






嗨,梅根,谢谢你写这篇文章,你的话给了我力量。在过去的20年里,我一直有同一个初级保健医生。在过去的5、6年里,我意识到她越来越频繁地把我可能患有的任何疾病都归结为抑郁和焦虑。除了每年的体检,我只和她约过12次病…20年后。两年前,我的鼻子、喉咙和嘴巴开始出现不寻常的疼痛和灼烧症状。起初疼痛不频繁,也很轻微,但几个月后就变得有规律,而且很疼。她做了一系列检查结果正常她告诉我,我的症状可能是由于焦虑,并给我开了局部利多卡因的处方。我的情况继续恶化,6周后又和她预约了一次。她把我介绍给一位耳鼻喉科医生,这位医生什么也没发现,但又把我介绍给一位耳鼻喉科肿瘤专家,以排除任何不祥的可能性。 The ENT oncologist could not have been more dismissive or disrespectful to me. After he received the results of some tests he ordered, he stood in front of me with 3 medical students attending and proceeded to tell me my problem was "aural" or "global" in nature. I asked him if he could explain that further. He smirked and said, "Well, I see on your chart you have been in treatment for anxiety and depression for many years, I think that has more to do with your symptoms than you might believe." I could have cried. I sat there feeling humiliated and angry. I called the nurse who attends my primary care doctor and asked if I could read my records as they appear when a referred physician sees them. She emailed me the copies sent to both the ENT and the ENT oncologist. Under my name, birthdate, height, weight and blood pressure, in bold print were the words, "In treatment for severe anxiety and depression since 1997". I felt like I'd been hit with a brick! She was selling me out as a "head case" to any doctor she had referred me to. Upon further investigation, I found that same information appearing in the same way on every single mammogram I'd had, an ER visit I'd had for a bad fall and on a surgical report from an outpatient surgery I'd had a few years ago. I receive all of my medical treatment, except for psychiatry, at a University Hospital and Clinics. (my health insurance is only accepted by that institution) I have been the victim of unforgivable mental health stigma at a research/teaching university hospital and clinic! When I think of what I have been subjected to and judged upon by people who should know better, I feel sick to my stomach. What more, I think of all the medical students who have attended every appointment I've had and know they've been trained in practicing the same stigma as the physicians who teach them. Stigma is alive and well in the medical community. I hope everyone who reads this will make it their business to get their hands on their medical records and demand that their mental health problems are noted correctly and placed in the proper perspective. I feel utterly betrayed by this woman I've trusted for so many years. I need to address this with the institution, but I've been afraid. I have a feeling my experience and complaint will be summarily dismissed, healthcare institutions like university hospitals place great value on protecting their own.







Lizanne Corbit



