当我第一次开始嗜,我怕搜索和无所畏惧的道德库存。但我知道我的怨恨都造成了我酗酒。和恐惧,当我们说大家面前,可以代表“忘记一切和运行,”或“面对一切和恢复。”I had to choose between my anger and fear and my sobriety. I chose to keep going to meetings and to keep working with my sponsor, even though I didn't feel like it. When it came time to list my resentments, I did so. I worked the program of recovery even when I wasn't sure it would work--and now, I wholeheartedly believe that it does work. At the end of every meeting we say: "Keep coming back; it works if you work it." And it's true--it does work if you work it, even when you don't feel like working it.
- 这是值得我清醒吗?
- 有什么我能做什么?
虽然我参加一个门诺派教堂和我的信仰对我意义重大,我经常感觉接近不可知论。当我第一次开始嗜,我是愤世嫉俗的对任何提到一个更高的权力和敌视“这一切上帝说话。”My spirituality was virtually non-existent. If this is you, I encourage you to read the chapter to the agnostic and come up with a Higher Power of your own understanding--for example, the group could be your Higher Power.
奥伯格,b .(2014年3月26日)。反思一年的清醒,HealthyPlace。检索2023年1月21日从//www.5wetown.com/blogs/borderline/2014/03/reflections-on-one-year-of-sobriety
PS,最近我一个人知道,有24年AA的清醒,是一个很好的正直的成员,并帮助大量的年轻人在AA。的人有很多的会议,和真正的帮助。一个酒鬼中恢复过来。可爱的男人。在24年,他把塑料袋放在他的头,系带他不能下车,和房间。妻子后来告诉大家发生了什么。自己疼痛的关系,导致成瘾行为的关系,慢慢恶化,尽管他酗酒康复。和他没有名字,因此找不到治愈的病。(精神病学专业会称他为“人格障碍”,因为他有这样的行为。麻烦的是,他是“真正的瘾君子”就像“真正的酒鬼”大的书。 Understanding, and love of can't, self,knowledge, a devoted wife-all these could not fix him. Even a great recovery from alcoholism could not stop the slowly increasing relationship,based longing / dis-ease inside of him from becoming ultimately unbearable). Hm.. . Chow.
我知道很多人在AA和NA“麻烦的人际关系”。但我知道,他们中的一些人也爱上瘾(这是一个包罗万象的术语对于那些沉迷在他们的情绪/或性行为)。和这些人当其他的事情。大多数酗酒者不会在他们的关系中行为迹象没有朋友家人或爱人。但性/或爱情成瘾者是另一个整个联盟。我看过3自杀的人清醒的鼓,但是爱情成瘾的人/成瘾持续的关系。这就是个人。而且我个人知道几个人试图自杀,因为不断的痛苦,但谁幸存下来,加入了性与爱情成瘾者互助协会。所有BPD的东西我认为值得考虑——是它有可能没完没了地讨论极大地不同表现的桶,和控制他们最好的一个。精子形成的方法我们可以发现如果自己是设备AA“酒鬼”,或者如果一个已经抽油,已成为——真正的瘾君子。 It's good to know that this is a course of investigation that's availably,and to know that there is a book by real addicts that one can ease go see if they identify with the real addicts or not. The reason I believe that it is good that there is a shortcut to find out if one has in fact crossed this line, is this:- beside the 'rwal scenic never regains control', and for them, using self-knowlege about thier drinking, discussing thier childhood/ (wrongly) attributing thier drinking to something outside of themselves (like thus 'triggers' misinformation)/ staying physically away from liquor/using willpower/wishing to be moral or applying philosophies to stop themselves drinking/etc, etc, etc- will FAIL. For they have any internal 'disease of perception' (Big Book), and no human power, including themselves, the 'right' man or partner, counselors, love of familiar friends, knowledge, spiritual reading, or even the punishment of police or terrible suffering from the drinking itself-none of these things will stop them drinking permanently, not cure them lg alcoholism. It is a disease about being spiritually blocked-inside. Nothing intellectual, no love from outside, no goals, ,can fix it. Whereas most if the things I just mentioned that applies often attempt to treat thier alcoholism with, DO work for the heavy drinker. And, in just the same way, the real relationships addicts cannot get free from applying those same things-all the will in the world/srlf-knowledge/loving partners/ counselors/ pulls/etc etc. but the person with some BPD behaviours who has not gone that far, CAN apply human means to change themselves. Thus is why I niece it is important for people to know there's a fellowship and the Big Book and the SLAA handbook around, so they can read Step 1 and 2 in them, and the personal stories in the back of the SLAA handbook, and see if they relate. Many Pepe battle on half-alive for ever, and other commit suicide (and even nursery eventually, from attempting to apply lighter measures to thier BOB behaviours. I do not know which type you are, my friend. I figured that, as you understand you are alcoholic, the knowledge that there are people who've entered the 'realm from where there is no return through human aid' in regards to relationships behaviours, would be interesting to you. I understand it may not spy. Also , you may meet friends in AA who have crossed this line, as you trudge along in AA. There are many there. All the best to you, yours sincerely, Sooza
