正如我在这篇文章的标题中提到的,生日抑郁不仅仅是感到悲伤。它是一种抑郁症,影响人们在生日之前、期间或之后。根据我的经验,这就像临床抑郁症.(Tanya J. Peterson在文章中解释得很好“你能帮我理解抑郁症吗?”抑郁症解释道。“谢天谢地,它持续的时间没有那么长;生日忧郁通常会在几天或最多一周后消失。
我还以为只有我一个人呢!我刚刚“庆祝”了我49岁的生日,而且情况似乎一年比一年糟糕。我现在害怕我的生日。今年4天过去了,我还是觉得很沮丧。我开始了美好的一天,但慢慢地陷入了糟糕的情绪。就像我的生日让我觉得我对任何人都不重要。我来自一个松散的大家庭。今年我收到了他们寄来的卡片,但没有电话。连我妈都没说过。我丈夫历来也不擅长让我觉得自己很特别。 It is very obvious that any effort he does make (the minimum. I could tell you tales of yellow sticker supermarket flowers and microwave curry but I wont) is forced, not because he wants to. So I then spend the day feeling unloved and spiralling into this awful place where I just want to hide under my duvet. I hate that false jolly conversation you have to have with people who ask if you are having a nice day when actually all I want to do is cry. And I do cry, in secret in the bathroom, several times. When I go to bed its with relief that its over for anther year. Next year is my 50th and I can't stop thinking about how bad its going to be and what I can do to get out of it. I am contemplating actually faking an illness so I can turn my phone off and hide in my bed. But I know I will just feel even worse if I do. And yes, I feel like a spoilt brat. I am a grown woman but my birthday makes me feel like I am about 10 years old and the emotions I experience feel like a child's. Its truly awful and it scares me that it gets worse as the years go by. I just can't see how to fix this.
我有严重的生日抑郁症。情况一年比一年糟。我恳求人们让这一天过去吧。今天是1月17日,我59岁。在过去的几年里,在那个可怕的日子里,我经历了几件非常痛苦的事情。当我心情不好,想一个人待一天的时候,人们就会大发雷霆。事实上,一个朋友坚持认为我必须庆祝,这是我的责任。当然,我有一些古怪的朋友。即使在46岁的时候,她的举止和穿着仍然像个孩子,所以我把这归咎于她自己的个人问题,但无法说服她我真的不再关心一个小屁孩了。被过分关注只会让人尴尬。 And the singing....oh Lord help me.....how awful that is. Treat me the same everyday. Please. My birthday is mine to not celebrate as I see fit. Yours was the most realistic article I have found thus far. Thanks for not being condescending like most of the other articles I have read. Some people think they get it, but unless they suffer the affliction, they truly have no clue. Thank you for helping. This has gotten worse for a decade now. Can hardly wait for the big blow of 60..... not. Ugh ! And yes the pandemic, scamdemic, plandemic, whatever one wants to call it, has not helped. I’ve lived long enough to watch my Country falling into a cesspool of disrepair and that seems to make it worse. Now the very head of my Country is the most evil creature on earth. So it seems my birthday is always tied to the results of an election year. Or the resulting disaster thereof in this case. No wonder I’m so damned depressed. Thanks for helping me with that breakthrough. Literally.