“我们必须愿意摆脱我们的生活计划,以便有等着我们的生活。”~ Joseph Campbell I have struggled with anxiety and depression for weeks. Several mornings I stay in bed, huddled under my covers where it feels safe, until the very last possible moment. I think about the life I had before I developed anorexia. My husband and I were still together, sharing life and love, enjoying each other's company and spending time with family and friends.
上周我写了一篇关于如何尴尬可以触发清晰和多动症hyperfocus。我还写了关于创伤会引起同样的反应。这些冲击我们的系统可以提升我们大多数人到一个更高的意识状态。认为你是多么的幸运,有多动症。如果你像我一样,尴尬和hyperfocus每周发生,我对我的人生错误被我的愚蠢行为感到尴尬。但hyperfocus持续多久吗?你能通道ADHD hyperfocus向前移动你的生活和项目,或只是另一个强烈的情感体验Ohmigosh然后马上忘记你!现在iOS5可以下载吗?Clickity点击,男人!
“如果你需要脑部手术几乎总是一个好主意让更多的人参与进来。”Taz Mopula The first time I heard the term “self-medication” I laughed out loud. In searching for an analogy one thinks immediately of the old adage – the lawyer who defends himself has a fool for a client. But that’s when the stakes are low, going free or going to jail. How about when the stakes are high? Sanity versus insanity? Life versus death? Jean Paul Sartre, a very clever fellow, used to play Russian roulette because he was bored. Well, self-medication is like playing Russian roulette with one big difference, all the gun’s chambers contain live ammo. Self-medication – (the term itself is preposterous) - fits nicely into the insufferable arrogance and egotism of mania – as if to say – I can manage this little spot of bother myself with nothing more complicated than some garden-variety drugs. I remember it all too vividly – “throwing gasoline on a fire”.
昨晚,本从“匿名”会议,回家告诉我,有一个意想不到的精神疾病,讨论,(用他的话说)“大约有90%的人承认他们有一个房间。”I wanted to press for more details - you bet I did - but I've learned not to push the learning. The fact that he chose to tell me this much - without, of course, revealing names or details - seems like a good thing. Did he participate? Did he admit he has an illness, too? Did he feel supported in this group of peers? I didn't dare ask. But I did wonder.