你知道,并不是所有的酗酒者需要AA。只有那些有永久名单香葱drink-bed它的力量。相同的人格障碍的行为。有些人因为某种原因没有越过这条线。这些人可以讨论他们的问题,我。nderstand它们,并使用自我认识和新信息。然后他们可以使用他们的意志力来新的健康行为适用于他们的生活。这些人没有上瘾的疾病。嘿,可以为他们的行为负责。并把他们的袜子。 just like heavy drinkers, who can, once they understand thier situation, stop or moderate. But like Bill Wilson says, in the chapter of the Big Book called Bills Story: ..."Surely this was the answer, self-knowledge! But it was not, for the day came when I frank again!". In the same way, a person can find out if they seethe equivalent to this,but in relationships. They can do so by the following : making a decision to forever behave differently-(in AA , to 'quit entirely'), they can learn all about themselves,get insight, learn about thier so-called 'triggers', discuss thier childhood and etc etc, they can avoid certain people. Etc. Etc. And if these things work, they will find they not (to paraphrase and borrow from the Big Book again), that they have not ..'become relationship addicts, crushed by a self-imposed crisis...'. But if self-knkwledge, ideas, trying to be moral and thus Tamil.g responsibility for thier bad BPD behaviour to self and others-FAILS over a period of time-well, these people may find they have become real addicts, and have 'lost the power to choose' whether they will act out or not. They have a progressive illness. And they find, upon investigation, that the latest troubling relationships they've been in pain over, are only the latest, in a long line of such experiences- they have been acting out a pattern for years. Just like a drinker who has been on a bad drinking binge as is now suffering, is not necessarily of course, any alcoholics! Of course not. Alcohol-addicts (alcoholics) are people in whom the current drinking dramas are only the most recent dramas in series of past ones. It's been going on a long time
Oops-pressed发送为时过早。写一个电话是很棘手的。无论如何,有一种方法来简化桶上的所有复杂的思考(或任何其他人格障碍——事实上,他们甚至不进入iall,以完全相同的方式AA并没有真正去对一个人是否喜欢啤酒,威士忌,等等——不重要。在AA什么是重要的,因为你会知道——是任何愚蠢控制或停止使用酒精。性与爱情成瘾者知道他们指出最重要的一个重要他人用作药物,和无法控制或他们的行为。换句话说,引用AA大的书:“. .失去了选择的力量是否会分享他们自己的版本的破坏性行为(s)的关系。如你所知,(从大的书)是有区别的“酒鬼”和“真正的酒鬼”。有权选择停止或温和的酒鬼,区别。真正的酒鬼已经失去了权力,即是无能为力。 The drama and war stories, or what kind of alcohol they liked isn't the bid deal- not does it prove alcoholism. Yoga know this no doubt. Well, some people have the 'behaviors' described as 'BPD' behaviours. Interestingly, -and just as with the alcoholic- there are people who have the 'habit bad enough' (big book), but who, can stop or moderate if 'her warning of a doctor or loved int'l is out on them. However, there are others, that no matter the consequences, cannot stop thier borderline (or other) behaviours. They have somehow crossed the invisible, but very real, line-and have become real addicts- just like the real alcoholic, who has now: 'placed himself beyond human aid'. No human power- that of course as you know means thier own will- -can relieve them from thier addiction. There hope must therefore, by default, 'come from a higher power' (big boom again). Those in that fellowship use the 'Sex and Love Addicts' handbook of the 12 steps, and the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, as thier guides. And they work the 12 steps in exactly the same way. It is hard but simple. One identifies thier own,addictive behaviours (and we all have our own special versions)- abstains from them, them,works the rest of the 12 steps to bring into thier being the spiritual awakening that means,the life force will be flowing into them from within, and therefore they will not crave to sick it out of other people.