并不是所有精神病患者都有暴力倾向,但人们对那些受到精神病患者侵犯和威胁的人的轻视和煤气灯的做法是不对的。我也有心理健康问题,虽然我不想污名化,但必须有一个中间地带。要知道许多治疗精神病的人并不暴力,而那些暴力的人需要被追究责任。我不相信任何精神疾病,甚至与现实相违背,为一个人伤害或谋杀他人辩护。永远。人们当然可以感同身受,但这个世界是不公平的,它就是这样。精神病患者也需要有同理心,我受够了每个人都只为精神病患者感到难过。没有人的生命重要,虽然不是在今天的社会,每个人都只关心自己和自己的皮肤。时期。我还经常在youtube上看你的视频伊丽莎白我知道你的名字很熟悉 They were good.
嗨,我最近开始在办公室工作,我想我的同事可能患有精神分裂症。在与她共事的头3-4周,她会给我讲一些天方地方的故事,比如她的前男友如何派人监视她,如何闯入她的公寓,窃取她认为正在发生的情况的“笔记”,并通过暖通通风系统将某种药物或毒药注入她的公寓。她为自己的生命感到害怕。她还会告诉我其他同事是如何试图毒害她的。还有一些悲伤的故事,她的女儿和父母都不和她说话,她没有人可以和她说话或帮助她。一开始我真的不知道该怎么想,后来我越想越觉得,我意识到这可能是一个插曲。她已经恢复正常约三周了;别再提有人想要抓她了。我显然不太了解她,我甚至不知道那是不是精神病发作,但它太明显了,所以我现在正在研究,想了解更多关于这种疾病的信息。我的问题是:现在她看起来很稳定,头脑冷静,是否应该问她在“插曲”中告诉我的事情? I really do want to help if I can, I just don’t know the first thing about this. Thank you
我的儿子在23岁时被诊断出患有癌症,我的生活从此改变了,看着他的健康状况、行为举止和自我选择的每况愈下。我无法控制自己的行为,同时还要抚养年幼的孩子。我试图通过心理咨询、药物、导师、职业培训等方式帮助他。但他决心继续服药——注射似乎不起作用。他今年进出医院至少3次。现在住院期间,他仍然拒绝吃药。医生必须得到法院的命令!!说“我”我感觉很糟糕,但他的发作让我作为一个父母好几天都崩溃了——我无法集中注意力——我无法工作——我整夜不睡,高度焦虑,因为我觉得我帮不了我的儿子。我只是不明白他为什么拒绝吃药,执意要抽大麻。我精神枯竭了。 I don’t know what else to do or think. I am mentally drained.
我儿子是一年前确诊的。他已经住院三次了。他已经打了第四针了。他仍然会听到一些声音,他说他们让他做坏事。最近,他在他的双胞胎妹妹面前打了浴室的镜子,还割伤了自己的手。他说他听到了幻听。然后他像电灯开关一样告诉她,他很抱歉,他爱她,不想让她害怕。他连根拔起假烟。我想他称之为法式吸入他把烟从嘴里呼出来再通过鼻子吸回来。他有宗教强迫症。 He was wearing religious clothes: a Yamuna, crown of thorns, whit robe, sandals in the winter etc. I had to confiscate the mail. He eventually lost his small job. He told me his legs feel heavy on Abilify and his feet hurt. Also he doesn’t sleep. He’ll go in and out of the house constantly at night and won’t take his sleeping pill. I think part of his problem is lack of sleep which I believe makes him more irritable and hear more voices. he’s restless and bored. It was my understanding that by this 4 th injection the voices would be quieter. He blames the medicine for the voices. I think he’s heard voices for a long time.don’t think Abilify is his medicine nor respidol which makes his tongue tremble. He is only 19. Hopefully I can get him to read these comments and learn to understand his illness but right now he always say “no more drugs Ma.” I know it’s going to take time but he’s so resistant to medicine. I’ve joined NAMI and encourage my daughters to go to gain understanding. One day at a time
嗨,斯蒂芬妮。我希望我能给你答案。我的呜咽在19岁时被确诊。他现在38。一开始,他听到有人叫他去杀人。控制声音。在最初的两年里,他被送往不同的精神病院30次。然后他开始惹上法律上的麻烦。他开始吸毒了。占有的指控。 His psychotic episodes were bad. One morning after he had just witnessed his dad having a massive heart attack he came home. And when he opened my door he saw the devil staring back at him. This is when things got really, really bad. He's been in and out of prison for 19 years when he should have been in the hospital. He's been on every combo of med which he refuses to take. He had a near fatal head on auto accident 2 years ago with a trumatic brain injury and major organ damage, broken back, leg ribs a coma and on life support. One month later he suffered a stroke. He was in the hospital 7 months. He's become delusional, audio halusinations. And has begun worshiping the devil. He spends every waking moment talking to his Gods. Thinks he's a witch and verbally communicates with his friends, friends he hasnt seen in 20 years. Today its been all about the government and the CIA, they are watching him. Hitler and the nazi's.. He spends all day and many nights sitting in a non running truck in the back yard. He laughs uncontrollably, gets very angry, even cries. He thinks I don't care. I just don't know how to help him.He seems to be getting worse. Its been 20 very long years now. Don't anyone believe they aren't dangerous. They are capable of anything during an episode. Never think you know your kids so well that you know they are harmless.. but they seem to strike out at those they feel closest to. Love, a ton of patience and a strong relationship with God is just part oif what its taken me to get this far. It hasn't been easy. God bless your son your family and yourself
