

这并不是说愤怒不是真实的或正常的。这是。并且经常有理由。但是愤怒在主要情感之后第二。有时,这种主要情绪甚至没有被识别或实现,因为它在表面以下。想象一下一棵树,树干和树枝高高地在地面上方以及地下的根部。这些根对树有什么作用?他们喂了它,对吗?因此,想象一下树干和分支是您外面的愤怒,这是人们看到的部分。但是表面下方是愤怒的根源,加油。 If a student was walking down the hall at school and someone tripped him, he might jump up in anger ready to fight, angry. But right before that, he might have felt embarrassment. If a teenager is late for curfew and her parents have been pacing the house, when she walks in late they might argue and be mad and punish her. But right before that, they were worried. There can be any number of emotions below that surface that trigger anger, and depression is one of them.