嗨,我是安东尼,我37岁,离异,我患有DID或多重人格障碍…我很高兴我找到了这篇文章!7年前,我在一件非常创伤的事件发生后被确诊。我的弟弟在16岁时失去了他,由于我小时候遭受的强奸和性虐待,这一切在我弟弟成年后才暴露出来....我深陷过去的创伤,我的生活分崩离析…多年来,我一直是一名自豪的丰田机械师,一开始我觉得自己不是一个创伤受害者,但我被诊断患有复杂创伤后应激障碍和边缘性人格障碍,现在我患上了分离性身份识别障碍,又名人格分裂……由于没有得到正确的治疗,边缘性人格障碍发展成了DID…我想是他们给我用的情绪稳定剂剂量太低了……已经有了改变,在那里成长,保持沉默,然后我有严重的焦虑,由压力引起的闪回与过去的创伤,然后.....你好,我遇见了我的改变....由于严重的压力和缺乏医疗干预… he comes out n speaks to me he thinks he's my guardian and that I need him... he calls me weak and belittle me but I kinda see he just wants justice for me.... when he comes out with a lack of meds or too much stress there's literally two of me in the same body who are not the same at all... he wants revenge and to hurt people with violence but all I want is a peaceful loving life with people that matter to me to which he replys "I'm all you got and you know it.:" I kinda feel that way too like my life is so isolated and introvert now I'm scared as a man and who I call my old abused self is coming through to protect me in a really messed up way.... he wants me to stalk people and end their lives for what they done to me and other kids ... I'm scared il get in a rage and he will take over and go kill these people and I won't even be my fault I'm so so scared of that to the point I can't watch crime series on TV because I worry I will invoke him into me and IL go postal...... me the real me Is kind and giving and I'm loving and loyal, I'm just broken in life and I'm so glad I found this post... my whole life changed the day I was admitted to hospital for serious CPTSD I became fragmented and distant and I started doing things I wouldn't usually do .. but realizing it's not really you.... so hard to explain... I just want good friends and people to love me. The other me is vicious and dangerous and I don't like it. He said his name was Atom Ant? For unknown reasons I don't know to be honest...but anyway this bloody CPTSD and the DID has made me hypersexual and hyperaroused and when I get stressed out I lose myself to this Atom fella and I masturbate to try make him go away , but usually he takes over and masturbates me for hours until I'm sore then I wake up and find bad bad porn on my history on my device ....it's scary living with someone in your head you can't trust........ I was totally Normal before my brother died but I had a very extremely abusive childhood I was OK with it until my brother died.... that ruined me so much... I wish I was just me again.... now I have serious underweight problems and I get accused of things I haven't done and sometimes I feel like my alter has done things with out me knowing....Lol mental I'm really bloody lonely to be honest... I used to be such a popular nice upstanding man now people think I'm a psychopath.....I'm also scared that I might be a psychopath .... that's why I stay away and don't get I involved or make friends just incase they meet Atom Ant and they freak out ...... I try to hide him pin him down with meds.. the only medication that really works for me is Tamezepam and cannabis.. I'm retired at age 37.... now that's depressing on its own lol anyway I truly would like to make real friends o the same level to share our experiences with maybe make us all heal or get worse lol I'm located I'm New Zealand if that's any help feel free to message me I'm atAnthonyfairhall22@gmail.com聚在一起,实际上有朋友,可以理解彼此在各个层面....会很好吗我所缺少的就是一个理解我的人