

在虐待关系中,魔鬼似乎比魔鬼你不喜欢。我们来回在离开虐待配偶,害怕他们和未知的恐惧之间摇摆不定。这是一个微妙的平衡,尤其是当我们的合作伙伴似乎知道什么时候穿上漂亮的面具。甜蜜阶段增加了混乱和优柔寡断的虐待关系,只是我们知道什么样的魔鬼。什么样的魔鬼可以如此甜美一分钟那么恶劣的未来呢?和为什么他们的行为可以长时间然后转回怪物在毫无意义的情况下还是单词?为什么他们伤害我们?我们为什么要留下来吗?这种关系会伤害孩子?这种关系能持续吗? Should I stay to see if it gets better? Should I run and not look back? Unfortunately, I am incapable of giving you those answers. And honestly, the longer you take contemplating what those answers could be, the longer you'll be stuck with the devil you know.
我有一个三天的周末,我想是时候谈论之间的互动我经历过成人ADHD和能够放松。让我开始通过定义“放松”。This is the definition I found during my quick internet search: make or become less tense or anxious; rest or engage in an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious; cause (a limb or muscle) to become less rigid; and, straighten or partially uncurl (hair) using a chemical product. I'm going to address the first one today and the next two next week. As someone with insanely curly hair (when long) I've tried the fourth and felt no less anxious after, [insert smiley face here] so it will not be discussed.
没有什么比和你的幸福更重要。没有什么比富。没有什么是更真实。~ Deepak Chopra情商(EQ)是什么?你观察你自己的感觉和情绪以及你周围的人?你能单独的感觉和情绪,并使用你所知道的提升你的方式,思考和做什么?你的感觉和情绪唤醒或征服你的幸福?如果你说“一般般”,我们中的许多人挣扎在监视我们和他人的感受和情绪。但是,我敢打赌,你知道有人细心的和一个积极的聆听者。某人,谁能处在一个life-storm保持冷静,沉稳,emotionally-steady和做出正确的决定。 My lovely Grandmother was that way. She was very self-aware and aware of the feelings and emotions of others. No matter what the situation she stayed positive, trusted her instincts and did not get stressed or angry. Doing this well is the art of Emotional Intelligence, also affectionately known as “EQ”. It is your ability to be self-aware, manage your feelings and emotions and those of others and use it to better inform your way of being, thinking and doing.





你好。Mahevash。我最近意识到,我可能抑郁后大约一个月前可能有一年多。我已经习惯独自一人,因为我总是安静的,害羞的孩子。我没有告诉任何人,因为我认为它很愚蠢,但自2021年9月左右。我将重复的星座月多次在我的脑海里一天一年左右。我会说,“我是一个射手座”米隆一天,试着像我认识的任何射手座的等等。我希望“了解每个星座和增强个人”自从我焦虑了我大部分的生活。这好像是我收集了无穷石头如果这是有意义的。这个过程花了我很多东西。 Friendships, Jobs, Acedemic performance, mental stability, etc. For a long time, I have bullied myself and deeply regret ever doing this. I have been in a slump about my future too after I was talking to a guy from late December 2021-April 2022. He was 24 at the time and I was to turn 21 in February. I was deeply infatuated with him since he lived in a really nice apartment complex and had a nice bmw and his family was rich as well probably. He had his degree and everything and he was a district manager and at so young. I knew someone that was barely going to be my targets main manager at 30 an here he was already managing several stores at 24. I was sort of envious of him at the time. I somehow decided to change my life trajectory and choosing to be a radiologist technician then it turned to computer science instead of chasing my dream in becoming a filmmaker an author because I wanted to impress him and because of my zodiac delusion thing. He ended up choosing someone else over me, and I was in full on spiral by then. I eventually left my first wonderful job at target because I hate myself to work for a borderline abusive environment at a Paris baguette bakery. Fast forward to now. I have a 1.9 GPA. I have been fired two times from my job. I have have one friend remaining that actually wants to talk to me. I maybe have depression/anxiety. I just feel like a total mess, and I feel like it was all my fault. I do this thing where I spill out everything that I was holding in during that time period only when I feel my symptoms improve. Like now. I have been through a self-healing journey, but I know I need to talk to a therapist to fully recover before I slip back into it. I never experienced this feeling of dread and hopelessness like I did this past month. I had persistent depression in the past, but I knew there was something truly wrong with me til now. I have been reading some articles about how to cope with losing friends when depressed and I feel like they have lifted a burden off me somewhat especially in the part where you said, "They are not bad people." because I felt like I had to prove all those who hurt me in the past that I was going to be better than them when I was actually miserable inside. I can just imagine myself bowing and thanking past friends, coworkers, and infatuations for the good times and telling them that I have to go to find myself so I can love myself and be free again. (Sorry for the long essay.)

我年轻时,我就会想象到它的其他版本的自己,有了不同的人生道路上,山是我的时装设计师的角色,Kouda Kyew是我古怪的商业大亨的角色,等等。我建议从这些虚构的人,有时甚至像他们在现实生活中,但我总是意识到改变是虚构的。当我长大了,我扮演游戏越来越少,但他们最终成为我的写作的灵感!
