

欢迎来到HealthyPlace TV!我叫乔什,是这个节目的制片人。我们打算讲述精神疾病患者的个人生活故事。我们的目标是让其他面临类似挑战的人知道,在感受和经历方面,他们并不孤单。每周,我们都会讨论心理健康的不同方面。我们的主持人将与人们谈论他们的经历,他们是如何应对的,以及什么适合他们,什么不适合他们。我们的联合主持人和HealthyPlace.com的医疗总监哈里·克罗夫特博士将提供关于这一主题的见解和专业知识。在节目的后半部分,我们将向观众们敞开大门。在这个环节中,你可以问克罗夫特医生任何你想问的关于心理健康的私人问题。我可以向你保证,克罗夫特医生会给你一个简单明了的答案。 Want to Participate or Be A Guest? At the first of each month, I'll be posting a list of the topics we'll be discussing. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, drop me an email (producer AT healthyplace.com) and put "I want to be a guest" in the subject line. Tell me which show topic you're interested in plus a bit about yourself and why you think your story would be a compelling one. We interview all our guests remotely, so of course, you must have a webcam.





是的,我也失去了一切!我已经学会了为东西设置指定的位置,我正试着教我的孩子们,他们是初露头角的多动症患者,为东西设置特定的位置。我们主要的东西是脚趾甲剪,钥匙,电话,胶带和剪刀,笔记本和钢笔,刷子和梳子,手机充电器,甚至他们的chromebook !另外,关于护照也很有趣....两年来,我丈夫一直在告诉我,我需要去拿护照,这样我们就可以去旅行,每次我想到要专程去邮局申请护照时,我的焦虑就会飙升,我会编造一百万个借口,为什么那天我没有时间!!WHYYYY ? ? ! !我现在可能正坐在一个美丽的小岛上?我未经治疗的多动症是严重的!
我在想办法去哪里举报我父母。我有大量的视频证据证明,他们不仅在言语上辱骂我,还因为我患有抑郁症而对我进行身体上的攻击。从高中开始,我就因为严重的自杀意念、严重的抑郁、失眠而住过几次院,基本上我应该在21岁的时候死于吸毒过量。我的父母让我照顾患有痴呆症的奶奶,他们对她也很不好。他们不停地对我们俩大喊大叫,威胁说如果我搞砸了,不给他们做晚饭,就把我扔到街上。我做饭、打扫卫生、维护院子,但这些对他们来说永远不够好。我总是一个“毫无价值的失败者”,他们总是让我觉得我很可怜。我怎么去寻求真正的帮助,因为他们要杀了我。我太累了。一直都是。 Nothing I ever do is ever good enough for them and I’m just a huge failure. As I’m writing this my sperm donor of a father just said “you can’t even cook pizza right, idiot”
昨天下午我在市中心遇见了我的姐妹和她们的朋友。我们吃了午餐,不过我只吃了两口,因为我不是很饿,不过我当时是空腹的。我喝了一杯很浓的玛格丽塔酒,然后喝了一杯。我喝得酩酊大醉,感觉很好,然后我离开了他们,走到街对面的啤酒厂去见我男朋友和他的朋友。我在我们去的每个啤酒厂都喝了一杯啤酒,而且愚蠢地点了酒精含量最高的啤酒。最后我喝了3到4瓶啤酒,每种啤酒的酒精含量都在8-10%之间。现在请记住,我仍然空腹,我没有喝水,尽管我通常出去喝酒时都会喝水,再加上我不是一个很大的人,我的体重约为135-140磅。总之,在我们离开酒吧之前我就昏过去了,我男朋友也不知道我在和他见面之前喝了酒,我想我很擅长隐藏我实际上有多醉,所以他不知道我有多醉。我们是分开开车的,所以很明显,我开车去了大麻药房(因为我有我的医疗卡),他说他看到我开车,我突然转向,他试图打电话给我,但我没有接。有一次他在路上跟丢了我,我记得当时我在药房买了一支除草笔(我无法想象自己是那个给我打电话买的人)。 I don’t remember leaving but I wound up at my parents house later on in the night. According to my sisters I came in and started smoking the weed pen and then I fell over and knocked a nightstand over. When I look at what time I purchased the pen and then what time I came to at my parents house, there’s 2 hours of missing time. I think I was following the gps to get somewhere to go hang out with someone, I’m pretty sure I was driving more than I remember (thank god I didn’t get into an accident or get pulled over.) I was still pretty drunk when my memory starts to come back to me later in the night, I tried to leave their house and my dad wouldn’t let me drive, then my boyfriend came to pick me up (keep in mind I hadn’t answered any of his 15 calls all night and he didn’t know where I was,) so when I finally talked to him he was pretty pissed that I wasn’t communicating with him, but he picked me up and my family all came out to the street when I got in the car and started yelling at my boyfriend, blaming him for getting me drunk and for me almost leaving to drive to his house even though he didn’t know how drunk I was or really anything that happened with me after the bars. I had the worst hangover anxiety late last night and still kinda have one today. I called out of work because I just needed to take it easy today. That’s probably the worst drunk incident I’ve ever had or ever had people seen me have. I don’t EVER act like that drunk or not. Im very embarrassed and ashamed by my behavior and I literally never wanna drink again. I feel really dumb. Hopefully I can recover from the embarrassment soon!