我总是发现1月紧张的前几周,尤其是当我过渡回到工作和真实的生活。这周也不例外;我家是一团糟,所以是我的主意。盒子和节日装饰都是。和疯狂的事情我感到不知所措的时候,我让它得到这个凌乱的放在第一位。我找不到我的钥匙,我洗衣堆积,我有大量的电子邮件,需要回答我只是想躲起来。我感觉很糟糕。“我是怎么让我的生活得到这个的?”I thought.
- 问问自己这个问题:“什么小行动可以你今天感觉更有效率?”Aim for something you can do in less than 10 minutes. How would it feel to complete this?
- 慢下来。我们中的许多人纷纷通过生活,这是压力。当我们变得更注意,我们增加信心,犯更少的错误和感觉与我们正在进步。花几分钟时间思考你的生活领域,你一直冲,试着放慢脚步,更深思熟虑的。
- 降低你的期望(包括自己和他人)。没有办法我可以做任何事在我的待办事项列表,甚至如果我有助手的阿森纳。为什么?因为创造力和与他人连接来自我。
- 清理你的屏幕。关闭一些标签和清理你的收件箱。杂物在屏幕上创建内部混乱。
- 联系的人得到它。我有几个朋友感到不知所措与特定地区在他们的生活。该决议潮流是恼人的了。它可以帮助和验证与他们交谈当我感到不知所措。我经常发泄后得到更多的灵感和动力。
- 是仁慈的。自我批评不改善动机,它会导致更大的压力。你不会有动力去实现一些被自己的意思。它只是不工作。提醒自己你已经走了多远,而不是集中在你失败或者你还没有实现。成为更好的自己看看你感觉多少更有动力。
- 奖励自己。科学研究表明,当我们为自己提供正面强化,我们更有可能实现我们的目标。补充,贴纸,香甜可口,Netflix狂欢或几分钟在社交媒体方面。
- 从正确的人寻求帮助。人们想要帮助你。想想当你帮助别人,感觉好对吧?你的老板,你的医生,你的伴侣,你的治疗师,你最好的朋友都想帮助你。让人们知道你也需要一些帮助。
- 纪念你的成就。如果你终于医生的约会你一直推迟几个月或者拿起床头柜,不要急于下一个任务。给自己一个时刻沐浴在光辉的成就。
- 抓住一个伙伴。我有一个好朋友谁不判断,喜欢组织。我将带她去午餐或晚餐后她帮助我完成一些我一直推迟。
艾米丽的作者表达自己:少女指南说,你是谁。你可以访问艾米丽指导女孩的网站。你也可以找到她脸谱网,Google +和推特。
我父亲不支持环但他真的想要接近他的孙子。所以,他问我和妈妈停止谈论这个话题,就让它去吧。他说:“木已成舟,没有什么我们可以做!我们需要尊重我姐姐的决定和原谅她的错误。”A week has passed since the baby's surgery, my desire to get involved with organizations that speak against child circumcision has not changed. As soon as I complete my research on the topic, I will describe my nephew's experience in a blog. Hopefully, my words will encourage a mother to fight for her newborn's physical and emotional wellbeing.
在过去的一年里,我一直致力于以下主张:“我会尊重他人的决定。”I am having a real difficult time sticking to it. As undergrads, my sister and I learned about child mutilation and strongly opposed it. As soon as she married a Christian man whose father is a Muslim, she approved to get her son a circumcision. She is the type of person who cries when she sees a needle, does not have a tattoo, or uncommon piercings. So, I don't understand how she could have inflicted pain on a child that she just gave birth to. The baby has been shaking and crying nonstop. I just don't understand why her maternal instincts did not kick in. I don't understand why she did not listen to her family. I don't understand why she did not stick to her values. I am mad and dissapointed with her. I feel guilty and torned inside because I feel like I did not do enough to help my nephew. I feel like I failed to protect children's rights. I did not want to meddle in my sister's marriage so I passively stated my opposition to the circumcision. Normally, that is not my personality. I honestly thought that they would not go through with it! Does she have low self-esteem issues? Does my sister and her husband have low self-esteem issues? He is an educated man. It's the twenty-first centurty! We live in America. Why did he submit to his father's peer pressure? Having matching penises does not make him more manly or a better father. More than ever, I feel like getting involved in organizations that speak against child circumcision but I also feel like I need to help my sister somehow. Any tips? Advice? or should I simmer down?
嗨梅赛德斯- - -我认为你有激情,太棒了。有组织你感兴趣的工作吗?也开始一个博客或接触网站,可以使用一个作家可能有助于分享你的真实和有用的建议。记住你所做的最好的,有时人们不做我们想但你所做的一切你可以!