

乔安娜·斯科特·萨特怀特(Joanna Scott Satterwhite)加入HealthyPlace,撰写关于幸福生活的文章。阅读乔安娜寻求幸福和幸福的经历。





那些处理自杀威胁的人写的每一篇文章我也很熟悉。这已经变成了“做不做就完了”的场景。虽然抑郁症会引发自杀威胁,但这些威胁的接受者只剩下“我该如何处理?”和“如果我做错了怎么办?”我一直在为自己接受治疗,为自己对待正在受苦的爱人的行为而挣扎,我所做的一切努力都失败了。我被告知,我是一个“总是试图帮助”的使能者,抑郁症患者需要迈出帮助自己的第一步。当这个人对谈话治疗和/或药物治疗产生抵触时,情况就变得不可能了。一旦我抽离并设置了界限,我就会被批评不关心或故意破坏他的需要。这是一个没有双赢的局面,我害怕完全放弃我的努力,因为我害怕我爱的人可能会做出最终的选择去死,只是为了证明精神疾病是多么令人衰弱,或者可能会让我像他一样受苦,只是为了让我完全理解他的感受。我曾经让当局接走了我所爱的人,因为我收到了威胁,当晚他就从医院的精神健康部门出院了。虽然他同意了门诊治疗,但最终还是以他的选择结束了,然后这个丑陋的循环又开始了。 I firmly believe that only the person suffering can help themselves; it has to be a deep commitment to want to live and I have no problem with being the support person. But the brain is such a complex organ and I doubt mental health professionals will ever be able to prescribe a course of action that fits everyone who is suffering. And that's the crux of this who discussion b/c there is so much uncertainty. Whatever we are told to do to help a loved one is not a 1 pill fits all scenario. We are the bystanders of depression and we share common experiences as we deal with someone's suffering. But the person suffering has his own personal experiences and thoughts and getting inside their head is a tough nut to crack. Just because John Doe recovered or made the wrong choice to not live, does not mean it holds true for the rest of us hanging for a positive outcome or solutions. So reading these blogs doesn't really solve my dilemma but it is comforting to know that there are so many others out there who are also suffering with anxiety, stress and confusion as they deal with someone's depression and threats. When I hear my loved one talk about how he will end his life, my heart caves in and I'm lost with how to even reply at times. I hear comments like "I have a right to make a choice and I don't want to be in an institution or on medication. Talk therapy doesn't help and family members refuse to help me too." He is convinced that without family support therapy doesn't work but I understand why family has remained unsupportive b/c they don't want conflict within their homes. So I ask myself, are threats a ploy to manipulate or is it serious information? A suicide attempt has not been attempted after 10 yrs of hearing threats but in the back of my mind I ask if this is the year the attempt will be made and will it be successful? Admittedly, I am on the verge of calling 911 again and if I do it will be my last ditch effort to save him b/c I am so worn out mentally and emotionally. I pray we all find our ground and that the loved one we are desperately trying to help, holds on and makes the right choice/s. for a future.
我记得最年轻的时候是我3岁时被父亲性侵。这种情况持续了10年。我不记得我小时候抱过孩子,只记得虐待。它是花园贯穿了我一生的信任。你建了墙。我有很多健康问题。精神上和身体上。我精神崩溃了,又接近了几个。你被贬低了,因为我在我的关系中不是处女。我现在63岁了。 Married 43 years but its be rough. The loneliness. 2 sons the walls I had raising them. Due to fear. But they knew I loved them with all my heart. Till this day still have trouble sleeping , trusting.
我也经历着类似的事情,唯一的区别是我的女朋友在服药,她知道自己的情绪波动、情绪低落和情绪高涨。当我们开始约会的时候,我们每个人都有自己的生活,做着自己的例行公事,但随着我们越来越亲密,我们慢慢地变得相互依赖,我们开始把所有的时间都花在一起,实际上我们住在一起。起初,一切都很简单和稳定,爱和交流源源不断。然后她遇到了一个低潮,她甚至为自己的生命感到害怕,在过去的4-5周里,她继续和我在一起,我们不怎么说话,我只是照顾她的基本需求,比如食物和支持。不幸的是,我在另一个州找到了一份工作。一开始一切都很容易,我自己也没有安全感,因为我被出轨了,她很乐于帮助我,让我安心。我们继续讨论日常一整天,直到有一天她独自出去后,喝醉了,第二天她沉默像她从来没去过,没有联系,她那天晚上给我打电话,但我注意到她是不同的,我想帮助,但她只是把我推开,她继续沟通当她跟她的男性朋友说“是我跟我的X和Y朋友”我只是想让你知道。然后她继续躲着我,但我不安全的人格试图帮助她,陪在她身边,直到有一天她打电话告诉我她正在经历低谷,她很抱歉对我疏远,她需要空间,所以我给了她,根本没有联系。她还告诉我,我需要知道我不是她唯一的支持者。在那一周剩下的时间里,我们根本没有说话,直到周六我决定给她打电话,她很疏远,很安静,然后我开始交谈,但不管用,我问她是否会来看我,但她说“不,我想我不能”,然后我继续问什么时候? and she said maybe October. We hung up the call and she texted sayin " hey I am just feeling disconnected and off, and I need space right now, I am sure its just a phase, sometimes confiding to you can be draining because not everything needs to be intense, I feel like I am loosing myself to you and making my days around you I need space for now" I didn't reply, but at 3 am she told me ey wanna fall asleep on facetime tmw? I didnt reply until next day " and I just said I would like to" then on sunday she texted me and called me, we even ft for a while, she got my some stuff I needed and then we proceeded to talk about the incidents and how sometimes when shes going down to a low, she need someone she can rely on, and we she saw I was emotionally strong cuz I was worried she went even more low, I apologized for bringing my insecurities so often, I told her I was going to be better. Shes was like sometimes I need to isolate to recover and I want you to know that even if we dont talk for a week, or even a month I still love you and I want to be with you and have a family etc. she also stated that since Ive moved out she realized that all the progress she made and I made was based on each others presence, and when that was taken away she was to square 0 so she was trying to get back up but she didnt wanted to generate a codependency, because she want to figure out herself I agreed, because I need to work on me. Also she said that we dont have to call eachother all day, that its healthy we have our own routine. we agreed and we been doing that. After sunday we have barely talked. short and minimal texting but I know she talks to other people (friends)