

ADHD药物如Adderall, Ritalin和Concerta是否被过度诊断?作为一个成年人被诊断患有多动症的人,我有我的看法。在HealthyPlace了解更多信息。
许多研究、文章和固执己见的在线用户声称,美国过度诊断注意力缺陷/多动障碍(ADHD),导致过度依赖兴奋剂多动症药物,如安非他命和dextroamphetamine (Adderall)和盐酸哌甲酯(Ritalin)。作为一个被诊断患有多动症的成年人,我经常想,如果我被诊断患有多动症,并在,比如说,15甚至18而不是24。我可以毫无疑问地说,我的药物帮助我保持高效和专注,我希望我在学生时代就有同样的能力。





卢卡斯……令人震惊的是,我们的故事如此相似。我完全明白你的意思。这种困惑是身体上的痛苦。直到她去世很久以后,我才又能正常思考了。她做事的方式,你描述的几乎一字不差,她总是有混乱的,不可预测的,有时可怕的情绪反应。我原谅了她,满足了她对成长和心理健康的所有需求,因为她让我相信她是心理健康和心理学的捍卫者。我认为她是我见过的最真诚最有爱心的人。我们在一起度过了那么长时间的每一天,然后一切都是我。我被指控为变态,虐待狂,自恋狂。 It was the scariest most confusing time after Covid and all the stress I don’t think a lot of us realize the climate of everything out in our mental health.. it’s been the most damaging hurtful things a person has ever done To me , one after another like a nightmare I couldn’t wake up from.. even then when people were telling me she was manipulating and being unfair, abusing me and using emotional manipulation then blame shifting to put it all in me. Blame all her issues on me make me her next monster and call me crazy so she could leave and never face any of it.. years of lies and my reality just crumbled. It’s been so hard trying to come back and whenever I’m feeling strong life takes someone else away and I remember how far I’ve sunk and barely remember how it feels to be confident or feel safe and not just scared and confused.. admitting I was abused has been a challenge, they are masters at projection but they set it up for their story to fit what we narrative then tell people about you when you’re not listening. I hate all the things that are true because of what it means, I never loved a person like that or felt like I could be with someone and content forever .. she flipped it all and told me I was the weak one, I was mentally I’ll I was a burden no one ever liked me I was crazy and tortured me in the ways she promised not to always while calling me crazy and saying my reaction justified her horrible abuse and pretending to be a battered woman in the run.. I was catatonic falling over from panic attacks while she’s accusing me of hunting her down, it was insane but it was all lies and she set it up that was did what more behind the scenes to avoid ever talking communicating and used my mental health and pain like weapons after years of coddling hers. You feel sick and used everyday I do anyway it’s like I was chosen to her her practice hubby to work out the kinks and take her trauma out on. I’ve never felt so hurt or betrayed and she still insists she’s the victim .. just move on everyone believed you you ruined my life and used me for years missions accomplish! Why do they need to keep you tethered to them even after they moved on.. I deserve peace and to mourn my family and move on, but she’s adorable and a professional victim with all the money and entitlement she needs to do whatever she wants court wise. I just want my life back and to feel anything other than hurt and depressed again.. let me move on and we can just do that you know you lied and used me abused the system fine you win.. big victim for life you must be proud.. you don’t need power and control over my life for mistakes j made before we ever met you sick user.. why me? I was finally thriving and thought you were the love of my life like you promised I wanted to do all those things we talked about with you and only you.. and you used all my deepest pain to hurt me in ways you swore in everything you could never do.. why.. your life is so much more important?? Your mental health is worth destroying mine over because you claim you were abused, I doubt that’s even true anymore not how huh claim anyway blah.. I can’t even talk about I’m thanking ready to move on and heal myself but she won’t let it go