也许我们所爱的人不理解我们,因为我们不需要告诉他们。边界往往是非常敏感的人可以接别人的情感需求,所以我们预计其他人应该能够为我们做同样的事情。我们可能都听到有人对我们说,“我不是一个读心者”。So let's speak up and tell people when we are hurting and need support (与别人谈论你的精神疾病)。
诚实有时会感到脆弱和可怕的。练习说真话你爱人的感觉。使特定的请求,而不是操纵评论。永远记住,当你做一个请求的人,那个人的选择说“是”或“不”。If one person can't meet your need, try not to take it personally, and ask someone else. Honesty versus manipulation in borderline personality disorder may be a lifelong lesson for me, and I assume it is something that most everyone struggles with from time to time. Hang in there, everyone. We can do this.
刘易斯,l .(2016年8月24日)。边缘型人格障碍,操纵与诚实,HealthyPlace。检索2022年7月22日从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/borderline/2016/08/borderline-personality-disorder-manipulation-vs-honesty
我们不是成年人——情感。那些没有得到最好的帮助。我去过4治疗师,仍然没有从他们(他们没有专门处理桶),从论坛这样和我有什么桶工作簿。因此,尽管它仍然是我们的责任…你会说相同的身体疾病,需要帮助的人喜欢思考一个不会照顾自己的人身体…这还算是他们的责任去做正常人做什么?是吗?但是他们真的能做到吗?没有…我们做我们能做的最好的! ! !请理解,请
谢谢你带这样一个同情这一问题的方法。似乎很多人误解的边缘性行为,恶意或故意操纵,但很多时间是习得行为,无意识,或两者兼而有之。与桶很容易贬低别人,但我认为重要的是要认识到操纵条纹为什么可以出现:这是因为我们太害怕被关闭说实话和脆弱。我们不感到安全或足够安全的关系来表达我们的感情坦率地说,我们不断伤害,不敢说它或寻求帮助。我们躺下“测试”发现如果人们足够安全对我们说实话,他们不可避免的失败,我们假设他们不爱我们,不会接受我们寻求帮助。这实际上很少。和太多的疼痛会消失如果我们可以真正看到为我们爱的人,他们真的想帮助,他们会完全过来帮助清洁!他们将在下周某个时候完全出去;他们会完全给你安慰你。花了很多的治疗和支持,但事实上,很多人都不让我心碎。 And the fact we're called evil for it breaks my heart worse. We just never learned what it's like to feel loved. We don't know how to ask for help.
所以我觉得我是一个很好的销售人员。边缘的收拾很容易融入他人的情绪状态,像变色龙一样,一个极端empath。有时我不想要,因为当我确确实实地操控我的情绪或责备我的,告诉我我是操纵,或戏剧女王或疯狂,然后避开我,完美的意义我将伤害,尤其是当边缘型人格非常敏感的人。我发现这篇文章很好,我可以找到一些很好的建议。我的治疗师刚的决心,告诉我后我可能不是。记住,我注意到bordline人格在成年人的压力。当一个人遭受与边缘情感痛苦的情况下,你绝对应该期望操纵和幼稚的戏剧表现出来。我对医生说了一些疯狂的事,然后让道歉我的言语和行为。我想知道我应该继续做,或诚实的面对他,这是冲动行为,我行为认知控制和情绪。这很有道理。 I am hurting right now, my dad passed away and tomorrow is his funeral and I don't have any other immediate family members left. I do need support, but noon wants the negativity especially when I am acting out, anxious and many other factors. I want to be normal. I don't feel normal like the others. What is notmal right now, I am confused? Even when I am supposed to be happy and things are safe and okay, I still have the what if scenario, sabotage every good thing that happens in my life and look at the negativity that may happen. As if I expect it ! It's uncomfortable state of mind, especially when I am single and don't have Noone remind me that it's Okey, be supportive until the storm passes away.it's difficult for a borderline person to control oneself to begin with. It takes an immense cognitive power and learn skills again their own ways of coping and reacting all their life. So if a person who may exhibit borderline symptoms, had lived through extreme traumatic experiences and had learned no coping skills, expect that at time of turmoil they need extra support or they will turn to unhealthy behavior such as sex, alcohol and drama and sabotage and manipulate and denile or even suicide thoughts and attempts. I hope what I wrote makes sense because I am writing trying to process my own emotional state right now before my dad's funeral.
