



~ Danny Devito ~



一个女人,生活在双相情感障碍,生动地描述了感觉轻度躁狂的躁狂。我觉得快乐汁飙升通过我的血管。我喝醉了生活!一个巨大的“高”找到了我。我诙谐,迷人,快速,健谈和冒泡的。一切都变得非常迷人和聪明的。兴奋是一个保守的说法。我想与大家分享这种感觉所以我强制叫人随机的电话,而在电脑上聊天。我叫灵媒或得到一个在线咨询,因为我知道他们可以指引我最终花费无数的美元。我有几个窗户我多任务同时打开我的电脑。我和陌生人聊天,我不需要买东西,为我的网站研究,写信等等。 Even though I am easily distracted, I can still do all of this because I'm ingenious. I spend hours on-line looking at meaningful quotations that I can connect with and perusing through my CD collection browsing for profound lyrics. Music becomes especially meaningful and touches my soul. Songs repeat over and over again in my head with fleeting swiftness, as I continue to change the CDs quickly in succession. Laughter is infectious, I crack up at everything and find humor in moronic things and I expect others to laugh with me as well. I feel seductive and sensual thinking I can take lovemaking to a new height. I'm running around my house with almost nothing on right in front of the windows. I can clean with lightening speed and get dazzling results. I have little time for sleep because I'm too absorbed with activity. At times irritability creeps in and I'm easily annoyed. I quip at small and senseless things. Eventually the mood changes and it becomes something else.

疯狂~ ~



我还没去过睡三天。我沿路嗡嗡声迹可循,得太快在方向盘后面的一辆车我没有业务驱动。我有认真激烈的争论(我不知道什么)我fiancA©(现在是我的丈夫)。我的易怒是里氏震级。我的心灵是赛车,乱七八糟的,我不明确的谈话。的压力我继续大喊大叫而不管它是否有意义。的想法我嘴里断开,没有任何理由。我说越快,我就变得越来越激动。我被周围的一切。格雷格警觉到我的行为,但不这么说。 I am screaming and yelling...he says very little. I pull over to the curb and summon him out of the car. He stares at me with bewildered tearful eyes and eventually gets out. I squeal the tires and zoom down the road, leaving him 100 blocks from home with no money to catch the bus. He walks all the way back to my house.

我今天显然认为我虽然我有点活泼的和我的思想正在加速快。航班的想法都是令人难以置信的。齿轮转动。我被周围的一切。我想我是。不,我知道。我可以承受任何我想要的。付款计划给我了!我计划去墨西哥度假。毕竟,这是我应得的。感觉非常的动画,我照片自己喝下外来酒酷棕榈树和遥远的浪漫感觉,奇妙的地方。 Xtapa/Zihuatanejo sounds perfect! The travel brochures speak to me! I impulsively book a an expensive vacation and put it on a credit card and tell my husband afterwards. He wants to please me so he agrees because he has no idea at this point what is wrong with me. The trip turns out to be a $6000.00 mess.

躁狂发作,我开始像一个强大的狂喜。一个经历某些虚张声势和提升自尊。我觉得创造力、直觉和头晕。我运行的工作12小时+天很少或根本没有睡很长一段时间,因为我有“项目”在我的脑海里。大部分睡眠最终停止。我变得更加健谈,将与几乎任何交谈。需要听到耗尽。我变得如此陶醉的几次“停电”和我的行为完全没有记忆。我记得一个情节我躁狂时,我喝过量,一架钢琴在我的营业地点(酒店),直到早上5点。有趣的是,我不弹钢琴。 I ran the risk of disturbing sleeping guests and being fired. I have spent thousands of dollars on trips, cars, clothes, etc., etc. My energy is monumental. I'm a seductress with an alluring grin. My discretion is reckless at best. I can't even keep up with all the ideas floating around in my head. This level can continue for a good period of time...then things change.

思想开始比赛越来越快;语言变成了锯齿状和断开连接。人们看着我有趣因为我不能连接我的思想我的话语。事情就会变得糟糕,因为易怒和愤怒发挥作用,有时暴力。欢乐与现实完全停止我开始失去联系因为我过程是准确的。我认为我的药物是毒药,所以我拒绝接受。偏执的事情变成可怕的想法。我的大脑迷惑我的意识,事情变得非常令人担忧。参数变得非常激烈,财产被破坏,我变得完全失控。我看到蜘蛛爬在我的脚和一个大型生物从科幻电影在我卧室的灯。 The horror of this is immense. I am entangled in my mind. The next thing I know I crash and wind up in the hospital or end up taking more pills of many colors...pretty yellow, pink, and white. My cycles are rapid most of the time.


我来了我的皮肤。我很沮丧和绝望,我受不了我不能关掉我的大脑。我有比赛的想法,我琢磨自杀。我坐在床上和许多窗户打开我的笔记本电脑多任务,眼泪汪汪地看着屏幕。我有丰富的情绪围绕在我的脑海里。我不能集中注意力,很疯狂。我有干净的在我的脑海,但我漫无目的地行走在我的房子从一个房间到另一个房间,我无法函数。我只是不能清洁。我不能睡觉,不想吃,我忙忙忙。我非常激动和急躁。我咬我的丈夫毫无理由。 Everything is completely out of whack! I'm in an emotional overload and I can't control it. I hold my hands to my ears and shake my head back and forth to try and silence my brain. The disorganization in my mind is too much to bear! I just want to escape but I am not able to. More pills or a nice trip to the fruit loop factory.


员工,h .(2008年12月17日)。朱丽叶:轻度躁狂,躁狂和混合态的感觉对我来说,HealthyPlace。检索2022年12月29日从//www.5wetown.com/bipolar-disorder/articles/what-hypomania-mania-and-mixed-state-feels-like-to-me