大家好,我现在和一个患有这种疾病的男人在一起……he is currently having a psycotic break, and I have been acused, with so miany things, mostly always having to do do with sex??? why? these accusations are very real to him,, and he firmly believes this.....what do i do???
我56岁,男性。我母亲从青春期起就一直患有这种疾病。她实际上是无法治疗的,因为她不知道自己有精神疾病。我在1982年变得偏执。我听到了说话声,闻到了苯。我害怕我要疯了。我对周围的环境非常敏感。我无法专注于我正在做的事情。我一听到脚步声就觉得有人在跟踪我。我误解了人们的面部表情和无意中听到的谈话片段,得出了人们在以嘲笑的方式谈论我的结论,我把自己与社会隔离开来。 But fortunately my inherited illness was not as serious as my mother's. So I had the sense to guess that I had a mental illness, probably the same one that my mother had. I badly wanted to become normal, but did not know which way I should go. So I went to the library and read about all the known mental illnesses and the description of schizophrenia given in the Merrck Manual of medicine fit my experience perfectly. And the remedy? "Force your mind to concentrate on work, no matter how difficult it may seem. Avoid imaginative thinking. Learn the nature of the illness and you will be cured." The first task was Herculean because my mind would not come off of the unwanted thoughts. The second I did not understand. What is imaginative thinking? My thoughts appeared quite real to me, So I rejected the second advice and followed the first one diligently. And to my surprise it paid off! One fine day I suddenly felt myself normal! No disturbing thoughts, no hallucinations. Now I tried to figure out what else had changed. I noticed one major difference in my experience. Previously whenever I heard the horn of a car or bus, I would see the vehicle in my mind. But now I could only hear the sound. All the years from childhood I was seeing the image of whatever was making the sound and thought that was normal. Now I realised that it was abnormal. Normal people heard sounds but did not see the objects making the sounds in their mind's eye. Creating the mental image of something that is not visible is imagination. Believing that the object really is like its mental image is delusion. Mental imagery seems very real, The key to recovery is not to argue with the image but to avoid it in the first place. Now I understood the second advice: avoid imaginative thinking. Think, but do it in such a way that no image is formed in the mind. I have been practising this since that time. I relapsed a couple of times but always managed to come back to reality by following the afore mentioned two advices. The last advice in that article was: Learn the nature of the illness and you will be cured. So I am cured. Without medicine. I hope everyone gets cured like me, but perhaps my illness was mild. Nevertheless, I have written my experience for what it is worth. It is tempting to think imaginatively, but unlike a normal person who knows it is imagery, a schizophrenic doesn't. Imagery seems so real if you are schizophrenic that you believe it and get hooked. So think, but without creating images. Leave imaginative thinking to the nons.