你听起来很无知和无礼。我有桶和知道很多疾病。你知道“操纵的定义是一个深思熟虑的思考过程。不是行为,而是思想。认知、精明巧妙的…。规划,并展开一个计划,一个想法,这个想法现实。”?操作是一个反应,而不是一个反应。操作被定义为一个思考过程,而不是一个行为过程。只是产品的行为。这反应的产物,一种pseudo-manipulation通常与边缘型人格激活当个体感知即将毁灭,灾难和被抛弃。 This hypersensitivity may stir up tremendous anxiety and helplessness. Most people with a borderline personality have not successfully moved though their early developmental stages and are fixated usually around 2 to 4 years of age. Impulsivity is a prominent behavior that is often misinterpreted as manipulation. A person with borderline personality may experience anxiety as helplessness since she cannot equate her notions to an adult on an equal level. In other words, the sufferer of BPD 'is in maddening, excruciating emotional pain and confusion.' Many psychiatrists portrays helplessness especially well since time becomes narrowed and pressured giving a sense of urgency to resolve the pain. This sets into motion a reactive reflex (pseudo-manipulation) to ward off anxiety with often-destructive consequences. These destructive measures amount to job loss or relationship failure due to poor strategies to resolve antithetical troubles, hardly an artful and shrewd manipulation of a mastermind. Also, many psychiatrists have a particular dislike for the word "manipulative" as commonly applied to these patients [borderline]. They point out that this implies that they are skilled at managing other people, when it is precisely the opposite that is true. Also, the fact that a person may feel manipulated does not necessarily imply that this was the intention of someone with BPD; It is more probable that the patient did not have the skills to deal with the situation more effectively. Rather than viewing themselves [individuals with borderline personality disorder] as someone who is attempting to manipulate, is attention-seeking, or is sabotaging treatment, individuals with borderline personality disorder learn to view themselves as driven by the disorder to seek relief from a painful illness through desperate behaviors which are reinforced by negative and distorted thinking. "A borderline personality has the ability to manipulate, however; it is not the principal process of artful cognition that leads to borderline-style behavior. If we are going to use the term ‘behavior’ then it is more parallel to defensive behavior. Most of the time a borderline adapts to defensive behavior rather than manipulative behavior. People with BPD have emotional reactions, or behaviors that are blunt, clumsy and ineffective efforts to have the BPD's needs met. There is an immense differentiation between primitive borderline defense mechanisms and skillful manipulation, the product of each, which is behavior." It is helpful to consider that often times a person that has borderline personality is a ‘mixed bag’ since co-morbidity traits in patients with borderline personality disorder is high. However, if borderline personality disorder is the principle personality structure, chances are they are poor manipulators. Manipulation is a deliberate and artful thought process, which is not a common trait found in the borderline personality. The borderline personality defense is closer a Reactive Defense Mechanism that operates as a knee-jerk retort flung into motion from a low threshold of impulsivity. Identifying the difference between manipulation and reaction to painful stimuli can help ameliorate the therapeutic stance.
迈克,一个桶的操作只是认为是钝的,笨拙的,无效的,因为它不工作在自重的人类……要理解一个桶的真正动机,就问简单的问题,“如果他们操纵有效?”Then the BPD would be sadistically *Gleeful* that they're in *control* of others....long story short, BPD's treat others as Material Objects (simply a means to an end), rather than Spiritual Subjects (important Ends in and of themselves).....it's extremely hard for me to feel sympathy for BPD's, when it's precisely the BPD's who leave behind a trail/pattern of destructive/wrecked/failed relationships...and remember, BPD is simply a "statistical label", and shouldn't be used as an excuse for adults not to take responsibility for their behavior.
最后,我怎么敢? ? ?需要什么+甚至要求吗? ? ?