

你能有一个没有?当然,你可能会失眠,但失眠和双相情感障碍是最好的朋友。最好的朋友,让我恼火的!我会杀了整整一晚上,我等不及要在早晨起床,生活的睡眠。双极的神,你在听吗? !嗯,如果他们没有,我要去睡眠专家讨论两者之间的双相情感和失眠。
一切顺利,我想我去和平双相情感生活。我的精神科护士增加了抗精神病药物在睡前和我做得更好。我觉得更稳定。我有轻微的震动,但我可以忍受,如果这意味着我能应付生活。上周我报考大学,我要开始6月1日,2010年。我兴奋和紧张都在同一时间。我必须说,我觉得现在能更好地处理压力。我现在冥想一天两次,这是惊人的控制我的压力。我听的肯定每天提醒我,我要让它。我保持积极的人生观双。 I feel like I'm about to live a peaceful bipolar life.





黎明,你觉得rubberpants babyprints或其他可爱的打印,适合于13 - 15岁的女孩穿的布尿床尿布吗?
我只是留下了一个治疗师吼我,三次告诉我,“我们(男性)可以打你(女性)。”It escalated to "We can beat you up, and there is nothing you can do about it." He knew that I had experienced domestic violence, but he continued to say these. I confronted him, asking if perhaps he had an unconscious hostility toward me, but he never gave a reason why he continued to say these things. I feel heartbroken.

我叫州许可委员会是否任何投诉提起他,想知道如果我是唯一的客户他对这种方式。他说,“我认为你有向我性欲。”I let this go on for eight years, thinking that maybe it would get better. By the time I left, I was totally re-tramatized. This man is a training analyst and prominent therapist. I just couldn't believe he was doing anything wrong until I consulted with another therapist about the hitting remarks. The new therapist considered his behavior abusive.

你好,我现在跟一个家伙D.I.D.最近,他只是告诉我。当我们第一次见面,他只告诉我,他有多动症,我们认识了彼此,去的快。下一件事我知道他是face-timing我,告诉我他随机发生的事情。我们的谈话是好的,但他们比最矮。我最初认为这可能只是与多动症和他工作时间表,因为他的工作压力很大。我是好的。但是,大约两周后我们聊了起来,他的幽灵。就像让我交付超过24小时,有时48小时。这开始发生更频繁。他当然会回来,让我知道他忙于工作。 I believed him because, I trusted that he was still interested, because I hadn't been blocked yet. Most of the time when I speak with a guy I vibe really well with, I end up getting ghosted by the guy, and usually, I wake up to me being blocked. But, with him, that wasn't the case. So I became very confused. I wasn't sure if he liked me. I constantly was overthinking, and I was very hurt. There are instances in which guys I've spoken with have kept me on the sidelines and attempted to treat me as a second option. So automatically my mind went there. So of course I was hurt, because I thought this is what that was. During these semi-long periods of no communication, I did feel lonely, but he always came back, and one day when he did, I was frustrated with him. I didn't say anything bad to him, but I was very dry at responding, and he noticed my change in behavior. I told him that I get frustrated with him sometimes and that I wasn't sure what this "relationship" even was. I told him if communicating with me was too much for him, that he could let me know, and I would understand. That's when he told me about therapy. He said, with work and therapy every day he felt like his personal life was being invaded, and that he didn't want to sacrifice anything. (our relationship) I told him he might have to and that's fine, I wanted to give him the space that he needed. But, he said, "I'm not letting that happen", that's when I asked him "How do we make sure that it doesn't" and he said "Bend the rules to my own needs" After that conversation, I was under the assumption that he was going to try harder to be more available. At the time I didn't know what it was for, but I still tried my best to be more patient with him. But I became overwhelmed with stuff going on in my own life, and I wasn't sure if we'd be a good fit anymore. I had been afraid to confront him because I didn't want to seem desperate, or annoying. But finally, those urges and that hurt overpowered my fear of confrontation, and I texted him. I asked him if he actually liked me, because I constantly felt like he didn't, I felt alone. He told me he didn't know what was wrong with him, and that he was sorry, and wished he could tell me everything that was going on with him. I told him to take his time because I didn't want to force him to communicate with me. I want him to feel comfortable enough to tell me. Yesterday, that's when he told me he had D.I.D. I googled it, and read the official definition of it, and my heart broke. Because I felt so bad for constantly bothering him about communicating. It also got me thinking about what could have possibly happened in his life to trigger him. Your mind starts to wonder you know. So it was a very emotional moment and still is. After telling me, I asked him if he thought therapy was helping (I hadn't done any further research at this moment), he said he didn't know if it was, and that one night he went to sleep and then woke up driving his car. I didn't know what to say to that, and I expressed that. Then I began to research and started reading more about D.I.D., after researching for a bit, I expressed to him that I felt like I understood him better, and he appreciated that. We haven't spoken since he told me, and to be honest I'm not sure what to say. But I do know I want things to work, but the thing is we are long-distance, and I want to get to know more about him/his alters. I want things to work out, and I want to let him know that I'm here for him. That's why I'm doing everything I can to learn about D.I.D. I haven't found many articles about long-distance relationships, and I'm a bit stuck. What can I do to let him know that I'm here for him and that I don't plan on leaving.