我希望我能挣脱…多年来,我用吸毒来掩盖我的精神疾病....heavy meth usage it was like a situation I didn't have to pay for it so I was using 2 -2 half balls a day and had to to feel normal...I was outgoing friendly normal when high. ...I slept 1 day every 13 days and off again to make long story short....I almost died from my intest.and Colin ruptured...made it through 12 hours of surgery ...lost 5ft intest. 6inch of colon...shortly after that the Feds came with threats of conspiracy theories I been clean month or so in hospital....the voices kicked in I had what seem to be female voice that seem to for the most was friendly...then was this make voice that was deep and sounds evil and let me tell ya right down scared me I kept to my self ...so I thought ...but I figured out that others close could tell ..cause they would ask are you okay ...I came to the conclusion the Feds were controlling me cause they couldn't get my friends to testify in me...then one day after the female voice said you know Mark that stuff he tells you about killing your family ..he is right be heavenly rewarding for you and then to go a head and get them on that other side...they told me we in he'll now son...I tempted to shoot self ...the gun miss fired my son walked in wrestled me to ground...went to mental hospital...in there I got to where I'd watch T.V.it was on spot with thought.process even radio I couldn't escape...even the nursse and staff were talking about me plotting...I had dark secret of sexual abuse of alcoholic stepdad had done to me for decade's I had never told a soul about..he told me he kill my mom and little brother...I'm now convince I am the reason it happened...he call me pussboy and queer ...I got in to drug seem I was emotion free I climbed rank fast to enforcement I kick in doors and collect .I fear nothing never shed a tear...now I see counsel and was like he knew...I have of all souls Jesus after me so I tell all...I'm dign.paranoid scitz.border line soacal disorder...cause abuse went on 9 years I have PTSD and insomnia...I get well med.and do fine for 12 yr.I get to paranoid to leave house to see doc.anxiety of chart so I better don't need to go back...guess what I am doing meth again to maintain ....I just want it to leave me alone
受够了被定型为“疯子”或“疯子”。这可不是闹着玩的。这很可怕,很难忍受。与其完全不知道事情的真相,也不知道熬过一天有多难……为什么不重温一下生活在现实中是多么困难的事实呢?# itsuxxxx。
如果你想找个人和伊冯谈谈,我已经一路去了(没有意识到),然后一路回来了。我还发现了一些东西,可以让你迅速摆脱它(希望如此)。现在,每当我在互联网上遇到它,我就会随意发起一场小讨伐。NT (a t) ntech.org.uk
谢谢尼克,你能帮帮我吗?而且tell me what you've found that snaps you out of it.I can't take much more of this illness. I havnt got a life because of it.
嗨,伊丽莎白,我刚刚开始了解精神分裂症。我一直在和一个很棒的男人约会,他愿意为我移山倒海。在我经历一场可怕的离婚时,他一直支持着我,在过去的一年半里,他是我的支柱。他每月打一次针,只是有点焦虑。在一次家庭烧烤聚会和重新粉刷门廊和浴室之后,他变得有点奇怪。我有两个孩子,我们打点东西去他家,结果他说我不舒服,别来。我很生气,说好吧,回家吧。我收到一条短信说你影响了我所有的健康我不能继续我们的关系了。然后他一个多星期都没和我说话,当他终于和我说话时,他说我爱我想念,我们计划去喝咖啡,但在他参加了另一个家庭烧烤后,我再次收到一封邮件说我不能再发短信或邮件了,我需要拿我的东西…所以我现在不再按他的要求和他说话了。我很担心他,不知道下一步该怎么做。你有什么想法? He is a very kind soul... very odd for him.