我遇到了一个年轻漂亮的生物。然后我跟说生物调情,是我的习惯。最后,她问我一个问题对当地政治。一个完美合理的问题,一个假设。只有一个问题,我不知道任何关于当地政治。这是因为我拒绝看新闻,因为我发现这令人沮丧的,我告诉她。她说她理解。然后我们打算去看电影。她问我选择这部电影。我选择其中一个动作悬疑片类型,然后我没有机会成为情感上激活一个愚蠢的电影。 Nope, no romantic movies on a date with me. And then we discussed the showing to see. I have to see the early show because I turn into a pumpkin at 9:00 PM. And really, I prefer to see matinees because they disrupt my sleep cycle less which disrupts my bipolar less. Poor girl, she had no idea what her flirtation had waded her into.
这个消息令人兴奋:一项研究发现,那些患有精神分裂症的认知仍有改进的空间,可以把结果。和更好的:这些结果可以实现程序的帮助下教社会和认知技能使用电脑游戏。记者昨天叫我评论之前,她完成了她的文章,当然,它也让我反思我的儿子本,以及他是如何-慢慢开始显现出更多的“成长”。One of the very first "aha moments" for me, when I finally began to learn about schizophrenia and its symptoms, came with the information that it is a "double-edged sword" of positive (added to personality) and negative (taken away from personality). I also learned, in NAMI's Family-to-Family course, about the concept of being "frozen in time" for many affected by mental illness.
昨日上午,鲍勃说一些我从未听过他说:“我要见我的医生。”(He was referring to his psychiatrist.) I asked why, and his answer was clear: "Because I can't sleep." I felt awful for him, he looked almost near tears. He's not the only one. Every morning, as we inch closer to Spring, I find it more difficult to get to sleep (and stay asleep), and more difficult to awake and rise in the morning (What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder [SAD]?).
“我并没有失败。我只是发现了10000种行不通的方法。”~ Thomas Alva Edison Having lived most of their lives with the inconsistency, unpredictability and undependability of life with ADHD, it is incredibly common for adults with ADHD to view themselves as “failures”. Because the executive function of their brain is not always fully activated, it is in fact normal for them to fail at least sometimes, if not frequently. Beginning in early adolescence, these typical failures can become a permanent obstacle to future successes for those with ADHD as it undermines their confidence and willingness to take future chances.
我最近的帖子问父母和孩子应该看到相同的精神病学家。的共识是一个响亮的“不”。(Honestly, can't you people make anything easy?) Admittedly, upon giving the situation further thought, I'd rather preserve my flawless appearance with Bob's psychiatrist and let someone else be privy to my hot-messiness. And so the search begins. (Sigh.)