. He yelled his head off about 15 yr old boy right to privacy
...我妈妈、女儿和邻居都跑去找了。因为一些意想不到的转折,他们被叫来帮助寻找我的儿子……入侵我的孩子在互联网上做的事情不应该是必要的。那个女人居然把它扔到我脸上。她不得不从沙发上起来,去找一个她从未打赌过的孩子。我只是很抱歉帮助一个除了对我生气以外什么都没有的孩子。他说的任何话都是对的,他可能会提出自杀,因为他的女朋友和他分手了。她建议说,如果我是一个更好的父母,她就不必找我了。我在精神病院和孩子们一起工作you telling me that because i watch over them and watch them quietly make their mistakes in when one is depressed or being bullied getting his emaiks with assault riffles for sale.. I see him doing it and when he needs a firm hand to change everything hes doing esp looking p riffles and stuff. Id say its ot that horrble of being a parent. After growing up ipolar and not being helped with meds i ust take different aproach.. Ill let them make their own istakes they will answer for.. at s after 18 years of me making parenting mistakes id say id do it all over...anyways im sorry my phone is bein a pain and and creating all kinds of typos. Any ways if anybody as any ideas please share them with.Jenngriffs82@gmail.com
我的名字是Joanne Ribaudo,我非常关心我母亲的儿子,他从20岁起就被诊断出患有精神疾病,现在60岁了。我的母亲维多利亚·里鲍多现年83岁,自20世纪70年代末以来一直是菲利普·乔丹的监护人。我觉得现在我的母亲已经83岁了,她再也没有能力照顾一个有精神疾病的成年男子(她几乎不能照顾自己)。菲利普确实服药,但有时维多利亚·里鲍多会混淆他的药物,因为她患有早期痴呆。他的情况不适合任何计划。他被家人和朋友孤立,因为她太老了,不能带他出去。除非急需食物、厕纸等物品,否则谁也不出门。菲利普从七十年代起就没看过牙医了。菲利普·乔丹也被诊断出患有2型糖尿病,她只给他吃加工过的垃圾食品,他一直处于痛苦之中。Victoria Ribaudo不会读也不会写,所以如果出现需要她同意的情况,我不知道在她不会读也不会写的情况下,她怎么能做出明智的决定。 Victoria Ribaudo treat him like an infant she never taught him how to care for myself she had been combing his hair, making his bed, and preparing what she calls meals all his life. Victoria uses his SSI check to pay for her rent. I never seem nor have I ever hear about her giving him money or using the money for Phillip's denefit. I am Joanne Ribaudo , Victoria's daughter, I am very concerned with this situation. I have been looking for some kind of assistant for them so there will be someone in the home while I am at work but haven't found the right fit yet. I was hoping your agency came give me some assistance and/or guidance. Thank you for your time. Sincerely Joanne Ribaudo 347 792 7238
我叫特洛伊斯科特和我有双相情感和pstd我住和我妈妈弟弟和我妹妹和女朋友我弟弟是个瘾君子想要他离开我独自来装袋用药物在我卧室的门,笑着侮辱我,因为我一直清醒的4 6年我妈妈还问我我soboxn让假警察声称攻击我,目前我逮捕了一个谎言我禁令反对哥哥因为你进入一个口头协议几个女巫我离开了房子好几个小时太分散了当我回来的时候限制令我不能回家我们都有药了他们想让我拿我的钱我会的这样我哥哥就可以拿我的信用卡花光就像上次一样我妈妈替他打掩护因为她从他身上拿到了毒品请帮我找个律师
我一生都有精神问题,糟糕的是我的丈夫在2014年去世了,我的精神状态变得更糟。我女儿似乎在尝试。但我要求和她住在一起,她拒绝了她的男朋友不喜欢我。但后来我被车撞了,我本来有机会得到和解,然后她想要我,我很高兴。后来我才知道那是她男朋友的主意。我以为他们爱我!但这对我来说变成了噩梦她冲我大喊责骂我她说她会帮助我但更糟的是她男朋友责骂我骂我骂我说难听的话她就坐在那里他告诉我24小时内离开。他做了不好的事情来伤害我,他不再和我说话,会看着我,好像他恨我,还有很多其他不好的事情,我什么都做不好,这让我疯狂的沮丧。他们说我应该把5万美元投资在贴纸先生身上。我给女儿买了一辆车,然后她又想再借一万美元。 He threw me out now I live in a camper. I do my understand what I did. I have had a nervous breakdown I am very sick and depressed my daughter will not answer my calls and may or may not answer my text her boyfriend threaten to hurt my car GABBIE. I do t know what I done I gave them everything I had now I don't have anybody!i am .
我写这篇文章是出于绝望。这家伙5个星期前给我租了个房间,自从我来了以后,地狱就一直存在。首先他在每个房间都装了摄像头。大约住了8天之后,我每天花12个小时打磨他的厨房橱柜。他说我的屁股很漂亮。然后在纪念日那天我告诉他我离开是因为我不是同性恋,他说服我他不是。只为了把一个30岁的男孩搬到他的卧室里睡在我的床上,他从我总是优柔寡断的两极思想中骗来的。他知道我患有这种精神障碍,但仍然继续拿走我所有的钱和东西,同时想着我的屁股!这是一个残忍的罪犯。他每天24小时都对我大喊大叫,让我出去,但还需要劳动力,甚至还“租给”我一个肮脏杂乱的车库。 Only to spend the next two weeks 24hrs a day cleaning. My phone is dying call Tom 505-730-0134
我做生活技能专家已经好几年了。我有一个新客户一个18岁的男性。他有一个糟糕的历史和许多行为问题,我可以专业地处理,重新引导或做积极的活动,同时向他解释他的行为的后果。但最近他已经把他的行为变成了非常不恰当的性评论和行为。例如,他想留下来和员工和邻居一起吃饭。他似乎不明白这是不合适的。这些行为每天都有记录。我继续和他说话,但毫无效果。这些行为让我感到非常不舒服,被侵犯了。就在今天早上,他把裤子掉了。 Put his penis in his hand and asked me if I wanted some of this. I am currently asking to be taken out of that sight house. However I don't believe it is going to stop. I am visually shaking and confused as to what to do. He is an adult and I am thinking of filing sexual harassment charges. Can someone help me as to where to to from here. This was reported to my supervisor.
我是一名55岁的白人男性。多年来,我一直受到母亲和男性朋友在精神和情感上的虐待。我一直保守着这个秘密。我不想再隐瞒了。他们从未被处理过。我哥哥在我家死于精神疾病。他们都促成了他的死亡我想告诉人们。我想在法庭上发表声明,但他们做不到。已经好多年了。 1996. I want to tell an agency so their is a record. No one from law enforcement can take a report from me. Ty. I live in Wayne county.